
In the age of WhatsApp and Telegram, we often thing of text messaging as an old and retired feature. Although people have limited the use of SMS service, they haven’t stopped checking it for application updates. Text messaging is still very widely used in marketing for many processes such as alerts, status updates, reminders, offers etc. A good CRM software should have SMS integration feature to help in automating workflows for sending personalized text messages from your business.

SMS integration can make your CRM more profitable and increase your ROI. Let’s see the various ways it can benefit your business.

Better Marketing and Customer Support

Text messaging campaigns are still considered to be one of the most effective and affordable marketing channels as it has a better reach than any other channel. Whether your potential customer has a smartphone or not, a text message reaches everyone. SMS is also very helpful for customer support as it can help you with increase your response rate, and the faster the response rate, the better is the conversion rate. SMS driven CRM generates 40% response rate as compared to just 10% for an email.

Easy transactional updates

Customers like to be updated at every stage for any transaction they make, and what better method than a text message. This will not only streamline your business process but will also keep your customers satisfied and happy. The channel of update communication will depend on the user’s preference and the nature of transaction. If it is an e-commerce site, it is advisable to give a choice of SMS update, email update or WhatsApp update. If the nature of the transaction is financial, like banking transactions, it is better to send immediate text updates.

Greetings, notifications and reminders

Customers like to be valued, and a personalized birthday or anniversary greeting will make the customer feel special and more loyal to your company. You can also remind the customer of a pending transaction or an upcoming event or send notifications on a current offer. Evidences prove that 90% of mobile users read text messages within 3 minutes of receiving them and respond in 90 seconds if necessary.

Manage all leads at one place

With SMS based conversations, your support reps do not have to jump into different platforms to manage all client and customer communications. This makes it faster and more efficient, as well as reduces the manual mistakes and misunderstandings. Even with automated responses, you just have to configure them for one channel.

Manage your team’s tasks

Assigning tasks to your team and tracking daily updates can be a stressful job. Just assigning is not enough, as you need to ensure that your team is completing them on time. Reminders play a very important role here as well. Your team might not always stay connected with the CRM software or emails, however, SMS is an easy option making the employees more responsive and productive during work.

CRM runner is an integrated CRM software which offers SMS integration to strengthen customer communication and build healthy and fruitful relationships with them. You can configure pre-set text messages to send to clients or employees and quickly respond to incoming messages. Mail us at to get more details about our platform.