All your business functions in one easy-to-use dashboard.
Get a real-time view of your daily operations, with a beautiful layout that you can customize and filter to get the data you need.
Statistics: Leads Created, Customers, Active field jobs, Active in office tasks, Online bookings, Reviews, Follow ups & Coming up meetings.
Revenue: From estimates to conversions, get your gross revenue for a specific time frame with a click of a button.
Tasks: All your staff tasks in one easy widget.
Maps/GPS: Know where your team is at all times.
Job Schedule: See all technicians' schedules for the day with one easy-to-use widget.
Banking: All your transactions like checks, cash, credit card and other payments visible on this widget, plus you can see your current bank available balance in the checking account as well as in the credit card balance.
Company goals: Plan your business goals like revenues, leads and even online bookings, and make sure your company is on target.
Courses: After you create your courses if it's for sale or to train your own staff, you can see how many people viewed/used the courses, how many quizzes/questioners they filled out, and how many certificates from your company were issued.
Employees: See all your employee's titles and communication in one widget. That will help you and your staff to easily find the right party and communicate the message easily if its through chat, email, call or even SMS.
Sales Funnel: Look at your company sales funnel from lead stage all the way to revenue for a specific time frame, to see where your company stand.
Call Metrics: If you build a call center or you have inside sales operations, you can track how many calls they made, leads created and appointments booked per sales agent.
Agent metrics: See the performance compared between the agents in your organization. Which agent got more revenue, how affective he is, and more.
Opt In: Between the different tools CRM Runner provides such as: Landing pages, online bookings, package bookings, Customized forms, and even QR codes, Now you can check which of the tools convert the most leads to the system so you can double down on the feature that works best for you.
HR: See all salaries in a glance.
Suggestion Box: The team can offer ways to improve daily processes by giving their input on things that don't work for them as they executing their job.