CRM Runner allows you to see comprehensive company reports and contact information, complete sales activities and view communication records in one place so you can handle leads without any trouble.
How can CRM Runner help you manage your leads?
Lists details on all active leads
Client name, company name, address, and contact information can be listed
Indicates status of lead as well as the timeline of how long the lead has been active via color symbols
List notes and schedules specific to each lead
Assign specific employees to follow up on active leads immediately
Track sales activity across your whole team.
Getting detailed reports on sales funnel status by using filters has never been so easy.
Easily schedule calls for potential leads.
Form-to-lead features allows for automatic, immediate lead conversion to any potential customer that fills out a specific form on your website
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Setup your account
Fill in your profile details
Setup your business location
Fill in your location details
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Please note, we’ve moved away from free trials. Our pricing is determined by the number of users you select, and billing starts as soon as you subscribe.
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No Commitment. Cancel anytime at least a day before renewal date.
Plan will automatically renew until canceled.
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After your 14 day free trial you will be charged
based on the amount of users you need
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No Commitment. Cancel anytime at least a day before renewal date.
Plan will automatically renew until canceled.