Is CRM Runner’s Visibility Customization Your Gateway to Clearer Decision-Making?

With CRM Runner’s Visibility and Customization feature, you’re not just adapting to a pre-set system – you’re molding the system to fit your business like a glove. This level of customization ensures that every aspect of your CRM platform feels tailor-made for your organization, including all the necessary elements you use while excluding unnecessary features that only clutter your workflow.

Moreover, as your company grows and evolves, CRM Runner’s Visibility Customization feature grows with you. With just a few clicks, you can easily activate additional features through the customization tab, ensuring that your CRM platform remains flexible and adaptable to your changing needs. This scalability is essential for supporting your business’s growth trajectory and ensuring that your CRM system continues to meet your requirements over time.

Maintaining brand consistency is also effortless with CRM Runner. By customizing the look and feel of the platform to incorporate your company’s branding elements, such as logos, colors, and fonts, you can create a cohesive and professional appearance that reflects your brand identity. This consistency not only enhances your company’s image but also fosters trust and familiarity among your users.

Perhaps most importantly, CRM Runner’s Visibility Customization feature enhances user satisfaction and increases user adoption rates. When the software feels like it was built specifically for your company, employees are more likely to embrace and effectively utilize its capabilities. This not only boosts productivity but also drives better outcomes for your business as a whole.

In conclusion, CRM Runner’s Visibility and Customization feature is your gateway to clearer decision-making and enhanced productivity. By putting you in control of what you see and how your platform looks and feels, CRM Runner empowers you to create a personalized CRM experience that aligns perfectly with your company’s unique requirements and preferences. Say goodbye to generic CRM solutions and hello to a CRM experience that is truly tailored to you with CRM Runner’s Visibility Customization feature.


CRM Runner: Elevate Your Business with the Ultimate All-in-One Solution

In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where every second counts, having the best CRM software is not just an advantage; it’s a necessity. CRM Runner emerges as the beacon of efficiency, offering an all-encompassing CRM system that seamlessly integrates with your business processes. Let’s delve into the features that make CRM Runner the #1 Business Management Platform, a SaaS CRM System Software designed to transform your business and office management.

Your All-in-One Business Solution: Managing Complexity with Simplicity

Streamline Your Operations:

Bid farewell to the complexities of juggling multiple platforms. CRM Runner empowers you to manage your entire business operations through a single, intuitive platform. From leads to payments, office to field techs, it’s the unified solution that simplifies your workflow.

The CRM Runner Advantage: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

Designed for Growing Businesses:

Growing businesses often grapple with lead tracking, task scheduling, and day-to-day monitoring. CRM Runner is the answer – your one-stop solution for field service and office management. It’s not just a software; it’s a strategic partner in your business growth.

Customer Retention and Field Operations Focus:

CRM Runner is meticulously crafted to automate day-to-day activities, with a specific focus on customer retention and field operations. Sales, communication, scheduling, dispatch, payment – it’s all seamlessly integrated for maximum efficiency.

Why Use the CRM Runner? Key Features and Benefits

All-In-One Resource:

Integration is the key to efficiency. CRM Runner integrates all aspects of your business into a single, easy-to-use platform. Say goodbye to the hassle of managing multiple software solutions and save both time and money.

Completely Customizable:

Your business is unique, and CRM Runner understands that. Enjoy the freedom to tailor the platform to your specific needs, ensuring that it aligns perfectly with your business processes.


Get the best value for your investment. CRM Runner comes fully loaded with all features at the best price, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

Transformative Solutions: How CRM Runner Enhances Your Business

Streamline Your Business Platforms:

From the office to field techs, customers, or payments, CRM Runner communicates across all business categories, presenting you with an easy-to-understand next step of action.

Improve Customer Relationships:

Customer satisfaction is at the core of CRM Runner. Enhance your relationships with streamlined communication, efficient scheduling, and prompt follow-ups.

Monitor Daily Operations:

Stay in control with real-time monitoring of your day-to-day operations. CRM Runner gives you the tools to track progress and make informed decisions.


CRM Runner brings your favorite programs into one centralized, easy-to-use platform. Say goodbye to the hassle of switching between applications.

Tailored Solutions for Every Industry:

Whether you’re in HVAC, low voltage integration, plumbing, electrician services, home improvement, or any of the 100+ industries, CRM Runner provides solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Conclusion: Unlock the Power of CRM Runner Today!

Ready to experience the transformation? Sign up for a 14-day free trial and book a demo to witness firsthand how CRM Runner can elevate your business to new heights. Take the next step in business efficiency and excellence!

Elevate Product and Service Presentations with CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog: Close Deals Faster!

Are you leaving your clients uninspired with your sales presentations? Looking for a new way to showcase your products and services? You can now transform your sales game with CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog feature! Discover how this game-changing tool enables you to create visually stunning product and service catalogs, giving your clients an immersive experience they won’t soon forget. With CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog, you can enhance your presentations, close deals faster, and boost your sales!

  • Static Sales Presentations: Traditional presentations often fail to captivate potential clients.
  • Time-Consuming Estimations: Creating estimates during meetings can be a tedious process.
  • Limited Organization: Managing a diverse product or service portfolio can lead to confusion and inefficiency.
  • Visual Shortcomings: Lacking visually engaging materials can hinder your ability to impress and persuade clients.
  • Payment Delays: Delayed payment collection can disrupt cash flow and business operations.

Why Use CRM Runner for Digital Catalogs?

  • Sales Enhancement: CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog empowers you to sell more products or services effectively.
  • Visual Showcase: Create stunning digital catalogs for in-person client presentations.
  • Quick Estimations: Clicking on catalog items generates estimates on the spot, making it easy to close deals or send for client approval.
  • Organized Categories: Create and manage categories and subcategories for seamless product or service organization.
  • Visual Appeal: Upload images for each product or service, ensuring visually engaging presentations.
  • Package Estimates: Easily create package estimates when products or services are selected.
  • Seamless Conversion: Convert all estimates into invoices for smooth payment processing.
  • On-the-Go Payments: Collect payments instantly during client meetings.

How CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog Empowers Your Sales Process:

  • Dynamic Sales Presentations: Impress clients with visually rich digital catalogs, ensuring a compelling and memorable experience.
  • Effortless Estimations: Generate estimates instantly during meetings, facilitating quick deal closure or client approval.
  • Efficient Organization: Categorize your products and services into logical structures, eliminating confusion and streamlining your operations.
  • Visual Impact: Visuals matter, and the ability to upload images for your offerings adds an extra layer of professionalism to your presentations.
  • Package Flexibility: Create package estimates on the fly, allowing clients to choose the solutions that suit them best.
  • Smooth Transactions: Convert estimates into invoices with ease, ensuring prompt and hassle-free payments.
  • Instant Payments: Collect payments on the go, preventing delays and maintaining a healthy cash flow.
  • Elevate your sales presentations with CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog. Close deals faster and create memorable client interactions that drive success!

Discover CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog Feature

CRM Runner transforms your sales approach and boosts your business. In today’s competitive market, it’s time to sell more, close faster, and thrive!

¿Buscas una Función de Catálogo Digital Interactivo en tu CRM? Descubre la Solución Dinámica de CRM Runner para Mostrar y Gestionar Productos sin Esfuerzo.

¿Tu sistema CRM dificulta la presentación y gestión eficaz de tus productos? Ofrecer a tus clientes una experiencia interactiva y fluida puede ser todo un reto. No busques más. CRM Runner, la solución integral de un


Para el servicio de campo y la gestión de oficinas, ofrece una innovadora función de catalogo digital que puede transformar la forma de mostrar y gestionar tus productos.

Los catálogos digitales ya están disponibles con CRM Runner

Podrás presentar tus productos de forma visualmente atractiva e interactiva con la función de catalogo digital de CRM Runner integrada en su CRM. Con esta solución dinámica, podrás cautivar a tus clientes, agilizar la gestión de productos y mejorar la experiencia general de ventas.

Agiliza la presentación y gestión de productos

Con la función de catalogo digital de CRM Runner podrás agilizar tus procesos de gestión y presentación de productos:

Presentaciones Visuales Atractivas: Dile adiós a las listas y folletos estáticos de productos. Con la función de catálogo digital de CRM Runner, podrás crear presentaciones visualmente impresionantes que muestren tus productos en alta resolución, acompañados de descripciones y especificaciones detalladas. Esta experiencia inmersiva capta la atención de tus clientes y aumenta tu compromiso.

Funciones Interactivas: Lleva tu escaparate de productos al siguiente nivel con elementos interactivos. La función de catalogo digital de CRM Runner te permite incorporar funciones interactivas como el zoom de imágenes, videos de productos, vistas de 360 grados y zonas interactivas que proporcionan información adicional o enlaces a productos relacionados. Estas funciones mejoran el compromiso de los clientes y les ayudan a tomar decisiones de compra informadas.

Plantillas de Catálogos Personalizables: Adapta tu catálogo digital para que coincida con tu marca y estilo. CRM Runner proporciona plantillas de catálogos personalizables, lo que te permite crear un catálogo coherente y visualmente atractivo que se alinea con tu identidad de marca.

Actualizaciones y Mantenimiento sin Esfuerzo: La gestión de la información de los productos se convierte en una tarea sencilla gracias a la función de catálogo digital de CRM Runner. Podrás actualizar fácilmente los detalles de los productos, añadir nuevos artículos o eliminar productos descatalogados, asegurándote de que tu catalogo esté siempre actualizado. Esto ahorra tiempo y garantiza que tus clientes reciban información precisa.

Integración Perfecta con un CRM: La función de catalogo digital de CRM Runner se integra perfectamente con tu sistema CRM. Esta integración te permite vincular productos directamente a cuentas de clientes, oportunidades de ventas o solicitudes de servicios, proporcionando una visión completa de las interacciones con tus clientes y ayudándote a formar leads y cerrar acuerdos de forma más eficaz.

Libera el Potencial de la Función de Catálogo Digital de CRM Runner

Transforma la gestión y el escaparate de tus productos con la función de catalogo digital de CRM Runner. Esta solución dinámica mejorará la experiencia del cliente, impulsará las ventas y agilizará tu flujo de trabajo.

Explora ahora la función de catalogo digital de CRM Runner

¿Deseas mostrar tus productos bajo una nueva luz? Descubre como la función de catalogo digital de CRM Runner puede ayudarte a gestionar tus productos a la perfección. Suscríbete a una prueba gratuita de la función de catalogo digital de CRM Runner para obtener más información. Usa la completa solución de un software CRM de CRM Runner para mejorar la experiencia del cliente, simplificar la gestión de productos y aumentar las ventas.

Transforming Your Business with Custom QR Codes: CRM RUNNER’s Digital Revolution

Businesses today are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their customers and streamline their operations in a fast-paced digital world. Among these game-changing technologies is QR codes, and CRM RUNNER helps businesses harness their power.

Creating Customized QR Codes for Your Business

CRM RUNNER empowers your business to go digital with ease, and one of its standout features is the ability to create tailored QR codes. Here’s how CRM RUNNER is reshaping the way businesses use QR codes:

Effortless QR Code Generation: With CRM RUNNER, generating QR codes is a breeze. Whether you want to link customers to your website, a specific product page, or a promotional offer, you can create QR codes that serve your unique business needs.

Brand-Consistent QR Codes: Maintain a cohesive brand identity by customizing the color of your QR codes to match your branding. This attention to detail ensures that every interaction with your brand is visually consistent and memorable.

Real-time Scan Tracking: Gain valuable insights into customer engagement by tracking how many people have scanned your QR codes. CRM RUNNER provides you with real-time data, helping you refine your marketing strategies and gauge the effectiveness of your QR code campaigns.

Direct Customers to Any URL: The versatility of CRM RUNNER’s QR codes allows you to direct customers to any webpage you choose. Whether it’s your website’s homepage, a product catalog, or a landing page for a special promotion, you have the flexibility to guide your customers where you want them to go.

Personalize with Logo Integration: Elevate your brand presence further by adding your company logo to your QR codes. This not only enhances the aesthetics but also adds a professional touch, making your QR codes even more appealing to customers.

Why Choose CRM RUNNER for QR Codes?

CRM RUNNER is dedicated to helping your business thrive in the digital age. Here’s why you should choose CRM RUNNER for all your QR code needs:

User-Friendly: CRM RUNNER’s interface is designed for ease of use, making QR code creation and management accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Data-Driven Insights: Track the performance of your QR codes in real-time, allowing you to adapt and refine your marketing strategies for better results.

Brand Enhancement: Maintain brand consistency by customizing QR code colors and incorporating your logo, ensuring that every customer interaction is on-brand.

Versatility: Whether you’re promoting products, services, or events, CRM RUNNER’s QR codes offer limitless possibilities for engagement.

Step into the Digital Future with CRM RUNNER

Don’t miss out on the digital revolution that QR codes can bring to your business. Experience the convenience, versatility, and branding opportunities that CRM RUNNER offers. Visit CRM RUNNER’s QR Code Feature to take your business to new heights in the digital realm. Embrace the future with CRM RUNNER and watch your business thrive.

Ready to Transform Your Business with QR Codes? Can CRM RUNNER’s QR Code Solution Take You to the Next Level?

Are you still relying on traditional marketing methods in this digital age? What if you could bridge the gap between your business and your customers with a simple, dynamic tool? Welcome to the world of QR codes, and the game-changing QR Code solution offered by CRM RUNNER. Let’s delve into how this innovation could revolutionize your business interactions.

Unlocking Digital Success: Introducing CRM RUNNER’s QR Code Magic

In a world where digital connectivity reigns supreme, QR codes have emerged as the gateway to seamless interactions. With CRM RUNNER’s QR Code solution, your business can step into the future, transforming the way you engage with customers and boosting your brand’s visibility.

Personalized QR Codes: Direct Customers to Your Desired Webpages

Gone are the days of using generic QR codes that lead customers to generic destinations. With CRM RUNNER, you can create QR codes that send your clients exactly where you want them to go. Each QR code becomes a personalized touchpoint, enhancing user experience and driving meaningful interactions.

A Splash of Branding: Customization at Its Finest

Maintaining brand consistency has never been easier. CRM RUNNER allows you to choose the color of your QR codes to match your branding, ensuring a seamless and professional look. Your QR codes become an extension of your brand identity, making a lasting impression on anyone who scans them.

Tracking Engagement: Know Your Impact

Ever wondered how many customers are actually engaging with your QR codes? With CRM RUNNER’s solution, you can track the status of how many times your QR codes have been scanned. This valuable data empowers you to understand customer behavior and tailor your strategies accordingly.

Unleash Your Desired Destination: URLs Tailored for Success

Whether you want to direct customers to your website, a product page, a promotional offer, or any other URL, CRM RUNNER has you covered. Your QR codes become a direct link between your customers and the destination you have in mind, making interactions seamless and efficient.

Elevate with Elegance: Add Logos to Your QR Codes

Why settle for plain QR codes when you can add a touch of elegance? CRM RUNNER lets you embed your logo into the QR codes, enhancing their visual appeal. These branded QR codes not only attract attention but also elevate your business’s professional image.

Your Path to Digital Transformation Starts Here

Ready to leave traditional marketing methods behind and embrace the power of QR codes? Explore CRM RUNNER’s QR Code solution today and embark on a journey towards enhanced customer engagement, seamless interactions, and a stronger brand presence. Learn more at CRM RUNNER. The future of business interactions is here – are you ready to embrace it?

Boost Sales and Impress Clients with CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog Feature

Would you like to boost your sales and leave a lasting impression with your clients? You can take advantage of CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog feature. You’ll be able to sell more products and services with ease once you discover how it works!

Are you looking for a way to increase your sales and make your clients feel special? Get a game-changing solution with CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog.

To capture the attention of potential clients in today’s competitive market, visual presentation is essential. Your products and services can be showcased in an engaging digital format with CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog.

You can revolutionize your sales process with CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog:

Visual Product Showcase: Create captivating digital catalogs of your products and services. When you’re face-to-face with clients, visually showcase your offerings, making it easier for them to understand and appreciate what you have to offer.

Instant Estimates: Clicking on catalog products generates full estimates instantly. This means you can close deals on the spot or send the estimate to the client for approval, reducing wait times and increasing efficiency.

Organized Categories: Keep your digital catalog neat and user-friendly by creating categories and sub-categories. This helps clients quickly find the products or services they’re interested in.

Visual Appeal: Upload high-quality images for each product or service. Visuals are a powerful tool in selling, and they can help clients better understand what they’re investing in.

Package Estimates: Simplify the quoting process by creating package estimates tied to specific products or services. This streamlines your sales efforts and ensures accuracy.

Seamless Conversion: Easily convert estimates into invoices with CRM Runner. This simplifies the payment process and ensures smooth transitions from sales to billing.

Mobile Payments: Take payments on the go, making transactions convenient for both you and your clients. Secure payments enhance trust and improve the overall customer experience.

Ready to elevate your sales game and impress clients with a professional digital catalog? Explore CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog feature page here to learn more about these dynamic capabilities and start selling more efficiently and effectively.

Finally, CRM Runner’s Digital Catalog feature empowers businesses to showcase their products and services visually and efficiently. Your sales process can be streamlined with instant estimates, organized categories, high-quality visuals, and seamless payment processing. CRM Runner can enhance your client relationships and boost your sales. Don’t delay! Start now!

Unlocking the Power of QR Codes with CRM Runner: Transforming Your Business into a Digital Dynamo

Would your business benefit from embracing the digital age and increasing customer engagement? You can harness the potential of QR codes by using CRM Runner!

You’re looking for a game-changing way to digitize your business, but don’t know where to start? Find out how CRM Runner can help your business stand out in the digital age.

Interest: In today’s fast-paced business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires innovation and adaptability. QR codes have become a powerful tool for businesses to bridge the physical and digital realms. Discover how CRM Runner’s QR Code feature can empower your business.

Here’s how CRM Runner’s QR Code feature can revolutionize your business:

Customized QR Codes: With CRM Runner, you can create personalized QR codes tailored to your business needs. These codes serve as a direct link between the physical and digital aspects of your business.

Branding Consistency: Choose the color of your QR codes to match your branding and maintain a consistent visual identity across all touchpoints. This reinforces your brand’s recognition and trustworthiness.

Real-Time Analytics: Gain insights into customer engagement by checking the status of how many customers have scanned your QR codes. This data helps you refine your marketing strategies and track campaign effectiveness.

Seamless Customer Redirects: Attach any URL you desire to your QR codes, directing customers to specific webpages, promotions, or product information. This instant access enhances the customer experience.

Branded QR Codes: Elevate your QR codes by adding your company logo. This not only makes them visually appealing but also reinforces brand recognition, making your QR codes even more enticing to customers.

Do you want your business to become a digital sensation? Start your journey toward enhanced customer engagement and digital transformation by exploring CRM Runner’s QR Code feature page.

With CRM Runner’s QR Code feature, you can connect with your customers, digitize your business, and track engagement. You can leave a lasting impression by utilizing real-time analytics, creating customized QR codes, and matching branding colors. With CRM Runner, you can take your business to new digital heights. Let’s get started!

Mastering Sales Funnel Management: The CRM Runner Advantage

Optimizing your sales funnel is crucial in the ever-evolving world of sales and customer relationship management. Having a well-structured sales funnel will increase your chances of converting leads into loyal customers. You can maximize your revenue potential by streamlining your sales process with CRM Runner.

Unlocking the Power of CRM Runner’s Sales Funnel Module

At the heart of CRM Runner’s capabilities lies the Sales Funnel module, designed to provide a clear, visual representation of your sales journey. Here’s how CRM Runner is transforming the way businesses manage their sales funnels:

Visualize Your Sales Journey: A sales funnel is like a roadmap for your sales efforts, illustrating the steps required to convert prospects into paying customers. CRM Runner offers a bird’s eye view of all your leads, neatly organized according to their position in the sales funnel.

Seamless Progress Tracking: With CRM Runner, you can effortlessly track the progress of each lead as they move through the funnel. The intuitive drag-and-drop feature allows you to move leads to the appropriate stage as they advance in the sales process.

Effortless Lead Management: Updating and reviewing lead details is a breeze with CRM Runner. You have the flexibility to reschedule phone calls or meetings with leads, ensuring you never miss a critical follow-up opportunity.

Effective Team Collaboration: Communication is key in sales, and CRM Runner simplifies team collaboration. Send emails related to leads to specific team members and departments, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Customizable Assignments: Tailor CRM Runner to fit your unique workflow by customizing assignment settings. Select the department and teams responsible for specific leads, ensuring that the right people are handling the right prospects.

Real-time Notifications: Stay informed and responsive with real-time email notifications and push notifications. Receive updates whenever your leads progress through the sales funnel, enabling you to act swiftly and efficiently.

How CRM Runner Can Revolutionize Your Sales Funnel Management

CRM Runner isn’t just another CRM tool—it’s your strategic partner in optimizing your sales funnel and achieving your targets. Here’s why you should consider CRM Runner for your sales funnel management:

Clarity and Visibility: Gain a clear understanding of where each lead stands in the sales process, allowing for targeted and effective follow-ups.

Efficiency: Streamline your sales efforts with easy-to-use tools that simplify lead management and communication.

Customization: Adapt CRM Runner to your specific needs with customizable assignment settings and departmental configurations.

Real-time Insights: Make informed decisions with real-time notifications that keep you in the loop about lead progress.

CRM Runner Revolutionizes Sales Funnels

Make sure you don’t let valuable leads slip through the cracks. CRM Runner’s Sales Funnel module empowers you to manage your sales funnel. You can improve your sales process, improve efficiency, and reach your sales targets with CRM Runner’s Sales Funnel Feature. You have never had more control over your sales journey than you do with CRM Runner.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Asset Management? Is CRM RUNNER the Ultimate Solution?

Are you tired of the hassle and inefficiency of traditional asset management methods? What if there was a way to simplify the process, enhance accessibility, and secure your valuable assets? Look no further than CRM RUNNER’s innovative asset management solution. Let’s delve into the details and explore how CRM RUNNER might just be the game-changer your business needs.

Elevate Your Asset Management: Introducing CRM RUNNER

In today’s dynamic business environment, effective asset management can be the key to staying ahead of the curve. Enter CRM RUNNER, the platform that is set to redefine how you manage your assets. With a host of cutting-edge features, it’s time to explore why CRM RUNNER is generating buzz in the world of asset management.

Unveiling the Power of QR Code Stickers

Gone are the days of manual tracking and complicated spreadsheets. With CRM RUNNER, you can create QR code stickers and attach them to your assets. Whether it’s equipment, machinery, or office supplies, each QR code becomes a gateway to a world of information. But that’s just the beginning.

Access Anytime, Anywhere with Smartphone Scanning

Imagine having instant access to crucial asset details at your fingertips. With CRM RUNNER, you can! By scanning the QR code solution with any smartphone, you can retrieve asset information on the go. Need to modify asset details? No problem – it’s just a few taps away.

Stay Informed with Timely Notifications

Don’t let warranty expirations catch you off guard. CRM RUNNER has your back. Get notifications well in advance, ensuring you have ample time to take action. Prevent costly disruptions and keep your operations running smoothly with this proactive feature.

Security and Control: Your Assets in Safe Hands

Security is paramount, and CRM RUNNER understands that. Secure QR codes with passwords to restrict access to authorized personnel only. Plus, you can set different permission levels for team members, maintaining a controlled and secure environment.

Flexibility to Fit Your Needs

Every business is unique, and CRM RUNNER embraces that diversity. The size of QR code stickers is customizable, allowing you to choose what suits your requirements best. It’s this adaptability that makes CRM RUNNER a seamless fit for businesses of all sizes.

Experience the Future of Asset Management Today

Are you ready to bid farewell to cumbersome asset management methods? Explore the future with CRM RUNNER’s innovative asset management solution. Transform the way you handle your assets, streamline operations, and enhance security – all in one platform. Take the first step towards efficient asset management. Discover more at CRM RUNNER. Your assets deserve nothing less than the best.

Los Contadores Pueden Aprovechar Estas Seis Ventajas del Software CRM

El software CRM está de moda en el sector de la contabilidad. Por supuesto, los contadores nunca han sido tímidos cuando se trata de tecnología. Saben usar calculadoras. Conocen el internet. A menudo son expertos en usar hojas de cálculo, software de contabilidad como QuickBooks entre otras muchas cosas más. Se les dan bien las matemáticas porque las usan a menudo. Las sumas y restas básicas no suponen ningún reto, y los contadores saben hacer cuentas sobre el papel como nadie. Sin embargo, hay una pregunta que persiste, quizás la de un economista: ¿Es un buen uso del tiempo hacerlo todo a mano (o con muchas plataformas de software)?

La respuesta más larga es probablemente no. La respuesta corta es un rotundo “no”. Si hay una forma de hacer algo que ahorra tiempo y dinero, la ley general de los negocios es que lo hagas. Para los contadores, esta practica regla se aplica directamente al


Por supuesto, es una gran idea invertir en este software. He aquí seis razones.

  1. Contabilidad – ¿Qué hacen los contadores? Llevan los libros contables, obviamente. Dejando las bromas, este trabajo podría ser más fácil si se cambian a un sistema de software CRM. Esto podría ser de dos formas. Si eres un contador de una gran empresa que quiere facilitar las cosas, toda la empresa podría pasarse a un sistema CRM que consolide el trabajo uniendo diferentes conjuntos de datos. Si eres un empresario con la esperanza de hacer crecer tu lista de clientes o gestionar empleados, entonces este software CRM para contadores también podría ser para ti. Podrías hacer todo eso como propietario de una pequeña o mediana empresa con tu software CRM para contadores. El software mantiene los números basados en las ventas con informes fáciles de imprimir.
  2. Contactos – Tu red de contactos es importante. Tendrás proveedores, empleados y clientes. Todos reciben diferentes mensajes desde la base. Para facilitar la comunicación, tu software CRM permite enviar mensajes de voz, correo electrónico o texto (SMS).
  3. GPS – Podría resultar curioso, pero podrás llevar un negocio más eficiente si sabes donde están tus clientes. Si tienes actualizaciones de clientes o facturas por kilometraje, entonces querrás consultar el mapa. El software CRM para contadores podría ayudarte a hacer todo eso.
  4. Facturas – Ah, ¿Qué podría ser mejor para un contador que una factura pagada? El software CRM permitirá a los profesionales enviar y cobrar facturas. Estas facturas se construyen con una plantilla, lo que hace que la contabilidad sea más fácil que con otros sistemas.
  5. Agenda – ¿Cuántas reuniones tienes al día? ¿Alguna vez te pierdes alguna? Esperemos que no. Para facilitar el seguimiento de los plazos y las reuniones, usa las herramientas de agenda del software CRM.
  6. Sala de proyectos – Si tienes que reunir muchos documentos o informes, puede que te sientas abrumado recopilando y compartiendo información. La sala de proyectos realiza un seguimiento de este proceso, lo que reduce el margen de error. Lo mejor es que los documentos se puedan ver desde cualquier lugar desde el que puedas acceder al software.

Esperamos que estas seis razones hayan convencido a nuestros amigos contadores para que se interesen por el software CRM con CRM RUNNER. Estamos aquí para ayudarte.

¿Cómo Podría Ayudarte un Software CRM a Gestionar tu Cadena de Suministro?

El software de gestión de relaciones con los clientes (CRM) podría dar la impresión de que solo podría funcionar para los procesos de ventas y marketing, pero aún está por determinar el alcance real de las tareas que podrían optimizarse median la implantación de un CRM.

Todos los procesos de la cadena de suministro se han globalizado y, en consecuencia, empresas de todos los tamaños buscan soluciones de software para gestionarlos. Aunque podría parecer que un CRM no puede ser compatible con los procesos de la cadena de suministro, ya que se centra más en tareas relacionadas con los clientes, como el marketing y las ventas, no podemos negar el hecho de que el enfoque hacia estas tareas podría usarse para optimizar todos los procesos empresariales.

Profundicemos y veamos como el software CRM, que es una de las soluciones CRM más versátiles que existen, podría ayudar en la gestión de la cadena de suministro.

Ventajas de un CRM para la gestión de la cadena de suministro

Para saber como el software CRM podría ayudar en la gestión de la cadena de suministro, primero debemos entender los principios básicos de un CRM. El


Ofrece una base de datos para recopilar y almacenar datos empresariales como la información de los clientes, el historial de compras, etc. La ventaja es que se podría acceder a estos datos desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier momento para optimizar diferentes tareas de ventas y marketing. Además, el software CRM también ofrece la posibilidad de automatizar numerosas tareas, como correos electrónicos y llamadas, de modo que se consuma menos tiempo en estas tareas y los miembros pertinentes del equipo podrían centrarse en operaciones más importantes. Entonces, ¿Cómo podría esto ser útil para la cadena de suministro?

Las características mencionadas del software CRM podrían usarse para optimizar numerosos procesos de la cadena de suministro, como los requisitos de los clientes, la gestión de almacenes, pedidos de compra, gestión de inventarios, ventas y distribución, abastecimiento y gestión de recursos empresariales. El software CRM permite a los gestores de la cadena de suministro recopilar datos como las preferencias de los clientes, sus pautas de compra y los puntos de venta que visitan. Por ejemplo, a la hora de tomar decisiones importantes basadas en la cadena de suministro sobre donde enviar que suministros, que proveedores suministran los productos o servicios más demandados y cual es el rendimiento de los productos y servicios, estos datos podrían resultar importantes. El resultado es una serie de procesos más refinados y rentables en toda la cadena de suministro. Los datos y la información recopilados a través del software CRM ponen de relieve factores calves de la cadena de suministro como la elección de proveedores, la logística, que suministros tienen mayor o menos demanda y como usa el cliente los productos de la empresa a lo largo de su ciclo de vida.  El suministro podría satisfacer las demandas de los clientes de forma más eficiente cuando se sincroniza con la información de los clientes procedente de un CRM. La integración del software CRM para empresas en tu cadena de suministro podría impulsar la productividad general de tu empresa al afectar también a los siguientes factores.

Reducción de la Entrada de Datos

Usar un software CRM como plataforma única para recopilar y almacenar todos los datos de los clientes optimiza enormemente el proceso de recopilación de datos. La base de datos única elimina incoherencias y duplicados en la información almacenada, haciéndola más fiable y de fácil acceso.

Mejora de las Compras

Sincronizar el CRM con la cadena de suministro te da una idea clara de lo que quieren tus clientes y también de si el producto deseado está disponible para ellos o no. Esta información es vital para que una empresa estimule las ventas y crezca.

¿Por qué el Software CRM para la Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro?

Usar un software CRM para la gestión de la cadena de suministro podría automatizar tareas que consumen mucho tiempo, como el envió de correos electrónicos a los proveedores y la programación de importaciones y exportaciones. Esto podría agilizar enormemente el proceso de la cadena de suministro y permitir un transporte más rápido de los productos a través de la cadena de suministro.

Si quisieras mejorar todo el proceso de gestión de tu cadena de suministro, el software CRM es la solución perfecta que necesitas. Mejorará toda la cadena de suministro para garantizar que los productos más demandados lleguen a tiempo a los clientes.


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