Mobile Car Wash and Detailing Software can take your business from zero to one hundred.
A mobile car wash is a great idea. People hate packing up the kids in the minivan just to feed cash into some old broken machine down at the local gas station. These minivan drivers would be much happier if somebody just came to them and did the work quickly, quietly, efficiently, and affordably. If you thought of a great way to invest in a business, a mobile car wash could be the trick. The tools are relatively affordable. The job takes talent, but also commitment, honesty, and responsibility. That makes it the perfect fit for the twenty-first century entrepreneur.
The business takes determination, though. Growing your client base isn’t always easy. Here are some steps to help:
- Word-of-mouth referrals. This is so important in some industries, and the mobile car wash and detailing industry is one of them. You have to have customers who love talking about you. “Oh, your car looks so clean.” – “Thanks! I got it done by my good friends at X Car Wash Mobile and Detailing Services. I’ll give you their number…” and like that, you have a new customer. Imagine the growth that can come from a good referral program.
- Email Blasts. If you don’t email your customers, they are forgetting all about you. You don’t want to blow up their inbox either, though. Customers don’t need their cars washed daily (at least the majority doesn’t), so why do companies send daily emails? Perhaps a weekly coupon or monthly newsletter makes more sense. Don’t forget about holidays. Be sure to let customers know you’re thinking of them on their birthday, for example.
- Landing pages. Today’s internet climate demands that we use our heads when trying to run a business. If we make webpages that collect prospects, we can import those contacts into a database. Then, when we send the list to our sales team, we can get calls, emails, and text message (SMS) going. That helps get us in contact.
- Mobile Car Wash and Detailing Software helps with these and more. CRM Software offers tools relating to referral programs, email messages to large distribution lists, and landing page imports to the database. If you need more customers for your business, you can use Mobile Car Wash and Detailing Software.
To go the extra mile, consider investing in Mobile Car Wash and Detailing Software with CRM RUNNER. Contact us now to give the program a test drive.