A Better CRM: Which Online Client Relationship Management Software is a Good Alternative to Salesforce?
Customer relationship management systems are a necessity in the growing industries of field service. Improving customer satisfaction is critical to growth – when a business’ current customers love how a service or product makes life easier, they become loyal, returning customers. Modern consumers prefer to align with their brands of interest and will share with their friends how much they like their favorite products and services.
For business managers conducting research on CRM systems, Salesforce inevitably shows up as a search result as it is one of the most widely known CRM systems. In spite of its popularity, Salesforce is not the most user-friendly system as most often cited by even mostly satisfied customers. If one’s business requires remote oversight of field service technicians and employees, Salesforce might not be the best choice.
What exactly are CRM tools?
Customer relationship management tools bring a number of functions together to optimize efficiencies within a company. When a business manager is taken away from business development tasks to look up a hard copy file of a customer’s address or is unable to tell a customer when to expect a delivery or service employee, this is a loss. Time and money are forfeited when managers are ill-equipped to serve day-to-day functions in a way which does not require significant amounts of time and effort needed for improving business practices.
An easy-to use CRM system helps managers with varying management necessities such as receiving daily progress reports, creating employee schedules, maintaining oversight on the location of staff and inventory, keeping records and contact information for business personnel and customers, and so on. The option for mobile apps to allow managers to have essential information at their fingertips at all times.
What is an alternative to Salesforce?
Salesforce is widely considered to be overwhelming for startup or developing businesses which need to focus more on specific areas of the large online CRM system to nurture the current client base. Time, money, and resources may be lost in simply figuring out how to maximize the capabilities of the tool rather than obtaining the goal of a CRM system – increase efficiencies to generate more revenue.
CRM Runner is a great alternative to Salesforce for businesses in need of a simpler, easy to use CRM app. With four different packages with increasing levels of features, businesses only pay for what they actually need to run their daily operations more smoothly and to the satisfaction of their unique clientele. What Salesforce does not provide to field service businesses is GPS tracking.
Service teams using a simple CRM are best equipped to help grow business.
Small to medium business owners who require field staff find they are more capable of meeting their customers’ needs when they have the ability to effectively communicate. One CRM user, Alonso Herrera noted how calling all of his employees to find out where they were day after day was taxing and depleted his reserves to focus on business development.
CRM Runner allows business owners like Alonso Herrera to know where his employees are without the hassle of phoning each and every one or, even more time-consuming, having to shadow each employee to verify work quality and completion. The CRM Runner app tracks the whereabouts of people and equipment, including company-owned service vehicles, to reduce the time it takes to answer a customer requesting an ETA on his or her service technician.
CRM Runner includes features designed for service-based businesses to avoid the analysis paralysis of an enormous, sales-based online CRM system like Salesforce. Link the field service team with office management at the click of a button and communicate with team members and clients all in one CRM system. Maintain reports on how the team is performing to accurately determine the most valuable assets to the company and learn quickly who may cost the company more money to keep on the team. Cut corners in inventory with regular reports detailing what is used, most in demand, least functional, etc.
“I am glad that I took the free 30-day CRM RUNNER trial. During this period, I could feel the difference…” – Samuel Alborado
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