Today, running a home decorating business is anything but easy. There are so many changes going on in the world, and believe it or not, that translates into a rocky market in the home decorating business industry, too. To keep up with it all, CRM Software for Home Decorating Businesses can give a whole new look to the function and design of how such a business finds leads.
The world is changing.
This is a funny statement, because the world is always changing. It’s a rule of the universe that change is abound. Yet, we fight it. And one place we tend to fight change is in our own home and business environments. Have you ever tried to talk somebody with very dated furniture and wallpaper into doing something totally contemporary? Is it even fair to try?
Maybe your Aunt’s apartment reeks of old perfume and is filled with ornaments, crystal bottles, ornate silks, and stacks of vintage magazines. You take one look at the rubble and see your vision: you’re putting laminate wood flooring in the living room, taking out the wall between the kitchen and the dining room for an open concept, ripping out that ugly old pink tile in that bathroom for a natural stone. All the furniture redone, totally new concept…
In the name of ethical home decorating, we’re going to stop you right there for several reasons:
- Your idea of the renovated apartment isn’t that original. It sounds like every other photo of a redecorated living room, sponsored by big box retailers. We’re not against contemporary design in the slightest! We’re just saying that “modern farmhouse” isn’t exactly groundbreaking anymore.
- Show a little respect! The portrait painted above of your Aunt’s apartment sounds lovely! Maybe what she needs is someone to help clean everything. Maybe she can move some stuff shuffled around (or to find another piece for the collection). However, to throw it all out, that is just disrespectful. People are catching onto design’s old game of forcing consumers to buy new when what they have is already good and fine. It gets us to spend more money in the name of keeping up with the Joneses. Help your Aunt maintain her unique style. Don’t take it away from her. It might be all she has.
- You’re wasting money and resources. Why are we replacing things that aren’t broken?
- You know, maybe this hypothetical Aunt isn’t your target client. The best way to make it as a home decorating is to align yourself with people who share your vision. If you are into retro vintage funk, you’re not going to get very far with somebody who adores open concept, clean lines, etc. CRM Software for Home Decorating Businesses can help you groom your market so that you close more contracts.
Home decorating is a career that requires people to pay attention to the tastes of their clients while maintaining the golden ratio of functionality to beauty. When you’re ready to grow your business, try CRM Software to obtain more leads. Give CRM RUNNER a FREE one-week trial.