How CRM can keep your Printing & Personalization Company Organized

Running a printing and customization company is no small feat, and you need CRM technology that can keep up.  From taking orders to sending samples, to notifying your clients of promotions, and everything in between, there is a lot to get done!  Using a CRM database like CRM RUNNER will keep everything running smoothly.

When customers visit your website, for example, they can come to your landing page which CRM RUNNER provides with a fresh and modern template.  On the landing page, software collects the viewer’s contact information and saves it to CRM RUNNER.  Now your business has a list of potential sales leads that populates itself 24 hours a day.

Once customers are brought into the mix, they can be tracked using CRM RUNNER´s Sales Funnel feature.  The sales funnel feature displays where potential clients are in the sales process.  An easy drag-and-drop method allows managers to sort their teams’ prospect by level in the sales funnel.  Double clicking on the prospect brings up contact information, and there is a one-click button to place a phone call to the client.  Clients can also be contacted by bulk email or by text (SMS) message, making it easy to share newsletters, upcoming promotions and trends for seasonal products, and coupons.

Once your client is on board with your company, there are the matters of mockups, screens, inventory availability, changes in pricing, shipping, billing and inevitably, a few returns.  All of these facets can be managed by CRM RUNNER.  This powerful software can handle not only call center duties with VoIP integration but also functions as an electronic document center.  Documents can be attached to customers, tasks, or projects for easy review.  Electronic signature means easy sign off procedures for customers and vendors.  You can even grant different permissions to various users so that only those who need to do so may view the files.

Payment is easy to collect using CRM RUNNERInvoices based on inventory and services provided are easily converted from estimates, both on pre-designed templates featuring your company logo and message.  Payment can be collected directly inside the software and fully integrates with your current finance software.  Returns can also be marked in the software for efficient processing.

If your company does delivery, this process can also be managed using CRM RUNNER thanks to its mobile application and GPS tracking.  Payment can be accepted on the road, automatically closing the invoice and sending the customer a receipt.  GPS Tracking lets you confirm driver routes and customer location.  Street view allows you to see exactly where the customer is.

Printing and promotion offices can be busy places with the creativity and logistics that come in the field.  However, CRM technology like CRM RUNNER organizes much of that work so that your business can do what it does best, get the customer his product.

If you are new to using this software, then you can use our 14 days free trial or check our Pricing here.

We are one-stop-shop for marketing resources

It is imperative that businesses take advantage of best marketing practices.  To do this, they must not only know their current market but identify emerging ones as well.  CRM RUNNER offers a variety of tools that make it a one-stop-shop for marketing resources. It is imperative that businesses take advantage of best marketing practices.  To do this, they must not only know their current market but identify emerging ones as well.  CRM RUNNER offers a variety of tools that make it a one-stop-shop for marketing resources.

Landing Pages:  Design a landing page (home page) for your website using CRM RUNNER’s customizable template.  The templates are both contemporary and professional and provide the opportunity to gather contact details on interested parties who visit your website through contact forms.  This list can be imported directly into the Sales Funnel module to ensure potential customers are contacted promptly and by the right person to make that call.

Email Marketing: CRM RUNNER allows businesses to maintain detailed contact lists of potential, current, and past customers.  The software allows users to create distribution lists so that customers can be sorted by various demographics.  Once the distribution list is made, the business can send mass email directly within the software which allows for rich text formatting and document attachment.  Emails will arrive with a professional look that will build trust within your customers. Send the right message, the right way, to communicate business updates, share newsletters, offer promotions, collect surveys and more.  Staying in touch with your client base will allow your company to stay relevant for your customers.

Call Center:  Direct marketing is made easy by CRM RUNNER’s call center.  With the list of contacts, employees can dial potential customers with one click using VoIP technology.  Call notes are maintained within the software as well as estimates and invoices, so keeping customers moving through the sales process is a breeze.

Text (SMS) Messaging:  SMS messaging gets your information directly to a mobile device via text message.  In today’s fast-moving world, this approach grabs the attention of customers who might overlook email or reject phone calls  This feature provides instant connections with customers, especially useful for short messages that could promote a sale or update on your business.

Referrals CRM RUNNER also has a referrals module to track how customers come into contact with your company.  This valuable information provides data that will allow business leaders to study current and emerging markets.

Marketing initiatives drive the process of helping customers find the right product and services for their needs.  By employing CRM technology like CRM RUNNER, your business can ensure it is the first and best offer for potential customers.

If you are new to using this software, then you can use our 14 days free trial or check our PRICING here.

Track your Tasks and Keep that Day Right On Plan

Four CRM RUNNER tools to make managing business tasks easier.

In any business, our to-do lists grow incessantly.  Between contacting customers, updating projects, maintaining inventory, marketing, sales, and finances, it is often hard to find time to get everything done, let alone breathe.  Automating and streamlining these processes gives business teams the opportunity to work more productively, ultimately closing more deals at the end of the day.

CRM technology provides many solutions to make accomplishing your to-do list easier than ever.


  • Task Assignments: Use CRM RUNNER to import your employees and team members.  Then, assign tasks to them using the software.  This provides documentation of all assigned tasks as well as a space to store details and schematics.  Task progress can be updated throughout the process, so everybody is in the loop.  Tasks assigned with specifics and deadlines are more likely to be completed as expected, and organizing them within CRM RUNNER helps ensure this is the case.


  • Projects: Projects really consist of many tasks.  CRM RUNNER allows business leaders to group tasks within a single project and assign not only to individuals, but also an entire team.  By setting specific user permissions, leaders can also control who has access to what information.  For example, contractors might be able to access expenses and inventory but not customer details.  Internal employees will have more access to get their particular tasks completed in a timely fashion.


  • Plan Room: CRM RUNNER offers a specific module to manage these tasks and projects, Plan Room.  Within the Plan Room, task and project assignments are supplemented with important documents such as product specifications, timelines, and customer requests.  These resources will be available to everyone who has the software.  With the mobile application, these documents can even be reviewed on the road using a mobile device.


  • Widgets: Several widgets and tools within the software help keep your daily tasks on target.  The application shows a to-do list on the home-screen, giving a run down of the tasks to accomplish in the near future.  The calendar and scheduler tools utilize drag-and-drop technology to easily review and change your agenda as your accomplish tasks.  These tools interact with other components of the software so that everything remains up-to-date and in one place.

CRM RUNNER is powerful software that makes keeping track of your daily activities simple.  As your team progresses, updates are made and questions resolved.  Tasks can even be tracked as expenses for payroll and invoicing purposes.  This ultimate rule of efficiency means a better service provided to your customers, every time.

If you are new to using this software, then you can use our 14 days free trial or check our pricing here.

Customer Management PROs Use CRM Technology

Without customers, there is no business.  Customer Management is an important part of any business model, especially in one which revolves around closing sales.  Technology like CRM RUNNER makes the customer management process smoother for businesses.  Acquiring customers, meeting their needs, staying in contact, collecting payment, and getting them to spread the word about your business are all challenges that CRM technology makes seamless.

CRM RUNNER uses the Sales Funnel module in conjunction with your company’s landing page (also a feature of CRM RUNNER) to collect the names and contact information of potential customers as they visit your website.  Once the contacts are populated, they can be sorted into the various stages of the sales funnel for team members to contact as assigned by the manager.  This tool means that customers stay motivated to consider your business no matter the stage they are in the Sales Funnel.  It also means the best man for the job can be assigned as he progresses from prospect to paying customers.

Once a customer is interested in the product or services, the company can furnish an attractive estimate with a pre-designed template which features the company’s logo and contact information.  CRM RUNNER allows team leaders to pair tasks with services and make assignments via the Plan Room.  This spells out efficiency for those within the company, but even better, quality service for the customer who knows exactly where his project stands at any given moment.

CRM RUNNER maintains all of the contact information for potential and current customers such as phone, address, email, and even birthdays.  This makes connecting with customers faster as the software provides one-click calling as well as bulk text (SMS) and email messaging.  As customers are converted and expenses translate to invoices, the customer stays informed along the way.  Invoices can be sent directly to customers and payment can be received within the application to streamline the process.

Even customer retention and referrals are managed directly within CRM RUNNER.  Customer information is retained for business promotions, sales, and follow-up.  One-click dialing means a customer can be on the line in seconds so that staff moves quickly through call lists, meaning more contact with customers and ultimately, more sales.  A separate referral modules shows how customers come into contact with your company be they through former customers, email, or the website.  This provides insight about successful and untapped markets as your business grows.

Keeping customers happy is pinnacle in running a solid business.  Customers are looking for professional and timely service, which CRM RUNNER aptly enables you to provide.

If you are new to using this software, then you can use the Company’s 14 days free trial or check our pricing here.

Simplify your Transactions In One Move

When running a business, keeping accurate records of transactions is a crucial part of daily operations.  Be it for inventory, taxes, or bookkeeping, every transaction must be accurately documented.  Whereas many small business owners are still using spreadsheet documents and carbon copy receipt books, savvy business leaders use CRM database software, like CRM RUNNER, to track transactions in a way that is easy, efficient, and professional looking.

Estimates and invoices can be prepared quickly, using a template that showcases your company´s logo and contact information, sending professional and timely documents to customers.  These documents can be sent electronically for a faster turnaround and guaranteed receipt.

Both services and inventory items can be tracked within the software, giving real time metrics on service hours and stock.  As employees build estimates for clients, services and inventory are attached to the project.  Once approved and completed, invoices can be sent quickly so that payment is collected promptly.  Notifications can be sent to customers regarding their payment by email or by SMS.  If a phone call is required regarding an invoice, the customer can be connected via VoIP in a single click.

Another benefit of using CRM RUNNER for business transactions is that the payment can be collected in the database itself.  This means that payment records are attached to the client or contractor and accurately reflected on account for each party.  The software offers full integration with your current finance and payment software which means less clicking through screens to process payments, saving time and energy.

As CRM RUNNER is available as a mobile application, field workers and managers can send and update invoices from any location with a mobile device.  Invoices can also be paid using the mobile application of CRM RUNNER.  Payment can be collected on the road and rectified by other departments at the home base.

Customers will find peace of mind in paying through software after having received a professional invoice.  Likewise, managers and business owners can rest assured that finances are in order.  The CRM software also offers the capability of running reports on transactions, providing information on inventory, sales trends, revenue and more.

Gone are the days of using receipt books and ledgers to manage finances.  You will no longer need to use separate software for credit card and debit card transactions thanks to the integration capabilities of the software. Simply your payment process by using CRM RUNNER today. You can take a 14 days free trial of this software from CRM Runner and even check its pricing too.

Benefits of Call center integrated CRM

Call center services are critical for customer retention. Reports suggest that dissatisfied clients go for the products of your competitor because of poor customer service. The latest advancement in call center CRM telephony and predictive analytics should be integrated with the call center CRM software to provide a hassle-free experience to the clients. It is important to remove any gaps in information between call center software and CRM.

It is important to carry out enrichment of CRM data with details from phone interactions. The teams should be able to correctly access the precise contact data through the automation of a part of the sales processes. Assist your teams to increase their sales by providing the right integration of call center software and CRM

Call Center CRM

Call center software helps in making and receiving of calls, generating IVR responses and keeping a record of the quantum of calls. Call center CRM enables you to get a holistic view of the progress of customer-related vectors. Before the customer’s call is answered you’re in a position to understand the needs of the prospective lead and provide you with the capability to offer customized and targeted service.

Benefits of Call center integrated CRM

The precise contact information can be stored. Teams will not miss out on important details about their leads. Continuous enrichment of CRM takes place with flawless information from interactions over the phone. Whole teams will be on the same wavelength and productivity factor is increased.

Task Automation

Save precious time for the team by automation of specific business tasks. No matter if a call is missed, CRM will enable the creation of a new case file with the attributes of call data and voice mail.

Top Benefits of call center CRM

Get a thorough view of the customer

Be completely aware of the customer’s interactions with your business. You will be in a comfortable position to resolve the issue of the customer

Enhanced Accountability

  • You can assign phone numbers to your team members through call center CRM.
  • Distribution and Prioritization of leads and calls can be effectively done.

Decreased turnaround time

  • You can make calls & receive calls from one interface thus streamlining the call center process.
  • The whole process is automated and by the setting of timely reminders. There is a drastic reduction of time through which you can reach the customer back.

Increased efficiency

  • A full CRM VOIP phone system enables ecosystem efficiency by decreasing manual work. The team member can put their total focus on product selling rather than conducting routine tasks.
  • Voice recording of the customer call will help in understanding the needs of the customer without follow up calls.

Decreased Costs

  • Integrating the services of SMS, chat and call forwarding into the software will lead to the gradual reduction of costs.
  • You can decrease the quantum of labor required for routine jobs.

Enhanced Customer experience

Having so much functionality in your call center CRM will pique the interest of your customers in your products and this will lead to an increase in customer satisfaction. If you are new to using this software, then you can use the Company’s 14 days free trial or check our pricing here.

Sales funnel CRM Software

Business is about cultivating mutually prosperous relationships with people. The sales funnel in CRM captures sales leads in an instinctive way. Sales funnel helps in the creation and management of leads for freelance professionals and small businesses. The sales funnel has the capacity to enhance the customer base and provide a forward impetus to business growth.

What is CRM Sales Funnel?

CRM sales funnel is the method of strategic conversion of interacting leads into chargeable customers. Sales funnel focuses on maintaining a perpetual post-sale relationship with clients by continuous value addition.

The geometry of a funnel has a large circle at the top and the diameter decreases as it reaches down. A sales funnel will have abundant leads at the top and it gradually decreases as we reach the bottom part.

Depending on the structure of your business, you can incorporate the number of stages to construct in the sales funnel. You need to decide on the step that the lead has to take so as to transfer to the next stage.

Once your conceptual sales funnel is ready, it can be integrated with the CRM software. This will give control to the CRM to manage your sales funnel by automatic lead tracking.

The CRM will begin nurturing a relationship with prospective clients. CRM Sales funnel performs lead engagement based on a predefined set of activities with the objective of pushing the clients quicker down the funnel.

Objectives of using a Sales funnel

Tracking and interacting with current and future customers is one of the top priorities of enterprise owners.

  • Client interaction will give insights as to how people relate with other individuals and helps in raising awareness of your brand.
  • CRM software enables you to build a sales funnel that helps you to monitor sales history, promotional offers and customer conversations.
  • It has the effect of correct identification of those who have a higher probability of purchasing your product.

Different phases of Sales Funnel

Sales funnel is an effective marketing instrument to get new leads and consequent lead conversion.


Creating awareness of your business in the clients who are searching the web for a solution to their problems is the first step.  The attraction of leads can be done through social media campaigns, e-mail marketing and other offline ad campaigns.

Expression of interest

The next stage involves the client showing an initial interest in your enterprise through social media or by filling a customer contact form.


This is the stage where the client is thoroughly considering using your product by comparing to other competitors in the market. This is the stage when representatives of your business will establish contact with the lead.

Action stage

This is the stage where the customer makes a buying decision and converts into a buyer.

Advantages of a CRM funnel

  • CRM sales funnel gives you insights into the requirements of buyers so that you reorient the delivery of services in the best way.
  • Sales funnel optimized CRM software has the effect of greatly enhancing the quality of interaction between your business and the client.
  • CRM sales funnel helps your business to identify leads with a high potential for conversion. These leads can then be assigned to the proper team members and close more deals.
  • Sales funnel helps you to devote quality time to the right customers and have increased sales.

You can take a free 14 days free trial of this software from CRM Runner and even check our pricing too.

GPS Tracking Enabled CRM Software

GPS tracking enabled CRM software is a subset of Field Service Management which is structured to monitor and evaluate the various aspects of field operations.  Effective utilization of sales teams of a company hugely depends on the management of expenses of time and transit. To achieve scalable growth in a short time period, it is pertinent to communicate and track different teams of sales executives. A GPS tracking CRM will empower you to get pinpoint locations of your sales team.

By combining GPS tracking with the CRM platform, you can get real-time tracking for your team members, contractors and clients. You will have the ability to plan routes that are being taken up your sales executives and get a detailed picture of the operations of your sales teams. GPS tracking CRM software is particularly useful for companies working across different regions and on multiple projects.

Control different sales teams

  • Effectively plan the activities of a sophisticated network of sales executives
  • Allocation of daily plans using a route map and street view can be done through GPS tracking CRM. View automatically generated adherence reports on the allocated plans.
  • CRM-GPS mobile integration will give precise reports regarding every facet of the executive’s activity ranging from the amount of time with the client, transit time and interim stops.
  • The GPS CRM platform enables your complete engagement with the sales team according to the client activity. This ensures the creation of an optimum workflow.

Monitor and Examine the Sales Progress

  • The GPS CRM software gives real-time location and you can get an understanding of the daily sales activities with the click of a b
  • Keep yourself in the loop of the sale activities in real-time and make strategic decisions to improve sales.

Acquire actionable intelligence from the location

  • Using GPS tagging, client meetings can be tracked and potential sales targets can be dynamically allocated.
  • Extended client meetings can lead to shuffling of the workforce and this can be easily done through GPS tracking CRM.

Assess and validate the transit expenses

  • Managing an outdoor sales team effectively is dependent on two components of transit distance and time involved.
  • Using real-time GPS-CRM, you will able to monitor, chronicle and replicate the transit paths and time spent.
  • You have the capacity to correctly gauge the daily efficiency of the sales executive depending on the various parameters.

Structure and Control the transit plans

  • There are multiple aspects regarding the transit of the sales team such as commute path, distance covered and traffic density. These can be correctly evaluated and the most competent plan can be drawn for transit.
  • Automate and allocate reminders for meetings
  • Using the GPS CRM software the manager is continuously updated about the sakes activity by reminders on meetings.
  • GPS integration with CRM sets precise reminders which allow you to keep track of every sales activity in the region.

Choosing the top Location tracking system

  • Perfect integration of the Mobile GPS CRM with the dashboard.
  • Should enable sales executives to note their attendances using a feature of GPS check-in which will reflect in your synchronized in the CRM dashboard.
  • Should be able to locate the leads using GPS services within a specified region for scheduling meetings with the clients.

You can take our 14 days free trial of this software from CRM Runner and even check our pricing too.

Increase Reviews on Search Engines CRM Software

Gone are those days, when people used newspapers and other resources to gather information on a specific subject, but now with the augment of time, everything is changing at a very faster pace. The Dot Com era has made us sophisticated and yet we also gather lots of information from various sources with the help of the online medium.

The Internet has become the most trusted medium to get information about the product. There are several things people search from the internet before going to make the purchasing process. This is the main reason for which, IT sleuths spend maximum hours to maintain the reputation. Product branding and promotion are the two parts by which you can easily get positive reviews from the users.

Increase online awareness for your CRM Software

CRM Software is a great partner with SEO. Needless to mention, the awareness of people regarding this outstanding software has increased many folds. It needs to do more to get the positive impressions. SEO will assist you to increase the visibility of the web page. When you are going to target specific traffic, CRM can do a lot of things.

While going to increase the reviews on Search Engines, CRM Software helps perfectly to work with SEO. This outstanding software will allow you to record the keywords of your page content. The density of the keywords is playing a crucial role to get the anticipated result. When you use this CRM software, it will be easier for you to maintain the record and then implement it at the right time. The content on the page will be an edge in increasing traffic and promote to get a better site ranking. Once people get into the page, chances are they will check out the rest of it.  Once your content grabs a positive impression, they will pass that information to others too. In this way, your software will be promoted without much hassle.

You have visitors already and if you earn one positive review from one visitor, your business will be enhanced and your online presence will be boosted subsequently. It will also help you to increase your online presence. What next? You might become the talk of the town.

When you have a vast social media audience, it will lead you to get maximum popularity. Once your business and service get a buzz, it will be a buzz in town. Therefore, never underestimate using different Search Engine tricks to get maximum reviews.

Your online presence is important and that can be easily done by using different Search Engine tricks. In this way, you can influence the global audience and it will truly thrust your business to a new level.

As your business is taking new shapes and products are getting high demand, it becomes important for you to track your daily work schedule with best CRM software. Hence, it would be ideal for you to surf the internet today and grab the right Search Engine reviews on CRM Software.

Inventory management CRM Software

Business growth is reliant on sales enhancement. Sustainability of sales and its incremental improvement is dependent on the right tracking of every unit. This is possible by our potent tool of stock management. Our Inventory management tool creates a robust supply chain by focusing on order fulfillment and gives a complete overview of your stock items.  We offer top-shelf inventory software to optimize inventory management.

Improve Sales

  • Broaden your business horizons online using our inventory management system in multiple channels.
  • Avoid overstock by maintaining stable inventory software. Our inventory software system helps you manage serial numbers and remove stock redundancies. Inventory management software lets your correct prices in tune with supply.
  • Enhance your ROI by maintaining the right level of specificity in your stocks using inventory management software.
  • Increase customer performance by simplifying the order procedures. This ensures that customer convenience in finishing purchases.

Order Management

  • Handle orders in both offline and online with efficiency using our management system.
  • Our software helps you in the creation of purchase orders, drop shipments and backorders in a unique integrated inventory management software application.
  • Get a fast summary of sales orders through a unique dashboard. Get instant analytics on the different stages in order fulfillments like pending, packaged and delivered.

Start to finish tracking

  • You can easily track every product or batch with a serial number in your inventory. Our inventory software increases your profit margin by preventive maintenance.
  • You need stable operations and guaranteed warranty compliance to maintain top-level of production.
  • Inventory is a critical asset and consistency in stock levels id paramount in order fulfillment. Get low stock alerts using our automated alerts feature of inventory management software.

Integration of Accounting and CRM data

  • Our software allows consistent integration between CRM and customer orders. The continuous synchronization between contacts and orders create a perfect management ecosystem for financial data.
  • Our inventory management software helps you rationalize different business operation and enhance productivity from bottom to top.
  • Collect valuable data of customers to empower your enterprise by having a 360-degree perception regarding the buying patterns, order history and demographics of the customers.
  • Integration of our inventory software with the CRM Software ensures top quality for data entry and reduces the incidence of errors.

Multiple Shipping Consolidations

  • Get access to shipping rates in real-time with our inventory management software.
  • Achieve money savings in operations by making comparisons in carries in real-time
  • The shipping tasks of your enterprise are automated by the elimination of errors and following specific business rules on your orders.
  • Get post-shipment updates with our inventory software. Increase the trust factor of customers in your enterprise by keeping them in the loop line with updated tracking alerts.

Warehouse Stock management

  • Get a view on your best & low selling items by the generation of reports on inventory levels in particular warehouses.
  • Achieve the right storage functionality and regulate the actions of staff by using warehouse stock management.
  • Get complete knowledge regarding product transfer across warehouses to get real-time access to inventory movement.
  • Accomplish scalability in enterprise operation by guaranteeing trustworthy communication using our cloud-based inventory software.

Why Task management CRM software is necessary

Task management is the method of managing a particular task in the entirety of its life cycle. The various segments of planning, tracking, testing and reporting are included in task management. Achievement of goals and collaboration between individual groups is the objective of task management. Knowledge transfer, sharing of best practices and attainment of collective goals are the core focus points of task management. It can be regarded as a subset of project management which can serve as a basis for competent execution of tasks in the organization.

Why Task management software is necessary

  • Every minutia of information ranging from plans to running of tasks can be arranged in a logical order for effective tracking and completion.
  • Task tracking, the meeting of deadlines and coherent team management are the vital objectives of using task management software.
  • Delayed tasks can be course-corrected by making suitable interventions at the pinpointed source of the problem which vastly improves and refines your workflow.
  • The users of the task management software can keep themselves abreast with collaborative tools like chats, wikis and dashboards.

Task dependency

  • A task may be dependent on the outcome of another task. This interrelationship can be visualized through a Gantt chart of the task management software that sets out different parameters like task ownership, dependency class and due date.
  • You have complete control to choose the preferred dependency type as default.
  • Task management software lets you set a predefined connection between different tasks for automatic alignment with the set dates.

Task management software

Centralized management structure

Monitoring of task status and assignment to team members can be done from a unified location with easy accessibility. Email reminders and tracking of progress of individual tasks in the project can be done. Conversion of emails into related tasks is a powerful feature.


  • Segregation of tasks can be done through Milestones. This grouping will allow hitting of high-efficiency levels.
  • Milestones will enhance your evaluation ability to know when the project deliverable will be completed.

Procedure for time sheet approval

  • Time sheets and billing requests can be approved in a streamlined way.
  • Entries without approval are notified in red on the respective icon.

Sub tasks and Task reports

  • Task management software allows you to partition the parent task into sub tasks which gives a good picture of the overall progress of the project.
  • A combined view of open and finished tasks of a particular project will help you gauge the pace and quality of task progression and take corrective steps if required.

Task Updating and Remainders

  • Update your existing tasks either selectively or in whole to make priority changes and modify task ownership and transferring the task across different lists.
  • Email reminders will give complete flexibility in managing critical milestones of the project.

Operational Benefits of Task management software

  • Color codes can be employed for effective organization and assignment of tasks from a centralized structure. The centrality of decision making helps in the prioritization of tasks
  • Projects o complex nature can be broken down into multiple tasks with interrelated dependency. This aids in the coherent flow of work.
  • Your enterprise can ensure quality products to clients at decreased costs by the integration of tasks. The productivity of staff members can be enhanced by sending out periodical reminders.
  • You can assign tasks for members or contractors and get real-time notifications. This helps in setting practical goals depending on past performance metrics, monitoring of deliverable and deadline management, all of which are critical for the smooth functioning of the business.

Why You Need to Know About Time Attendance CRM Software

Every big or small business gives high priority to time management, as this is what helps them to boost their company’s productivity and workforce. However, there are various ways in which you can manage time, but keeping track of everything is a crucial task that you need to follow. CRM software is one such tool that helps to keep records of your time and at the same time; you can easily manage your office work flow, production, out-put, employee login and logout with salary structure.

Managing working hours in working place is crucial for all enterprisers. There are several situations someone can easily avoid by properly managing these working hours. Time Attendance CRM Software will assist entrepreneurs in this case.

Time attendance CRM Software is a web-based application server that controls and manages the entire work hour of the organization. Needless to mention, maintaining punctuality is key for business success. Most of the industries are experiencing poor in this field. Therefore, use time attendance CRM software and make sure that, your employees are maintaining the working hours properly.

How does it work?

Time Attendance CRM Software works on both offline and web-based platform. It is available based on user count targeted at a different type of business segments. This type of user-based license comes with maximum flexibility based on current requirement. If there are any modification needs in the future, that can be done without much hassle. The most important advantage of this software is scalability. By this option, you can easily allow users to expand the system from 50 to 50,000 users as per your requirement.

Time Attendance CRM Software works on IP based architecture and it makes it more ideal people mobility management solution. It comes with several applications just like web-based Access Control, Time-Attendance system, Cafeteria Management, Employee Self Service, Visitor Management, Job Processing and Costing, Workers Management and finally field visit management. This amazing software enabled with fingerprint device and it will let you know the entry and exit time of the employees.  This CRM Software is an open system and it allows integration with third-party software along with hardware. When the time comes to think about payroll integration, that can be easily done with the help of API, Database to Database or Export Template Method. If anyone wants to connect different devices like Video Surveillance, Fire Alarm System and Relay, they can easily integrate with this software without any help of external hardware modules.

Important Features of Time Attendance CRM Software

  • User Profile Creation
  • Web-Based Application
  • Real-Time Data
  • Enrollment
  • Device Configuration
  • Export and Import Data
  • Basic Time Attendance and Access Control
  • Easy Export and Import Data
  • Seamless Integration
  • Auto Device Identification
  • Easy and Automatic Finger Print Distribution
  • Easy Backup and Restore

Having all these features, you can easily track and keep a record of your employees in your workplace. Install it and elevate the workforce to a new level.


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