Are You Missing Out on Critical Business Insights? Explore How CRM Runner’s Visibility Feature Can Illuminate Your CRM Data!

In the fast-paced world of modern business, access to timely and relevant insights is crucial for staying ahead of the competition. Yet, many organizations struggle to extract meaningful insights from their CRM data due to limited visibility and customization options. That’s where CRM Runner’s Visibility Feature CRM comes in, empowering businesses to unlock the full potential of their CRM data and gain valuable insights that drive growth and success.

Here’s how CRM Runner’s Visibility Feature can illuminate your CRM data and revolutionize your business operations:

Personalized User Experience:

Customize the CRM platform to align with your company’s unique requirements and preferences. With the ability to tailor visibility settings, you can decide what features are visible and remove unnecessary clutter, streamlining your workflow and optimizing productivity.

Tailor-Made Layout:

Adjust the layout of the CRM platform to suit your specific needs. Whether you prefer a dashboard-centric view or a module-focused layout, CRM Runner allows you to arrange sections and modules in a way that makes the most sense for your business, enhancing usability and ease of navigation.

Efficient Feature Selection:

Activate or deactivate features as needed to focus on the tools and functionalities that are most relevant to your operations. By having the flexibility to choose which features are visible and accessible, you can streamline your workflow and eliminate distractions.

Scalability and Growth:

As your company expands and evolves, CRM Runner’s Visibility Feature ensures that your CRM platform can adapt to your changing needs. Easily activate additional features through the customization tab, supporting your growth trajectory without sacrificing usability or performance.

Brand Consistency:

Maintain brand consistency across your CRM platform by customizing its look and feel. Incorporate your company’s branding elements, such as logos, colors, and fonts, to create a cohesive and professional appearance that reflects your brand identity.

Improved User Adoption:

By tailoring the CRM platform to your company’s specific requirements and preferences, you enhance user satisfaction and increase user adoption rates. When the software feels like it was built for your company, employees are more likely to embrace and effectively utilize its capabilities, leading to greater efficiency and productivity.

In conclusion, CRM Runner’s Visibility Feature empowers businesses to shape their CRM platform according to their unique needs and preferences, unlocking the full potential of their CRM data and driving business success. With personalized user experiences, tailor-made layouts, and efficient feature selection, CRM Runner enables organizations to gain critical insights, improve efficiency, and scale with confidence. Ready to illuminate your CRM data and take your business to new heights? Explore CRM Runner’s Visibility Feature today and experience the difference firsthand.

Lleva tu Gestión de Activos al Siguiente Nivel con la Innovadora Solución de Código QR de CRM RUNNER

¿Tienes problemas para gestionar tu inventario y tus activos? ¿Te cuesta hacer un seguimiento de las garantías, los detalles de los activos y los permisos de acceso a artículos valiosos? Has llegado al lugar adecuado. Con CRM RUNNER, podrás gestionar tus activos de forma fácil, eficaz y segura.

Desbloquea el Poder de los


La gestión de activos nunca ha sido tan sencilla, gracias a la solución vanguardista de los códigos QR de CRM RUNNER. Así es como funciona:

Escanea y recupera los detalles de los activos: Con tan solo un smartphone, podrás escanear estos códigos QR para acceder a los detalles completos de los activos. Dile adiós a la introducción manual de datos y a las largas búsquedas. CRM RUNNER pone todo lo que necesitas al alcance de tu mano.

Fácil modificación de los detalles de los activos: ¿Necesita actualizar la información de los activos? No hay problema. CRM RUNNER te permite modificar los detalles de los activos sobre la marcha. Mantenga sus registros precisos y actualizados con el mínimo esfuerzo.

Notificaciones de vencimiento de garantía: ¿Te preocupa que se le pase el vencimiento de la garantía? CRM RUNNER te tiene cubierto. Reciba notificaciones puntuales como cuando la garantía de un activo este a punto de expirar, asegurándose de que nunca pierde la oportunidad de reclamarlo.

Seguridad mejorada con protección por contraseña: ¿La seguridad es primordial cuando se trata de tus activos. CRM RUNNER te permite proteger los códigos QR con contraseñas, garantizando que solo el personal autorizado puede escanearlos. Diga adiós al acceso no autorizado y a la posible manipulación indebida de los activos.

Configuración granular de permisos: Toma el control de quien puede acceder a tus activos estableciendo permisos en las pegatinas de códigos QR. Conceda acceso solo a los miembros del equipo que lo necesiten, mejorando la seguridad y la privacidad.

Pegatinas de códigos QR de tamaño ajustable: Las pegatinas de códigos QR de CRM RUNNER pueden cambiar de tamaño para adaptarse a cualquier activo.

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de CRM RUNNER para la gestión de activos?

En CRM RUNNER comprendemos el reto que supone gestionar los activos de forma eficaz. El uso de códigos QR simplifica el seguimiento de los activos, mejora la seguridad y ahorra tiempo y esfuerzo, por lo que hemos desarrollado una solución fácil de usar.

Con CRM RUNNER es posible adoptar un enfoque racionalizado, seguro y adaptable de la gestión de activos. Cámbiate ahora mismo a la gestión de activos del futuro.

¿Preparado para elevar tu gestión de activos? ¡Prueba CRM RUNNER hoy mismo!

Tu gestión de activos puede revolucionarse si aprovechas esta oportunidad. Descubre como el


De CRM RUNNER puede transformar la forma en que gestiona su inventario. Con CRM RUNNER, experimentara eficiencia, seguridad y tranquilidad.

Agiliza tu Gestión de Activos con la Función de Gestión de Activos de CRM Runner

Si estás a cargo de la gestión de los activos de tu organización, sabrás lo difícil y lento que puede ser hacer un seguimiento de todo. Afortunadamente, la función de gestión de activos de CRM Runner está aquí para hacerte la vida más fácil.

Con esta potente herramienta, podrás crear pegatinas con códigos QR y pegarlas a cualquier articulo de tu inventario. Una vez colocada la pegatina, basta con escanearla con cualquier smartphone para acceder a todos los detalles importantes sobre ese activo. A partir de ahí, podrás modificar fácilmente los detalles de los activos, establecer permisos para los miembros e incluso recibir notificaciones cuando las garantías de los activos estén a punto de caducar.

Una de las características más destacadas de la gestión de activos de CRM Runner es la posibilidad de proteger los códigos QR con contraseñas. Esto significa que solo el personal autorizado podrá escanear el código y acceder a los detalles de los activos, manteniendo tu inventario seguro y protegido de accesos no autorizados.

Otra gran característica de la Gestión de Activos de CRM Runner es la posibilidad de cambiar el tamaño de las pegatinas de los códigos QR. Esto significa que puedes adaptar fácilmente las pegatinas para que se ajusten a cualquier articulo de tu inventario, desde maquinaria de gran tamaño hasta pequeños suministros de oficina.

Resultado Final



Es una potente herramienta que puede ayudarte a agilizar tu proceso de gestión de activos y ahorrarte tiempo y recursos valiosos. Con su interfaz fácil de usar y su solido conjunto de funciones, es la solución perfecta para cualquier organización que desee controlar la gestión de su inventario.

CRM software for on-demand babysitting services

The world of on-demand babysitting is a challenging one.  Demand is rarely consistent, changes occur often, and baby-sitters may not even know where the family is before heading to their booking.  With so many employees and families to coordinate, online baby-sitting businesses can become difficult to manage.

Communication issues between the family and the sitter, the family and the coordinator, and the coordinator and the sitter can quickly ruin the business relationship.  If a sitter arrives late due to poor communication, the family is going to be upset.  If the sitter does not know where he is going, or does not have the proper family information before arriving, the sitter may be upset, too.

To best support the employees, on-demand babysitting service managers should take advantage of CRM software for on-demand babysitting services. CRM software paves the way for for quicker, easier communication, offering several advantages:

  • Open Communication: By maintaining open communication between the coordinator or manager, the family, and the sitter, everybody has a better experience.  Families can trust the sitter and the company.  The sitter arrives happy and ready-to-go, ensuring that the children under care are high-spirited and well-supervised.
  • Efficiency: Plans change, and they change often. Families may book an on-demand sitter and then suddenly have to cancel.  On the other hand, sometimes families need a last-minute sitter.  Scheduling changes can be difficult to coordinate.  However, with on-demand babysitter CRM software, this is hardly the case.  Calendars and orders can be quickly modified and updated.  Follow-up based on changes can be automated, notifying both the arranged sitter and the family of any changes.
  • Location: In a given geographical area, there are difficulties in arriving to a location if it is in an obscure place or if there is unexpected traffic.  To combat this problem, CRM Software provides GPS services.  Homes and sites can be seen in the database.  A street view shows sitters where they are going.  Mileage and expenses are easily tracked by inputting the routes into the system.
  • Privacy: A chat function within the software lets staff members communicate with one another by means of instant messaging.  This is very helpful for the off-site coordinator who needs to keep in touch with the sitters in the field.  Parents and children will not overhear these exchanges, which leads to a sense of confidentiality and professionalism for the on-demand babysitting service provider.

CRM software for on-demand babysitters and babysitting service providers offers many benefits.  Beyond those outlined, managers will enjoy automated invoicing, hassle-free follow-up, and VoIP phone service, connecting the coordinator to families by phone in the click of a button.  To serve families needs to be a priority.  With that in mind, CRM RUNNER can remove some of the stress of organization so that service providers can focus on the care of the children.

Inventory Tracking for Lactation Consultants Using CRM Software

Most lactation consultants understand the value of an up-to-date inventory.  Whereas some prefer to use old-fashioned methods, those in the modern age prefer using CRM Software for Lactation Consultants.

Inventory control is a key part of the lactation consultant industry as professionals and clients alike find themselves frustrated when an item is out of stock.  Lactation consults purchase equipment from guidebooks to breast pumps in bulk.  However, if a visit requires equipment that is not available, it can spell disaster for the mother in need.

Keep accurate inventory to avoid letting clients down.

The notebook method might work for very small businesses run by one person with just a few clients.  Yet, mathematical errors, lack up updating, or the loss of the notebook can lead to many problems down the road.

Some lactation experts use spreadsheets but these lists are not updated in real-time as a database is.  For this reason, CRM Software is recommended for lactation consultants.

CRM technology helps keep an inventory in a database.

  1. The database prints reports that indicate which items are in high demand based on recent sales. Client service will benefit as consultants will be able to confirm a product is in stock before suggesting it to their clients. More importantly, sold inventory is easily attached to a customer profile for an easy way to create and send invoices.  If a client has any concern about her order, the consultant will be able to find order and product to fix the situation with greater speed.
  2. Professionals can also set alerts. High or low inventory can demonstrate a need for a new strategy.  Low inventory means a new order is needed in the near future.  High inventory may show that the unit is not well-utilized or overpriced.  CRM technology gives lactations consultants the power to set parameters that issue notifications for these occurrences so that consultants can act appropriately.
  3. The inventory management module in CRM Software for Lactation Consultants can be easily combined with different parts of your business to increase services. It will benefit managers to take advantage of this tool so that product never goes wasted.

Building successful relationships with new parents is an important part of any birth-related business, and having proper inventory allows consultants to build a professional image.  The CRM applications for lactation consultants also allows professionals to make well-informed business decisions based on past and predicted operations.

For the busy lactation consultant, CRM software can add an element of professionalism to the business.  Beyond inventory management, this technology provides calendar functions, customer tracking, and the capacity to automate invoices.  To learn more, contact CRM RUNNER today.

Birth Photographers Use CRM Software to track a Sales Funnel

In the world of new born photography, competition means photographers need to beat out the next best photographer.  In the industry, this means building a forceful and intentional sales plan to attract clients while they are still planning their birth.  Between hospital visits, gender reveal parties, baptisms, and family visits, parents who are expecting a busy.  To stay in the game, birth photographs CRM Software to stay in touch with potential clients.

Today’s technology allows birth photographers to secure more clients using a sales funnel.  This classic business tool refers to sorting customers to categories as the move through the sales pipeline from interested client to confirmed customer.  Although many experts on the topic can outline the details in several steps, a two-step method simplifies the concept for birth photographers.

  1. Attract Potential Clients

You must entice the parents-to-be to consider your newborn photography company and build a list of possible clients.

  • Use social media, webpages, and newsletters to build a list of potential clients. Photography is a business that relies heavily on social media presence and referrals.  Keep a list of people who may be interested now or later in new born photography.
  • Create a landing page. CRM Software can use the photographer’s details to automatically build a landing page that will successfully track customers visiting a webpage. The CRM software even provides a template that can be used as a landing page. This page attracts customers and then sends interested client information to the database for later follow-up.
  • Once someone subscribes to content or request an appointment or quotation, the CRM Software largely automates the follow-up process.

CRM software for birth photographer will help move the customer along through the sales funnel.

  1. Follow-up with Potential Clients

Potential clients who are just becoming pregnant may not be ready to confirm a birth photographer at the on-set of their pregnancy journey.  However, a newborn photographer can be in contact until the parents-to-be are ready.

  • Maintain contact with current clients and ask if they will allow the business to share photographs of their children online, on social media and on the homepage. People want to see samples of the work, and showing the product offered to satisfied customers provides a sample as well as a testimonial.
  • Offer the upsell on the back end. After the shoot, once photographs have been edited, follow-up continues for the birth photographer.  Perhaps multiple angles, perspectives, and edits have been created.  The photographer should offer different packages at different prices.  Additional prints may be requested a few months after the birth.  They make great keepsakes for family members and baby books.

For any birth photographer, CRM Software can send messages in bulk by e-mail or by text message (SMS).  Additionally, a call-list can be generated for follow-up by phone.  The more contact the client has with a business, the more likely he is to move through the sales funnel to converted customer.

Consider CRM Technology for your Rental Company

Companies that offer rentals for events and parties today find themselves in a unique situation when it comes to CRM software needs.  These businesses need to maintain inventory of their product, track their inventory and staff, maintain contracts and collect signatures, and manage payments.  CRM RUNNER, the latest in CRM technology, brings all of these tasks into one central database so that your team can get things done in the office or out on the road.

Rental companies can keep an inventory of many products such as inflatable jump houses, tables, chairs, photo-booths, decorations, plants, backdrops, furniture, and more.  These items can be inventoried using CMR RUNNER.  The application provides a way to list each item separately based on serial number.  Items can also be tracked by location if they are stored in various warehouses or storefronts.  Items can be tracked using the GPS feature of software.  Even before items are delivered to the client, the route driver can verify the exact location for drop off and even see the location via street view.  That means happier customers when product arrives on time and to the right location.  The GPS capabilities means more accountability for staff as you know where they are and where your product is.

Maintaining an accurate record of your operations and finances is important for any business, but in rentals especially, it is imperative the signatures are collected in a central location in case any order needs to be reviewed and verified if a question arises about the contract.  Your team wants to be sure that the customer signed off on 40 tables before loading the truck.  CRM RUNNER stores all documents electronically and attaches the information to the client profile for easy access, by desktop computer or mobile device.  Document storage means these documents are open to those in sales, delivery, and billing.  Clients can sign these documents electronically as well.  The software even allows for quick sending through the application interface.

Simplify payment collection using CRM software.  CRM RUNNER integrates with your current finance and credit card software to process transactions directly in the application, closing the invoice and automating follow-up procedures such as receipts, surveys, and return instructions.  Invoices can be sent by email to customers and paid online, automating your payment process.  Thanks to full software integration, everything works as one to make your daily operations smoother than ever.

From client phone calls and estimates, to moving the product to the location, to collecting payment, CRM RUNNER has a solution for every part of the administration of rental businesses.  No matter what you rent, CRM RUNNER can organize it.

If you are new to using this software, then you can use our 14 days free trial or check our PRICING here.

Inventory management CRM Software

Business growth is reliant on sales enhancement. Sustainability of sales and its incremental improvement is dependent on the right tracking of every unit. This is possible by our potent tool of stock management. Our Inventory management tool creates a robust supply chain by focusing on order fulfillment and gives a complete overview of your stock items.  We offer top-shelf inventory software to optimize inventory management.

Improve Sales

  • Broaden your business horizons online using our inventory management system in multiple channels.
  • Avoid overstock by maintaining stable inventory software. Our inventory software system helps you manage serial numbers and remove stock redundancies. Inventory management software lets your correct prices in tune with supply.
  • Enhance your ROI by maintaining the right level of specificity in your stocks using inventory management software.
  • Increase customer performance by simplifying the order procedures. This ensures that customer convenience in finishing purchases.

Order Management

  • Handle orders in both offline and online with efficiency using our management system.
  • Our software helps you in the creation of purchase orders, drop shipments and backorders in a unique integrated inventory management software application.
  • Get a fast summary of sales orders through a unique dashboard. Get instant analytics on the different stages in order fulfillments like pending, packaged and delivered.

Start to finish tracking

  • You can easily track every product or batch with a serial number in your inventory. Our inventory software increases your profit margin by preventive maintenance.
  • You need stable operations and guaranteed warranty compliance to maintain top-level of production.
  • Inventory is a critical asset and consistency in stock levels id paramount in order fulfillment. Get low stock alerts using our automated alerts feature of inventory management software.

Integration of Accounting and CRM data

  • Our software allows consistent integration between CRM and customer orders. The continuous synchronization between contacts and orders create a perfect management ecosystem for financial data.
  • Our inventory management software helps you rationalize different business operation and enhance productivity from bottom to top.
  • Collect valuable data of customers to empower your enterprise by having a 360-degree perception regarding the buying patterns, order history and demographics of the customers.
  • Integration of our inventory software with the CRM Software ensures top quality for data entry and reduces the incidence of errors.

Multiple Shipping Consolidations

  • Get access to shipping rates in real-time with our inventory management software.
  • Achieve money savings in operations by making comparisons in carries in real-time
  • The shipping tasks of your enterprise are automated by the elimination of errors and following specific business rules on your orders.
  • Get post-shipment updates with our inventory software. Increase the trust factor of customers in your enterprise by keeping them in the loop line with updated tracking alerts.

Warehouse Stock management

  • Get a view on your best & low selling items by the generation of reports on inventory levels in particular warehouses.
  • Achieve the right storage functionality and regulate the actions of staff by using warehouse stock management.
  • Get complete knowledge regarding product transfer across warehouses to get real-time access to inventory movement.
  • Accomplish scalability in enterprise operation by guaranteeing trustworthy communication using our cloud-based inventory software.

Why Task management CRM software is necessary

Task management is the method of managing a particular task in the entirety of its life cycle. The various segments of planning, tracking, testing and reporting are included in task management. Achievement of goals and collaboration between individual groups is the objective of task management. Knowledge transfer, sharing of best practices and attainment of collective goals are the core focus points of task management. It can be regarded as a subset of project management which can serve as a basis for competent execution of tasks in the organization.

Why Task management software is necessary

  • Every minutia of information ranging from plans to running of tasks can be arranged in a logical order for effective tracking and completion.
  • Task tracking, the meeting of deadlines and coherent team management are the vital objectives of using task management software.
  • Delayed tasks can be course-corrected by making suitable interventions at the pinpointed source of the problem which vastly improves and refines your workflow.
  • The users of the task management software can keep themselves abreast with collaborative tools like chats, wikis and dashboards.

Task dependency

  • A task may be dependent on the outcome of another task. This interrelationship can be visualized through a Gantt chart of the task management software that sets out different parameters like task ownership, dependency class and due date.
  • You have complete control to choose the preferred dependency type as default.
  • Task management software lets you set a predefined connection between different tasks for automatic alignment with the set dates.

Task management software

Centralized management structure

Monitoring of task status and assignment to team members can be done from a unified location with easy accessibility. Email reminders and tracking of progress of individual tasks in the project can be done. Conversion of emails into related tasks is a powerful feature.


  • Segregation of tasks can be done through Milestones. This grouping will allow hitting of high-efficiency levels.
  • Milestones will enhance your evaluation ability to know when the project deliverable will be completed.

Procedure for time sheet approval

  • Time sheets and billing requests can be approved in a streamlined way.
  • Entries without approval are notified in red on the respective icon.

Sub tasks and Task reports

  • Task management software allows you to partition the parent task into sub tasks which gives a good picture of the overall progress of the project.
  • A combined view of open and finished tasks of a particular project will help you gauge the pace and quality of task progression and take corrective steps if required.

Task Updating and Remainders

  • Update your existing tasks either selectively or in whole to make priority changes and modify task ownership and transferring the task across different lists.
  • Email reminders will give complete flexibility in managing critical milestones of the project.

Operational Benefits of Task management software

  • Color codes can be employed for effective organization and assignment of tasks from a centralized structure. The centrality of decision making helps in the prioritization of tasks
  • Projects o complex nature can be broken down into multiple tasks with interrelated dependency. This aids in the coherent flow of work.
  • Your enterprise can ensure quality products to clients at decreased costs by the integration of tasks. The productivity of staff members can be enhanced by sending out periodical reminders.
  • You can assign tasks for members or contractors and get real-time notifications. This helps in setting practical goals depending on past performance metrics, monitoring of deliverable and deadline management, all of which are critical for the smooth functioning of the business.


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