
One specialty company that becomes quite popular when summer rolls around is the air conditioning installation and technician companies.  These companies install air conditioners in businesses, homes, and other locations.  Without them, we would be sweating through our summers almost everywhere we go.

As their business cycles through busier and slower times, it is important that today’s air conditioner installation and maintenance company stay ahead of the game by using an annual strategy.  If they are using CRM Software for Air Conditioner Installation and Maintenance Companies, they already have five awesome tools that will help them keep their cool year-round.

  1. GPS Location Capabilities – Having a database that knows where your team is, where your equipment is, and where your client is can be essentially to running a smooth-operating air conditioning installation and maintenance company. Your team will be able to locate team members and jobsites on a live map.  This map is even accessible in the mobile version of the CRM Software for Carpet Installation Companies.
  2. Invoices and Payment – The company needs a term to generate invoices and collect payments. CRM Software for Carpet Installation Companies has the tools to create quotations or estimates and then convert the document to an invoice.  E-signature works great for contracts and agreements that have to be signed as well.  The documents are generated automatically based on the company information, client information, and client order. You will never lose an invoice again thanks to this tool.
  3. Landing Pages – The company can make better use of the internet to make itself available to prospective customers. A landing page template helps collect information about possible clients so they can be contacted later.  This is great during slower seasons as commercial locations are more likely to consider installing and repairing AC when they do not have to run it.
  4. Chat – A chat feature keeps your team connected across the map. Your dispatch person, the owner, accounts people, and technicians can chat via the database.  This cuts down on the time required to locate one another or by having to answer emails and phone calls at the same time.  Everything is available in one place.
  5. Calendar and Schedule applications – The schedule feature shows all appointments and meetings on an at-a-glance agenda.  This makes contacting clients and moving around schedules easier than ever. Double click on a block to see details of a gig and to contact the client.  Thanks to VoIP technology, a user can actually dial the customer in the CRM Software for Carpet Installation Companies.

These tools make the work of an air conditioning maintenance and repair technician a lot easier.  To learn more about CRM Software, contact CRM RUNNER today.