Worried about business growth? Deploy latest CRM management software for effective results

CRM or customer relationship management can have effective result for business growth. The main idea of this management is to get connected with potential customers and retain their attention. This shall improve business performance and help it grow further. Below are some tips that will provide a better understanding of how to utilize CRM.

Does it help in finding customers?

Yes, it does, provided you know the effective implementation of CRM software for your business. Without the help of CRM software, it may be challenging for you to convert website visitors to potential leads for your business. With the advanced pace of technology, it is important to make use of every lead you get for your business. Try to offer something alluring to grab attention of viewers better and keep up with the prevailing competition in market. This is where a CRM would be suitable for your business. If you aren’t able to use it effectively, get help from experts to implement it right and get suitable benefits for your business.

How maintain sustainable business relationships?  

Having deep understanding on what customers are looking for in the market would help you to better cater to their needs. Creating a bond with customers would be beneficial for mutual success. This is where CRM system can assist an organization take the business to the next level. When exploring business challenges, do not forget to have effective follow-up plans for your business that helps nurture your leads.

CRM boosts employee productivity 

It is seen that a high performing sales team relies on CRM technology of business to bring in benefit for the business. With the use of the right technology, it can reduce burden of mundane business tasks and allows the team to focus on core jobs for the good of the business.

How to boost customer service with better implementation of CRM?

Offering quality product is not enough to have successful business, as it also requires after-sales customer service that allows resolution to any problem that might arise with a customer’s experience. This can be accomplished by means of nurturing the customers and build rapport with them, which will allow you to retain their attention for a long time.  As there is increasing competition in the market, the business should adopt the latest methods of customer outreach to maintain a stable position in the market by staying relevant.

Enhancing customer relation

Just like offering better customer service, the business needs to develop better customer relationship management to retain the attention of customers for your business over the competition. Try to maintain transparency and visibility in business interactions which will allows the development of trust from customers. Allowing full visibility of customer history, campaigns, and purchase details will help new customers trust your business over the rest.

Implement Latest CRM software today!

To keep up with fast paced markets, give the latest tools to your business team to handle the business work efficiently and expeditiously. This is where a CRM system helps reduce burden of automated tasks, making the overall business faster and smarter.

Do small businesses require CRM system for their business?

Yes, CRM software has great importance for all businesses, regardless of its size or years of operation on the market. This makes CRM one of the most necessary software to be used by businesses in the market to help them handle mundane tasks with ease. As a business has plenty to handle on daily basis, the CRM system can reduce the burden of the tasks by simplifying it.

Unlike the traditional CRM, the latest ones are packed with robust features that help handle challenging tasks easily and better manage customer relationships. Handling marketing challenges and customer support can be accomplished easily with the help of CRM Runner, which demonstrates and highlights the necessity of the software.

With all options available on the software, there are important factors to check when choosing software for your business.

Can the software fulfill business requirements?

The CRM software should meet business requirements and  CRM Runner brings multiple features to the table that can do just that. Our CRM software increases lead generation, allows easy access of contact data, enables easy flow of business deals, checks insights regarding business reports and data, and helps to convert leads to potential closed deals for the benefit of the business. Outline the requirements of your company and see if CRM Runner is right for your brand.

How the CRM software charges for small business?

Not all CRM models are available at an affordable price and therefore, it is better to research the market to understand which software is the best for your business at the best cost. CRM Runner is available at an affordable rate to make it easy for clients to purchase it for their business.

Ease of accessibility of software

Handle field service and office work easily under one platform with CRM Software that reduces challenges of scheduling tasks. Even the mundane day-to-day activities can be efficiently scheduled with help of this software and eliminate the chance of errors. However, the CRM you deploy for your business should be easy to use by the employees so that they can understand the features of application.

Ease of handling customer support team

Once you start working with CRM Runner, it can ease customer support with good track record and manage things better. This is an important support for your business that would help reduce amount of daily business tasks. This allows generate high ROI for business.

Checking contact views

If contact views are well organized in the CRM system, it would allow easier access to it. The database is well updated and it helps in your business. In addition, it helps to better manage CRM social responsibilities with software and so, it is better to have one packed with marketing features.

CRM and Email marketing : The powerful and dynamic duo for marketers

Email marketing is one the tried and tested tools for marketing your products and services to your potential and existing customers. It is being actively used by more than 4 billion users all over the world. If you are one of them, this article is a must read for you! You have recently started your business and you have started email marketing to send information about your offerings to the leads. Great job! But how do you ensure you are sending right content to right person?

What is CRM

CRM or Customer Relationship Management, as the name suggests, is a tool to manage and optimize your company’s relationships with customers and streamline sales and marketing processes. A CRM software stores customer information like contact details and records on previous interactions at a centralized location where anyone in the company can access it. So how can it support email marketing? Let’s read on.

How does it help with email marketing

By combining CRM with email marketing, you can focus on each customer rather than sending generic emails in bulk. This can help generate better profits by creating more engaged customers. A CRM software will boost email marketing efforts by:

  • Showing each customer at every stage of a sales funnel
  • Tracking customer’s history and relating it with your business
  • Identifying a lead as a potential customer within the funnel
  • Providing detailed information about customers thus helping the business send personalized and customized emails.
  • Sending alerts and notifications internally for scheduled calls and sending follow up emails

Why is this duo important for marketers

Both CRM and email marketing are here to stay for the long run. Even though social media marketing has emerged as an important part of marketing, the importance of email marketing cannot be ignored. As for CRM software, it is has the highest share of software market in the world and this will remain so. Hence, as a marketer, it is very important to utilize both tactics in the overall marketing strategies. A CRM acts as the first step before you proceed with email marketing. Once the CRM collects all information about leads and customers such as which products or services they buy the most, what they click on, how often they contact you etc., you can use that information to craft personalized and customized email campaigns targeted specifically for that particular lead or customer. For example, a reminder mail to a customer who has items in his cart for a long time, or a recommendation of a product a customer has viewed a couple of times.

Features to look for in a CRM based email marketing software

There are several features for which to look , however you can look into these 5 most important ones:

  • Testing and Analysis: A CRM based email marketing software should offer detailed analysis of data, test campaigns and suggest changes in the approach as and when required. For example, the click rate of the last email campaign to decide its success rate.
  • Lead nurturing: This is the process of growing relationships with leads at each stage of the sales funnel which will save a lot of time and money.
  • Bulk emailing software: Sending emails in a large volume to all leads and customers to notify general information about the company or any new product offering is important.
  • Engagement tracking: The platform should be able to track each stage of the engagement from opening the email to clicking on the CTA to the desired action. This will help you to change your approach when needed.
  • Response automation: You should be able to create drip campaigns which would automatically send emails to a customer based on certain events like order has been shipped, cart is empty etc.

CRM runner provides an integrated email marketing platform which helps you nurture client relationships with targeted emails. You will get detailed reports on each interaction which will help you take informed decisions. Mail us today at info@crmrunner.com to know more details or submit a contact request on our website.

5 tips which will make your sales funnel work miraculously

Sales funnel is a term frequently spoken in marketing jargon, but what is it exactly? And is your business succeeding in creating and identifying your sales funnel effectively? By definition, a sales funnel is a specially crafted strategic process for converting potential business leads into paying customers. It is hard to believe, but almost 70% of businesses in the B2B domain fail to accomplish a sales funnel that actually works. So what is it exactly, which puts the other section in the latter 30%? Let’s find out!

Make the first impression impactful : Your business landing page

“First impression is the last impression” may not hold true for everyone, but it can definitely prove to be true for your business when taking into account cut-throat competition. A customer searching through the internet for solution provider for his specific need goes through multiple websites before finalizing the one with which to get in touch. You don’t want to be the one who gets rejected.

A few tips to create a compelling website include:

  • A strong headline message matching with the ad linked to the landing page
  • Informative videos to increase the conversion rates
  • Number count to show how many clients are using your service or product currently
  • A Contact Us section in every page
  • Offer free-trial services
  • Clear and concise descriptions of all offerings

Include Live Chat Support to increase customer satisfaction

The next most effective way of communication after face to face interaction is live chat. Clients want to chat on every doubt they have about your offering, so unless you have a super intelligent chatbot with answers to all possible questions, you should seriously consider having a live chat support for your business. According to a survey, more than 90% of customers prefer live chat services over other mediums of communication. Make your clients loyal by building trust with effective communication and 80% of your revenue will come from only 20% of these clients.

CRM is an absolute essential

Almost 90% of online businesses use cloud based CRM software to manage their customer data and marketing solutions. This percentage clearly demonstrates the importance of CRM for your business. By using a versatile CRM solution, you are basically integrating your sales and support team to stay connected with your customers in real time with the help of live chat support. By doing this, and I am not exaggerating, you can increase your ROI by more that 5 times!

Informative and engaging blogs

Blogs are a great way to advertise your business outside of a traditional ad. You can tell your business story, share industry news, provide analytical data. What is better than customers getting their answers without having to call or write to you? However, the thing you need to do first before you start writing is to understand your clients and their business requirements. Once this is done, you can write blogs around those requirements and serve them with what they are seeking.

Utilize the very wise, Retargeting Ads

This is a very powerful tool to increase your customer base. A mere 2% of the website audience is converted in their first visit, what about the remaining 98%? Well, retargeting ads is the answer to that. When the customer visits your website and completes one session, his details are stored as cookies and the browser now remembers them. This cookie will be utilized further and the customer will see ads of your website on the display network where he can click on your ad link and finish the desired action.

CRM Runner is a one stop solution for all your business needs. Among a plethora of solutions offered, sales funnel is one of them. You will get granular level view of all leads at every stage and what action to take against each stage. It will help you streamline your sales process and give a detailed sales report to improve the process. Mail is at info@crmrunner.com to get more details.

Landing Page Integration with CRM Software to Convert More Visitors into Leads

The role of a landing page is to generate leads or make sales. That’s why it’s vital that you build a landing page with software that can store those leads and allow you to analyze data on potential prospects. Ideally, a powerful CRM has a landing page integration feature that can pull together a customer’s data and integrate with marketing and sales.

How a landing page integrated with CRM helps?

Landing pages are often linked to and from email marketing campaigns, online ads, search engine marketing campaigns, and social media. But regardless of how a visitor gets to your landing page, once they are there, it’s your job to drive them to convert.

Creating Landing Page Easily

The perfect way to convert web visitors into leads is to have relevant landing pages that include a clear “call to action” that allows you to collect visitor information through a lead form on your landing page. CRM Runner landing page feature lets you easily create and launch your landing pages without a professional designer or developer.

Connect Your Leads with Website Visitor Tracking

CRM Runner landing page is directly tied to the visitor tracking functionality. When an anonymous visitor submits a form on your landing page, a new lead record is created in CMR Runner. If the form gathers personal information, such as name, email, phone number and location, you now know exactly who the prospect is. The tracking tool will identify them and record their journey.

Automate Landing Page

Landing page automation introduces two powerful digital marketing tools for one strategy, which combines your lead generation processes and email marketing. You can custom create landing pages with highly customizable settings for fonts, colors, sizes, layout and every element of your page in such a way that they can express your brand and execute your vision.

Want to See CRM Runner in Action? Schedule a Talk!

How CRM Runner Helps in Team Collaboration?

Team collaboration brings the collective talent of your company together and is seen as a boon to every business. Now when it is so important for the success of a business, it also needs to be monitored. Know how a team or department will best work together will allow equal participation of every individual to achieve common goals.

But how does this “monitoring” happen?

CRM software is a tool that can help it happen. It will give them a crystal clear view of the present state of sales and production of the company. Monitoring the current state of work can push them to work on the blackouts and that will go easier for respective departments to discover the weakest link in the chain and focus on rectifying it. The active and seamless communication is another plus point of team collaboration.

Team collaboration between sales and marketing teams are crucial, because these two are the faces of a coin that represent the coin itself.

How does CRM Runner help in team collaboration?

CRM Runner helps in accomplishing projects or carrying out day-to-day tasks. The team manager can delegate activities to the team members, generate reports on the basis of performance, chat for better communication, and help in prioritizing them. CRM Runner helps you to manage your project and day to day tasks very efficiently.

  • Automate attendance, leave calculation management
  • Monitor employees’ clock-in and clock-out times
  • Track member/team actual hours worked
  • Generate customized timesheet that accelerates payroll process
  • Maintain individual information for better accessibility of data
  • Make relevant information easily available to those who need
  • Keep a track of your organization through placing the right person to the right job
  • Assign the best-suited job role, team, relevant department for smooth functioning of a business
  • Group employees based on teams

In addition to these jobs being simplified and streamlined, CRM Runner offers another exciting feature, usually unavailable with other similar tools. You can easily track employee location in real-time with the help of the GPS feature in CRM Runner. It helps in monitoring of employee on-field performance as well.

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Advantages of Integrating CRM and Email Marketing

When CRM assists email marketing campaigns, you can nurture better relationships through targeted emails. Your email marketing campaigns can become more efficient in audience segmentation, better lead targeting, generation and nurturing, and more personalization. For the best of both sales and marketing, this CRM integrated email marketing campaign approach is what is universally recommended.

In fact, if you are not already using CRM, you could be missing out on optimizing your sales process. Here is what you could be missing that would allow your company to succeed:

You can automate email marketing and reduce the length of your company’s average sales cycle by having CRM data at your fingertips. When you send out marketing emails to leads and customers, your CRM software will monitor it and give you alerts whenever any of them revert back to you. It helps you to never miss an important moment on your customer’s journey.

Alerts for More Useful Follow Ups

Once your customer receives your email and opens it, you’d get an alert in real time. If they click on links, you’d receive an alert. All these alerts can be used for more than just opening and clicking through emails. You will know which emails are working and which of them are not. You’d be more focused on creating compelling emails, so that could boost your open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and even ROI.

Improved Lead Nurturing

Everyone wants more nurtured leads. And that starts with having a steady flow of leads, giving you knowledge about which of them to nurture and which not. Having more information about your leads will enable you to figure out what matters most to them.

Personalized Emails

CRM can help you with basic email personalization, such as helping you to add your customer’s name in the email, create the opening line of the email, etc. You can even draft an email to send it to your customers later, which means you can also schedule emails.

Wrapping Up:

CRM Runner makes sure all that happens and much more! Your email marketing campaigns will be automated, well-informed, highly targeted, predicted, and planned.

Want to See CMR Runner in Action? Let’s Talk!

Integrated CRM Software to Manage Your Payroll Processes

Don’t waste your hard-earned money on software that your team won’t use. Implement the one that can give your employees the power to easily manage complex payroll processes from the ground up.

See into the features of CRM Runner that helps structure employee data in a structured way, manage pay structures, payroll information, and generate pay-slips etc. in an automated way. In addition, you can manage employee attendance, calculate leaves, process salary – all effortlessly, by using the time clock and timesheet.

Let’s check what more ways CMR Runner can help the payroll processes.

  • Track employee login and logout times
  • Keep a track of teams and even individual employees
  • Update schedules with simple drag and drop functionality
  • Review in and out time of employees
  • Monitor on-field movement of employees with integrated GPS tracking system
  • Track the location and route of on-field employees thus minimizing wastage of office hours
  • Monitor work hours
  • Add to customer invoice
  • Keep a track of employees in direct payroll and vendor payroll along with their attendance

As an integrated CRM Software to manage the front-facing side of a business, CRM Runner is designed to perform several vital business management tasks including invoicing, inventory management, expense tracking, and transaction management among others.

  • Understand prospective and current clients
  • Record interactions with customers
  • Manage business pipelines
  • Oversee prospecting
  • Create and evaluate marketing campaigns
  • Nurture relationships and sales opportunities
  • Track sales

CRM Runner automates more than 40 vital business management tasks that all charge per user. No matter how many people work at your company, CRM Runner can be the key to your ultimate business management solution and a prop to your business success.

Want to See CRM Runner in Action? Let’s Connect!

Align Your Marketing & Sales to Improve Your Business Performance

Easier said than done. It’s not always true, at least when you have CRM Software in your business arsenal. CRM itself can align your marketing and sales processes, including developing common definitions, sharing goals and metrics, lead management, lead nurturing and generation efforts, lead evaluation, and employing streamlined processes.

However, you have to make sure you are implementing the right customer relationship management (CRM) software that can improve your company’s marketing to sales alignment. A CRM lets companies manage customer communications throughout the lifecycle, analyze them, improve business-customer relationships, generate and convert leads, nurture sales processes, manage teams – both in-office and on-field teams, and assist in customer retention.

Let’s see how a comprehensive, top-choice CRM Software, CRM Runner, can align your marketing and sales efforts.

Improved Communication

Excessive emails and wasteful meetings are two of the main distractions for marketers. However, when you manage business communications through CRM, you get insights, based on which you can analyze prospects’ or customers’ needs and plan communication accordingly. CRM Runner features email marketing, chat solutions natively on the platform, which can be helpful for you to take your business to the next level.

Deeper Insights

When CRM software is shared, both marketing and sales enjoy access to all of the lead’s contact information. Also, CRM software populates the lead contact profile with essential information, such as company background, competitors, and interaction with the brand.

Avoid Duplicated Efforts

With the implementation of CRM software to your sales and marketing processes, both your sales and marketing teams will have data of each visitor, prospect, marketing, or sales qualified leads and their position in the funnel. Based on that, they will decide who to contact, which marketing efforts need to be tailor-made, thereby enabling teams to better focus on their own areas and outreach to interested customers with visible data.

CRM Runner

CRM Runner is the top-choice Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. It offers cloud-based applications for businesses that face the challenges of tracking leads, task scheduling, monitoring, and other day-to-day activities. CRM Runner is the one-stop solution for field service and office management. CRM Runner helps bring together all your customer information in a single, integrated platform that enables you to build a customer-centered business from marketing right through to sales, customer service, and business analysis. Built to give you a complete understanding of your customers, the CRM Runner platform can help you drive your business’s success.

The best CRM for scaling up your business

Want to See it in Action? Let’s talk!

What are the ways to enhance lead generation through your CRM?

Customer relationships play an important role in determining the success of a business. From generating leads to converting them into prospects for the sales, they can benefit a business to an incredible extent.

CMR Software can automate those roles, streamline the processes and accomplish them at warp speed, with much more precision. From analyzing data and managing customer interactions to developing more viable leads and improving sales, CRM software can boost your bottom line and improve customer relationships.

Learn the ways how your CRM can turn your business into a gold mine. 

Attracting potential clients and converting them into actual clients are the main goal of the lead generation process. In order to do it, you have to identify the person/s or businesses interested in your product/service, nurture them through marketing, and convert them into clients through effective sales strategies.

The entire process is eased out by CRM Software. 

Marketing Automation

You can expect to generate leads and convert them into clients when you run a marketing campaign. Automating your marketing by CRM Software can help you collect information on your campaigns on a central platform for more accessible analysis.

See into the features of CRM Runner that can streamline and automate marketing by enabling you to create landing pages, offering engaging visuals, to tell your business story through mass email blast with customized templates or SMS blast, besides following up on your invoices, estimates and clients with a predefined set of content to get more deals and connections.

Streamlined Communications 

CRM software connects you with multiple communication channels, thereby boosting your collaboration within multiple departments and quickening your decisions and approvals. Team communication and collaboration will improve and customers will be happy with your services and stick to your business, giving your opportunity for sustainable revenue generation.

Improved Sales Performance

Once sales performance is improved, business will drive to the right route of its success. CMR Runner enables its users to generate new leads through email blast, upload .CSV files, create and promote landing pages, and top of all, monitor how team performance is going on.
CRM Runner comes with all essential tools to improve your lead generation efforts and grow your business. Sign Up FREE Today

Five simple ways startups can use CRM for business growth

A good CRM software organizes customer information systematically, creates positive customer experiences, automates routine tasks, generates insightful reports, and aids in lead and sales management. 

But did you know that crm software can be used in a variety of ways to help your startup or small business grow?


Consider the following examples of its applications:


Facilitate Open Dialogue and Collaboration

Customer relationship management is more than just a job title. It involves every department in the company, from sales and marketing to HR and operations. All functions must work together in order to provide excellent customer service. Because CRM Software for Startups collects all of a customer’s data in one place, it’s simple for any individual or department to get the most up-to-date and accurate information at their fingertips. It removes any ambiguity that may arise if the communication trail via emails, phone calls, or paper documentation is not transparent.


Reduce Dependency on People

When an employee quits the company, calls in sick for the day, or goes on vacation without handing over the charge, how often do you find yourself in the dark? The best CRM software for startups ensures that such incidents do not occur because the entire database is updated, as well as the software itself. It becomes easier to keep track of who is/was doing what, and the contact can be reassigned or delegated to someone else without difficulty. CRM software enables businesses to become person-independent and to set up an automated backup system in order to keep control of customer data.


Manage On-field and Remote Teams

Although salespeople are frequently away from their offices, they must remain connected to the office. So do remote teams, which are becoming increasingly common in the startup world. On-field and remote teams are more difficult to communicate with than those in the office. As a result, it necessitates more fluid collaboration. At the same time, such teams require the flexibility and accessibility to work regardless of location or time constraints. They don’t have to waste time going back to the office to gather customer information, fill out paperwork, provide updates, or prepare quotes. Instead, they can stay in touch with their prospects and colleagues using CRM Software for Startups.


Enable Lead Source Tracking

Leads are generated through a variety of methods, including trade shows, websites, social media, email campaigns, cold calls, referrals, and advertising. How would you determine which channels generate the most or least leads, which convert the best, and how the channels compare to one another or to previous years? What proportion of a marketing budget would you devote to each channel? CRM, on the other hand, may be able to help. CRM software typically includes a field called ‘Leads,’ which allows you to keep track of your leads like a pro. It gives you access to real-time, consistent, and accurate information about the lead source’s origin.


CRM software is an excellent long-term investment. With the help of CRM software, you can easily and smoothly streamline your operation.

Role of CRM Software in Vendor Management

As the business world becomes more and more complex and roles evolve to meet changes in needs, the vendors on which you rely are not only vendors but also partners for your long-term success. Connecting and onboarding vendors that meet your specific needs call for a system that allows tracking vendor’s performance, access, and managing risk, and managing their contracts and their relationships. You need customized CRM software to perform all these tasks effectively.

It is important for companies that want to compete in the modern market to take control over the vendor management process. Given the importance of CRM software for vendor management to achieve optimal return on investment (ROI), it is essential to keep track of every dollar spent on products and services, vendor manpower costs, raw materials, essential service, and other resources are such a crucial part of production and profitability.

In the simplest case, any official program to achieve transparency, control over vendor information, supplier relationship management, and risk exposure in your supply chain requires the best CRM software for Vendor Management.

CRM Software: Benefits for Vendor Management

Automated Process:

Artificial intelligence and automation can boost the process powerfully. Many workflows, such as onboarding, invoicing and P2P, contain key but repetitive elements that are prone to human error and costly delays when performed manually. Automation removes the human element from the equation, also in many cases removes the need for manual checks, for inputs, and for other processes like approval, workflow helping in the completion of the job at a very quick pace.

Furthermore, the automation of your vendor onboard processing ensures that you can easily monitor vendor performance and compliance over time with complete vendor data profiles for each vendor and service provider from day one.

Improved Compliance:

The longer the supply chain, the bigger your supplier’s risk of exposure. Even businesses with small supply chains need to monitor and comply, both internally and externally. CRM software for vendor management reduces risks and improves regulatory compliance by centralizing, collecting, documenting, and communicating all vendor information and performance information, in order to support fast and accurate due diligence and audits.

Workflow reminders and automatic license expiration alarms, legal modifications, etc, you can remove the rogue expenditure and charge fraud, and formalize a closed system. Integration of your suppliers with joint compliance issues in your system to improve strategic planning.

Stronger Supplier Management:

Would it not be great to know that every supplier in your supply chain is prepared to meet your price, performance, and compliance expectations or even exceed them? You can create your criteria, from historical delivery results to reputational concerns with a tailor-made cloud-based Vendor Management Program. Providers can be revised, qualified, and transferred much faster to your data environment if everyone has access to all the required information. In addition, your providers can provide you with richer data through the connection of your invoicing system with the supplier managing software of your CRM, making it even easier to achieve optimum procurement performance while taking advantage of early payment discounts and strengthening your reputation as a prompt and professional buyer.


One supply chain that will surely snap under pressure is poorly managed. Invest in a reliable and integrated vendor management system and you are ready to build effective strategic partnerships with your vendors, simplify your workflows and cut costs.


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