Revolutionizing Business Management: Unveiling CRM Runner, the All-In-One SaaS Solution

In the fast-paced world of business management, the need for a comprehensive and efficient CRM system has never been more crucial. As companies strive to streamline their operations, CRM Runner emerges as a game-changer in the SaaS landscape, offering an end-to-end solution for both field service and office management. What sets CRM Runner apart is its commitment to providing users with a seamless experience, unburdened by the typical modular pricing structures found in other CRM systems.

Breaking Free from Modular Constraints

One of the standout features of CRM Runner is its departure from the conventional pay-per-module model. Unlike its competitors, CRM Runner provides users with a wealth of built-in features, eliminating the need to shell out extra for each separate module. This approach not only simplifies the user experience but also ensures that businesses can harness the full power of CRM Runner without breaking the bank.

Three Portals, Infinite Possibilities

CRM Runner introduces a triad of user accessibility through its Customer Portal, Supplier Portal, and Partner Portal. Each portal caters to specific needs, enhancing collaboration and efficiency across the entire business ecosystem.

  1. Customer Portal: Empowering Clients

The Customer Portal is a client-centric interface designed to empower users. Clients can effortlessly book services, schedule jobs with CRM Runner user companies, open tickets for communication, and approve estimates that seamlessly convert into invoices. This user-friendly portal ensures that clients have full control over their interactions with service providers.

  1. Supplier Portal: Bridging the Gap

For seamless communication between service providers and manufacturers or suppliers, CRM Runner presents the Supplier Portal. This portal facilitates real-time discussions, note-taking, and the creation of automation between service providers and suppliers. Users can generate estimates, converting them into invoices when orders are placed, and seamlessly communicate with suppliers, manufacturers, or vendors.

  1. Partner Portal: Catalyzing Collaboration

The Partner Portal serves as a hub for collaboration, allowing users to create digital catalogs, place custom orders digitally, and establish custom pricing. Leveraging the Digital Catalog feature, CRM Runner users can revolutionize the way they manage partnerships, fostering a more dynamic and efficient collaboration.

Conclusion: CRM Runner – A Unified Approach to Business Success

In a world inundated with CRM solutions, CRM Runner stands out as a unified, all-in-one platform that redefines the landscape of business management. By breaking free from modular constraints and offering three distinct portals, CRM Runner ensures that businesses have the tools they need to thrive in a competitive environment. Explore the future of business management with CRM Runner – where innovation meets efficiency.

Visit CRM Runner to experience the revolution firsthand.

CRM Runner’s Sales Funnel Feature Maximizes Efficiency: On How It Works

The key to success in sales is staying organized and efficient. Sales funnels are a powerful tool that CRM Runner offers in order to address this challenge. Let’s take a look at how CRM Runner can help you optimize your sales funnel.

A Visual Roadmap to Success

A sales funnel is like a roadmap that guides your journey towards closing deals and achieving your sales targets. It provides a visual representation of the steps required to sell your product or service. With CRM Runner’s sales funnel, you gain insights into the number of open deals, their current stage, the support required, and whether you’re on track to meet your sales targets.

Streamlined Sales Process

CRM Runner takes your sales process and streamlines it like never before. You have the power to categorize your leads into different groups, providing a bird’s eye view of where each lead stands in your sales funnel. This categorization allows you to identify who needs follow-ups, who has expressed a commitment to buy, and who has already completed the transaction. With CRM Runner, the guesswork is eliminated, and your sales process becomes highly efficient.

Dynamic Progress Tracking

Keeping tabs on your leads’ progress is vital in sales. CRM Runner’s drag-and-drop feature simplifies this task by allowing you to move leads to their appropriate funnel stage as they advance in the sales process. This dynamic tracking ensures that you’re always aware of where each lead stands and what actions are needed to move them forward.

Effortless Lead Management

Managing leads effectively is at the core of any successful sales strategy. CRM Runner empowers you to update lead contact details and review their profiles seamlessly. You also have the flexibility to reschedule phone calls or meetings with leads, ensuring that you never miss a crucial interaction.

Enhanced Communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of sales. With CRM Runner, you can send emails related to leads to specific team members and departments, ensuring that everyone is on the same page. The platform also allows you to customize assignment settings based on your preferences, including selecting the department and teams responsible for specific leads.

Real-Time Notifications

Staying informed in real-time is essential for timely actions in sales. CRM Runner ensures that your team is always in the loop by sending emails and push notifications whenever a lead progresses in the sales funnel. This immediate notification system keeps your team engaged and ensures that opportunities are never missed.

For businesses seeking to optimize their sales processes, CRM Runner’s sales funnel feature is a game-changer. You can take control of your sales funnel and maximize efficiency by utilizing CRM Runner’s clear visual representation of leads, streamlined progress tracking, effortless lead management, enhanced communication, and real-time notifications. CRM Runner will bring you a new era of organized, efficient, and successful sales.

Tres Formas en que un CRM te Ayuda a Gestionar tus Tareas y Flujos de Trabajo

El software CRM viene con muchas funciones diseñadas para agilizar y gestionar tus tareas y flujos de trabajo de forma eficaz. La sencilla interfaz de usuario de un CRM te permite automatizar muchas de tus tareas diarias y reducir al mismo tiempo el numero de errores y fallos humanos. La automatización del flujo de trabajo es posiblemente una de las funciones más populares, ya que elimina la lenta necesidad de terminar las tareas manualmente. Gracias a ella, podrás agilizar los procesos de ventas, marketing y asistencia al tiempo que eliminas pasos redundantes.

Aquí tienes 3 formas en las que el software CRM te ayuda a gestionar más eficazmente las tareas y flujos de trabajo dentro de tu empresa.

Mejora la Eficiencia de tu Equipo de Ventas

Los sencillos menús desplegables del


Te permitirán automatizar, las respuestas a prácticamente cualquier evento que se te ocurra. Por ejemplo, podrás crear y simplificar tus seguimientos de ventas y asignar automáticamente los leads y clientes a los representantes de ventas mejor cualificados para gestionarlos. Así se asegurará de que ningún cliente o lead caiga en el olvido. También mejorará la eficiencia de tu equipo de ventas automatizando las tareas manuales y manteniéndolos al día con registros de cliente actualizados, notificaciones por correo electrónico y activadores de agendas. Esto significa que tendrás una visión mejor y más completa de tus tareas y flujos de trabajo, para que puedas optimizarlos en aras de la eficacia.

Automatizando gran parte del flujo de trabajo, al tiempo que haces más en menos tiempo, reducirás tus costos operativos.

Automatizar Tareas

Enviar correos electrónicos a clientes y clientes potenciales, actualizar los registros y la información de los clientes y notificar el personal adecuado es algo que podrás debitar varias veces al día. A medida que crece tu base de clientes, excepto para hacerlo aún más. Para gestionar el aumento del flujo de trabajo, podrás contratar a más empleados o invertir en un CRM. Todo lo que tengas que hacer más de dos veces se podrá automatizar. El software CRM viene con acciones basadas en el tiempo que te notifican automáticamente y programan acciones de flujo de trabajo a intervalos predefinidos. Por ejemplo, antes de cerrar un trato, normalmente tendría que ejecutar una serie de tareas como enviar mensajes de correo electrónico y notificarlo a los empleados adecuados. A continuación, tendría que registrar toda esta información en una hoja de calculo o en un documento de Word. Con las acciones basadas en el tiempo, podrás automatizar esta serie de tareas y cerrar más acuerdos en menos tiempo.

Responda Rápidamente a los Problemas de Soporte

Todas las empresas quieren conservar a sus clientes. Un CRM facilita esta tarea. Con el software CRM para contratistas, podrás responder a cualquier problema de soporte de forma rápida y eficaz. Esto eliminará aún más las tareas que tienes que completar automatizando gran parte del flujo de trabajo de soporte. Dado que los problemas de soporte podrían implicar a varios departamentos, es importante que todos trabajen juntos y gestionen el problema con rapidez.

La automatización del flujo de trabajo de un CRM usa activadores condicionales para:

Cambiar y actualizar automáticamente el estado del cliente.

Realizar un seguimiento con un correo electrónico de disculpa, garantizando que el problema se trata lo más rápidamente posible.

Ponerse en contacto automáticamente con el personal de asistencia, gestores y representantes de ventas pertinentes por correo electrónico o SMS para informarles de cualquier cambio en el estado de un cliente. La atención al cliente es tan importante como las ventas. Existe una estrecha colaboración entre ambos, por lo que tu quieres asegurarte de que la forma en que gestionas las tareas asociadas a la asistencia se lleva a cabo de forma eficaz y coherente. De lo contrario, podrías perder clientes valiosos.


En la carrera por mantenerse al día con el mercado, tendrás que hacer más con menos tiempo. Un CRM no solo hace más en menos tiempo, sino que te permitirá estandarizar los métodos de trabajo y reducir tus errores y costos operativos. Como resultado, tu flujo de trabajo y gestión de tareas mejorarán en eficiencia, tus empleados colaborarán mejor y tu productividad aumentará.

Sell More with CRMRunner’s Digital Catalog CRM Feature

If you’re looking for a powerful tool to help you sell more products or services, look no further than CRMRunner’s Digital Catalog CRM feature. With this innovative tool, you can create digital catalogs of your products and services, allowing you to visually showcase your offerings to clients and close deals more efficiently.

The Digital Catalog CRM feature allows you to create categories and sub-categories, making it easy to organize your products and services in a way that makes sense for your business. You can upload images for each item, ensuring that clients get a clear and accurate view of what you have to offer.

One of the most impressive aspects of CRMRunner’s Digital Catalog CRM feature is the ability to create package estimates on the spot. When a client clicks on a catalog item, a full estimate is created automatically, saving you time and streamlining the sales process. From there, you can either close the deal on the spot or send the estimate to the client for approval.

And the best part? You can convert all of your estimates into invoices and take payment on the go, making it easy to manage your sales and keep your business running smoothly.


CRMRunner’s Digital Catalog CRM feature is a game-changer for businesses looking to boost their sales and streamline their sales process. It’s a user-friendly and effective tool that can help you sell more, save time, and grow your business.

¿Por qué las pequeñas empresas experimentan un gran crecimiento después de integrar sus negocios a un software CRM?

Un software CRM es lo nuevo en el mundo del crecimiento corporativo y el flujo de trabajo optimizado. Su asequibilidad y su interfaz fácil de usar han logrado sacarlo del nicho por completo para “negocios de alta gama” y lo han llevado a brazos de las pequeñas empresas.

En estos días, por lo tanto, este software esta siendo usado por todos. ¿Cómo aumenta un CRM el rendimiento y calidad de producción para pequeñas empresas minoristas? Veamos algunos puntos básicos.

Formas en las que un CRM aumenta el rendimiento y productividad

Un Software CRM es muy popular y veremos el porqué.

  1. Paneles de Control Personalizados

Un software CRM con panel de control personalizado es útil para las empresas en crecimiento porque rompe los limites de lo que las buenas empresas deben o deberían haber hecho para tener éxito. La personalización te ayuda a crear un software que funcione especialmente para ti, tus necesidades y beneficios.

  1. Te mantiene al día con facturas y pagos

La regulación de pagos y facturas a tiempo, es un aspecto fundamental del flujo de trabajo fluido en cualquier empres u organización. Dar y recibir pagos se convierte en un proceso de un solo clic con un CRM para tarjeta de crédito donde estes.

  1. Tareas Rutinarias Automáticas

La creación de un software que maneje automáticamente las tareas rutinarias y agotadoras crea espacio para la innovación y crecimiento. Las empresas en dificultades y en crecimiento necesitan este espacio y energía, ya que están trabajando en exceso a largo plazo.

  1. Un Servicio de Atención al Cliente Impecable

El servicio al cliente debe aclararse de la forma más rápida y eficiente. Tu clientela no necesita saber lo difícil que son las cosas; necesitan saber en su lugar lo bien que puedes manejarlos.

  1. Análisis e Integración de Datos

Un Software CRM que puede integrar herramientas de análisis de datos populares y profesionales para crear informes completos que ayuden a las empresas a desarrollarse. Analizar el comportamiento de los clientes, expectativas de los clientes, tendencias del mercado, funcionamiento del negocio, etc., podría marcar una gran diferencia.


Las pequeñas empresas necesitan, mas que cualquier otra organización o institución, adaptarse a cambios y mantenerse al tanto de esos cambios. La forma más novedosa de hacer eso es creando en tu lugar en el mundo de los flujos de trabajos optimizados y el rendimiento mejorado a través de un CRM.

¿Cómo CRM Runner puede ayudar a los corredores comerciales?

Hoy en día, administrar un negocio Forex puede llegar a ser muy difícil. Los avances tecnológicos y la introducción del comercio en línea, prácticamente han hecho que esta industria explote, dando a muchas personas la oportunidad de comerciar con sus acciones. Sin embargo, también aceleró la apertura de nuevas firmas de corretaje, lo que provocó un aumento de la competencia. Debido a esto, el objetivo principal de cada una de estas empresas es competir por los clientes ofreciendo el más alto nivel de servicio al cliente. El


Es una herramienta importante para tu corredor si tu objetivo es tener cientos de miles de usuarios en tu plataforma.

Cosas más importantes con las que CRM Runner ayudan a tu corredor

Con el desarrollo del comercio en línea, las practicas bancarias convencionales y de inversión ahora son obsoletas. El valor del tiempo es lo único que no ha cambiado. Debido a esto, los clientes exigen respuestas rápidas de los proveedores de servicios y están agradecidos cuando sus necesidades son entendidas y recordadas. Cada negocio se basa en identificar y satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes, y en el comercio, esto significa brindar contenido a los comerciantes, ofertas y servicios que se adapten a sus preferencias y necesidades únicas.

CRM actúa como un Software de gestión de prospectos para los comerciantes con sus acciones automatizadas y que pueden ayudarte con esto. Junto con el seguimiento activo de su comportamiento en línea y la realización de análisis sofisticados en él, también lo hace teniendo en cuenta los comentarios y quejas de los clientes. Como resultado, puede combinar toda la información sobre cada cliente o prospecto en una sola base de datos y ofrecer a cada cliente una experiencia de usuario personalizada y distintiva.

Beneficios de usar CRM Runner

Estas son algunas de las ventajas mas notables de los CRM para empresas de comercio y distribución:

Los CRM apoyan el desarrollo de relaciones con los clientes que resultan en una mayor clientela.

Además, al controlar el movimiento real de mercancías, una herramienta digital en línea automatiza las operaciones de almacén.

La implementación de un CRM te da como beneficio adicional hacer que el envío internacional sea simple y sin complicaciones. Sin ninguna interferencia por parte de los empleados, controla las políticas comerciales y estándares internacionales.

La autoevaluación de los estándares de calidad, la gestión de los exigentes puntos de control de entrada y otros requisitos legales son posibles gracias a un sistema CRM personalizado.

Al automatizar y agilizar los procedimientos de gestión de inventario, un sistema certificado de gestión de relaciones con los clientes puede reducir significativamente el error humano.

¡CRM Runner es solo para tu negocio!

Podrás optimizar alguno de tus procesos comerciales que mas se benefician de la tecnología mediante el uso de CRM Runner. Además, tu y tu equipo podrán concentrarse en asignar su tiempo donde mas lo necesite. Los Corredores Inteligentes podrán administrar de forma efectiva miles de clientes importantes con servicios automatizados ofrecidos por un buen CRM, beneficiando así a todas las partes.

Si tienes alguna otra duda, comunícate con nosotros al 877.590.0040 y habla con uno de nuestros representantes. También podrás solicitar una demostración si lo deseas.

¿Cómo CRM Runner puede ayudarte a administrar el Inventario de tu Empresa?

¿Tu empresa usa dos tipos diferentes de sistemas para administrar los datos de cliente e inventario? ¿Se hace cada vez más difícil para tu equipo obtener acceso en tiempo real a la información vital del inventario? ¿Tus procesos de facturación y pedidos tardan mas de lo esperado debido a datos en el inventario incorrectos? ¿Estas perdiendo clientes valiosos como resultado de un mal servicio al cliente?

El uso de un


Es entonces imperativo. Las empresas pueden beneficiarse enormemente de una solución CRM al agilizar varios procesos comerciales y aumentar la productividad de los resultados finales.

¿Cómo CRM Runner puede ayudarte a gestionar tu inventario?

  1. Para categorizar el inventario como mejor te parezca, podrás personalizar varias pestañas.
  2. Te permite configurar una alerta automática para notificarte cuando se ha alcanzado un cierto umbral y es hora de realizar otros pedidos de productos.
  3. Mantén un registro del servicio, de los productos que no son del inventario y los productos del inventario con el


  1. Usa RMA para aceptar devoluciones, emitir reembolsos y facilitar intercambios.
  2. Con la sencilla función de drag-and-drop, podrás modificar las columnas y cambiar sus aspectos.
  3. Cuando los productos son entregados por los proveedores a tu almacén, el sistema actualiza automáticamente el inventario.
  4. CRM Runner registra y verifica todos los datos relacionados a productos y servicios, incluidos los números de serie, imágenes, descripciones, precios, números stock y más.
  5. En la barra de búsqueda, podrás buscar un producto usando su nombre o su descripción.
  6. Usa un SKU y números de serie para realizar un seguimiento a tus productos.
  7. Revisa y establece una garantía para los bienes o productos.
  8. Tanto el precio de costo como el precio de venta se calcularán cuando se ingrese un articulo en el sistema para mostrar las ganancias que se obtendrán por el producto.

Por lo tanto, no tendrás problemas para administrar ningún inventario usando un software CRM. Podrás optimizar tus existencias y administrar todo el proceso con solo tocar con el dedo. Para comunicarte con un representante, llama ya al 877.590.0040 o regístrate para un periodo de prueba gratuito de 14 días.

Integrating GPS Tracking with CRM System: The Key to Employee Accountability

You can organize your reps easily using field staff management CRM software – with it, you can practice effective territory management and have your reps gather data easily. CRM software, however, can make increasing employee accountability simple, and this is something you may not have thought of before.

Communication and visibility are important aspects of accountability. You can keep an eye on your reps and help them whenever necessary if you communicate regularly with them. Monitoring your reps will increase their motivation to perform well if you monitor them. The following section explains how CRM software can increase employee accountability.


You will be able to free technicians from the need to manually check in on employees and contractors. This allows accurate time tracking of team members. Quickly and easily manage your crews, resources, and projects by filtering your search by individuals, teams, and locations.


You will get a better sense of how much time each team member spends on a given project. Field agents are notified of invoices, estimates, leads, and sales generated per deadline.

CRM Runner – CRM GPS Tracking integration – allows you to have your customers, prospects, team members, dealers, distributors, and agents on one platform and monitor them easily. You will not only be able to manage your team members and perform tasks effectively, but also track the real-time updates of all the team members. A single click provides access to all your leads, deals, and distributors. CRM Runner allows you to monitor the movements of every sales representative deployed on the field using GPS tracking.

Want to learn how CRM Runner is your one-stop solution for field service and office management? Let’s schedule a talk today!

Increase your sales and revenue with a CRM Runner

Customer relationships are the foundation of any successful business, but in previous decades, the process of managing and tracking customer relationships within a company was fragmented and time-consuming at best. Physical customer data would be kept in filing cabinets and spreadsheets.

These methods of customer-data storage not only required a lot of manual labor, but they also meant that the data wasn’t properly distributed throughout the company (for example, between sales and marketing departments), which often resulted in missed business opportunities.

CRM for business development lets marketers and salespeople manage and analyze relationships with actual and potential customers of the company at the most basic level. It keeps track of all interactions with the company and collects customer data. When a marketer speaks with a customer, the marketer is always aware of their identity and previous interactions with the company. This personalizes the interaction, increases the chances of conversion, and fosters customer trust and loyalty. Certain processes are handled by CRM software, which can automate repetitive tasks for marketers, set reminders for important events, and display alerts if something requires attention. Some CRMs also have analytics features that allow you to track the effectiveness of various marketing campaigns for lead generation and conversions. Sales and marketing teams can use CRM software combined with marketing automation to manage all aspects of the sales and marketing funnel, from lead qualification to forecasting and deal closing. Marketing automation (the top funnel) and customer relationship management (bottom-funnel) capabilities are combined in end-to-end sales funnel management.

The following is a list of features that our CRM platform typically provides:

Lead management: The best CRM software keeps track of a company’s leads, allowing marketing teams to manually or automatically enter new leads into the system, as well as track and analyze data about them.

Marketing automation: The system can send marketing emails to customers at times set by the marketer, or publish social media posts on a schedule. The goal of marketing automation is to keep sales leads engaged and convert them into paying customers.

Sales automation: CRMs can track customer interactions and automate certain sales cycle business functions that are required to follow up on leads and attract and retain new customers.

Automation of workflows: CRM systems help businesses optimize processes by streamlining mundane workloads that allow employees to focus on creative and higher-level tasks.

Analytics: CRM solutions can include integrated analytics tools that provide insights and help boost customer satisfaction rates. A marketer can examine the data and create targeted campaigns as a result.

Individualized customer experiences: A CRM can also be used to create customized and consistent experiences for your potential customers across various marketing channels, potentially increasing conversions and brand awareness.

You can expect your organization to be ready to grow by closely reflecting its processes and seamlessly integrating with existing systems if you use good CRM software.

The Number One Tool for Pet Sitters today is Pet Sitter CRM Software

Boy, do people love their pets these days.  Man’s best friend has held that special title for generations., it seems.  Of course, other friendly critters like cats, parrots, and fish, need special care, too.  You can tell that today’s pets can be pretty spoiled with a quick scroll down any social media feed.  Pictures of pampered puppies reign supreme on the internet (as do photos of cats, birds, lizards, and fish).  People are almost competing to have the honor of owning the “best fed dog” or “cutest cat in a costume.”  Some even see it as a claim to fame.  Yet, most of the time, our intentions are not so much about ourselves as the pet owner; we just love our pets as if they were our children.  And we want them to be just as comfortable, cozy, and happy.

The working world calls us away from our beloved pets, however.  We are forced to leave them home alone, locked up, and often anxious.  Pets generally feel best when the whole family is home.  That’s their nature.  Our nature is to say goodbye for 8-12 hours, or even a few weeks, without giving it a second thought.  That means our pets stay at home with nobody to care for them for hours on end. What’s a fair solution for a sad dog left with nothing to do all day?  Hire a dog walker or a pet sitter.

The pet sitter market is booming today as people have more income to ensure their dogs and other pets are doing well while they put in a long day at the office.  Those who travel often for work might not even be able to care for their pet if it were not for the help of a trustworthy pet sitter.  That’s why for pet sitters and dog walkers in the game, competition is increasing.  Pet sitters need pet sitting CRM Software to stay ahead in the industry.

The benefits of pet sitting CRM Software are plenty.  For example, the software has many marketing, advertising, and publicity tools that help grow and maintain customer relationships.  If you are just starting your pet sitting business, you may need to collect contact information for potential clients.  Some pet sitters work intermittently.  You will want to reach out to these customers often so they remember your service offerings.

Another benefit of pet sitting CRM Software is that it tracks the location of your client’s home on a live map.  The map even shows street view.  The software goes out on the road, too.  That means your will have a program on your mobile phone that helps you locate customers, keep track of client details, and create invoices (and collect payments).

Dog walkers and pet sitters really are people on the go.  They need a pet sitting CRM Software that can keep up with them, their busy schedules, and their fast-paced business.  To learn about how CRM RUNNER can help, contact us today and get a free trial.

The Curious Benefits of CRM Software for Window Washing Business

Window washing is needed throughout many cities, and the industry is competitive.  A way for window washing businesses to stay ahead of the competition is to use CRM Databases to maintain relationships with leads and customers.  To make the most out of CRM software for Window Washing Businesses, business owners should consider integrating the application with VoIP technology.

VoIP is especially practical if a company uses CRM technology.  Connectivity to software allows for one-click dialing and recorded calls.  This is very important for those in sales and customer service.  As communication between employees and clients improves, so does the company bottom line.

What is a VoIP system?

In the past, phone calls were always routed through a phone company’s network, connecting traditional analog phones on either end.  In the very beginning of phone services, operators manually connected lines.  Over the years, technology advanced to connect lines automatically.  As more and more people joined the telephone network, phone numbers got longer, but connectivity improved.  In the 90s, with the advent of the internet, engineers started designing systems that used digital lines instead of the traditional analog lines of the past.  Most people know this technology as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP).

This new telephone system has been widely implemented by window washing businesses around the world.  Companies were once afraid of replacing new equipment and software, some of which had been of practical use for decades.  However, the investment is now well worth it today.

Many phone companies charge businesses per line and each installation requires a visit from the phone company.  Phones used to be limited to the number of lines, reducing connectivity in the office.  People shared phone lines and features were only available if companies paid.  Making the change to VoIP technology puts much of this back in the hands of the business and its IT department.  Adding new phones is as easy as plugging them into the internet portal.  Often, businesses find that the initial investment in transitioning from traditional phone lines to internet connected technology is worth it.

In terms of CRM solutions for window washing companies, the integration of VoIP with the database helps bring in more customers and maintain the relationships with current ones.  Getting in touch with customers and leads happens in one click, so the sales team operates more efficiently.  Many CRM applications have the capability for the staff to keep notes on the client’s profile.  Staff can also review past orders, open and paid invoices, and client contact information.  For leads, a sales funnel tool organizes potential clients by their current level of interest in the company.

Window washing is a unique industry, but one we need to keep skyscrapers and houses’ windows spotless.  Cleaning windows, especially those on tall buildings is a challenge, so we depend on the professionals to get the job done.  For these companies to acquire more customers, and maintain their current ones, they should be using CRM software to manage their customer and sales relationships.

If you own or manage a window washing company and you are ready to learn more about CRM technology, contact CRM RUNNER today for more information about obtaining a trial version.

Wham, Bam, Glam, Thank You, Ma’am! Marketing Tools for Makeup Artists

Makeup artistry is all the rage right now, largely in part due to the success of the big names on the internet.  The makeup artist industry depends heavily on marketing to get the word out about your skills, whether just starting out or an established name in the business.  Here are some hot tips on how to increase your makeup artist client list.

Get Famous on the Internet for being a Makeup Artist

To be a successful makeup artist, you don’t have to have thousands (or millions) of followers on a social media platform, although it can help.  Makeup artists need to focus on building an organic community to showcase their work.  And by showcasing their work, they can attract leads.  Popular social media platforms Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.  However, a professional makeup artist can also use a landing page to collect names of leads and book appointments.  CRM Software, like CRM RUNNER, provides templates for landing pages, lead generation, and appointment setting, so that makeup artists can focus on their craft instead of web design.  Build a professional looking website to showcase your brand.  It has never been easier, and integration with CRM tools means you have more control when it comes to building your client list.

Referrals are the lifeblood of any Business

Makeup artists know that a successful gig can lead to more appointments.  When a customer shares her new look with friends and family, they ask “Who did that!?”  Track your referrals using CRM software.  CRM RUNNER allows you to track which sources provide the best referrals so that you can focus on growing your client base.  Some artists give incentives like discounts or gifts to those who generate referrals.  You can use the same tools to measure where other leads are generated, such as from your webpage, social media, or advertisements.

Reach out to Repeat Customers

If your customer loves your work, why not invite them for another appointment?  Perhaps somebody who used you for their wedding will want your services again for their parents’ anniversary party or a work event.  Many people schedule makeup looks seasonally, so use CRM applications to create bulk messages by email or to notify customers of availability during prom and homecoming season, for example.  Every artist is different, so be creative in generating marketing content!

Think Beyond the Brand

Branding is an essential part of a makeup artist’s business, but so is customer service.  Customers prefer professional presentation when it comes to receiving invoices and making payments.  CRM RUNNER can generate invoices using a template based on your personal brand.  The invoices can even be paid directly in the software.  Keep an inventory of beauty products, too?  CRM RUNNER has a module for inventory, so you can manage those sales just as easily.  The software likewise contains scheduling software for makeup artists with an easy drag-and-drop calendar, so you can keep track of your appointments.

The benefits of CRM databases are plentiful, so get your business organized and show off your skills.  Attracting and managing customers has never been so simple; contact CRM RUNNER today to get started!


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