Wham, Bam, Glam, Thank You, Ma’am! Marketing Tools for Makeup Artists

Makeup artistry is all the rage right now, largely in part due to the success of the big names on the internet.  The makeup artist industry depends heavily on marketing to get the word out about your skills, whether just starting out or an established name in the business.  Here are some hot tips on how to increase your makeup artist client list.

Get Famous on the Internet for being a Makeup Artist

To be a successful makeup artist, you don’t have to have thousands (or millions) of followers on a social media platform, although it can help.  Makeup artists need to focus on building an organic community to showcase their work.  And by showcasing their work, they can attract leads.  Popular social media platforms Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.  However, a professional makeup artist can also use a landing page to collect names of leads and book appointments.  CRM Software, like CRM RUNNER, provides templates for landing pages, lead generation, and appointment setting, so that makeup artists can focus on their craft instead of web design.  Build a professional looking website to showcase your brand.  It has never been easier, and integration with CRM tools means you have more control when it comes to building your client list.

Referrals are the lifeblood of any Business

Makeup artists know that a successful gig can lead to more appointments.  When a customer shares her new look with friends and family, they ask “Who did that!?”  Track your referrals using CRM software.  CRM RUNNER allows you to track which sources provide the best referrals so that you can focus on growing your client base.  Some artists give incentives like discounts or gifts to those who generate referrals.  You can use the same tools to measure where other leads are generated, such as from your webpage, social media, or advertisements.

Reach out to Repeat Customers

If your customer loves your work, why not invite them for another appointment?  Perhaps somebody who used you for their wedding will want your services again for their parents’ anniversary party or a work event.  Many people schedule makeup looks seasonally, so use CRM applications to create bulk messages by email or to notify customers of availability during prom and homecoming season, for example.  Every artist is different, so be creative in generating marketing content!

Think Beyond the Brand

Branding is an essential part of a makeup artist’s business, but so is customer service.  Customers prefer professional presentation when it comes to receiving invoices and making payments.  CRM RUNNER can generate invoices using a template based on your personal brand.  The invoices can even be paid directly in the software.  Keep an inventory of beauty products, too?  CRM RUNNER has a module for inventory, so you can manage those sales just as easily.  The software likewise contains scheduling software for makeup artists with an easy drag-and-drop calendar, so you can keep track of your appointments.

The benefits of CRM databases are plentiful, so get your business organized and show off your skills.  Attracting and managing customers has never been so simple; contact CRM RUNNER today to get started!

Online CRM System Can Help Your Business

5 Ways an Online CRM System Can Help Your Business Increase Profits

The market for services which require staff in the field is swelling in both demand and options for companies providing installation, delivery, repair, and other home and office services. To stay ahead of the competition, service-based businesses look for ways to increase efficiencies and improve customer service.

Keep your lead on competitors with an online CRM system in order to build better customer relationships, maintain a more sustainable inventory, boost staff productivity, provide optimum customer service, and retain a loyal customer base.

Online CRM System

#1: CRM Runner helps small businesses increase revenue through improved customer relationships.

An online CRM system will reduce the time it requires to develop a strong business relationship with your customers. CRM Runner maintains records of every significant detail regarding each individual customer.

At the tap of a button on a handheld device or a click on the desktop app, managers have at their disposal every item purchased and all communications from texts to e-mails through the CRM system. Whenever an individual client calls on the company for advice or follow-up service, an online CRM system eliminates the need to shuffle through paperwork, ask questions of service technicians who may be in the field working, and other hindrances to immediately responding to their inquiry. These relationships are the bread and butter of a small business wanting to expand. Improving communications frees up time to dedicate to business development and managerial efforts.

#2: The online CRM Runner system allows for small businesses to maintain a more sustainable inventory of equipment and supplies.

An online CRM system tracks your entire inventory from tools, equipment, products, and even service vehicles. This monitoring system gives managers oversight of demand on certain products in order to efficiently separate unnecessary or unwanted items from the products your customers need most. Managers are able to track how much product leaves the shelves and the durability of testing or repair equipment in order to maintain on-hand what is most likely needed to avoid a halt in operations.

This tracking system is likewise connected to employees who use company property. Managers are able to detect their most efficient and reliable employees through a click on the CRM Runner app. They can view how long each staff member takes to complete certain jobs, how much equipment or supplies are used for each job, etc. Identifying where you need to cut costs saves the company revenue to distribute to business development necessities.

#3: Boost your employees’ productivity with the best online CRM system technology to avoid archaic processes slowing down work progress.

Small businesses that are able to help their employees best represent the company through cutting the minutiae tasks preventing them from doing their work. The manual brainwork of seeking out customer contact information, reviewing each customer’s history, potentially speaking to customers to get caught up on what they need, etc.; these are all tasks which are automated with the use of a sophisticated online CRM system.

With an online CRM system, your field service representatives can spend their time cultivating lasting customer relationships with clients who will ask for them to return whenever they have an issue. Technicians are empowered to do the best job possible for more clients in a day with the right technology.

#4: An online CRM system improves customer service allowing for reasonable pricing to increase revenue.

Research conducted by Defaqto indicates over half of consumers are willing to pay more money for a quality experience. With all the efficiencies built into the use of the online CRM Runner system, you are able to demonstrate your superior care for your customers’ needs and provide them with personalized attention. This allows for more flexibility to increase your prices where it makes the most sense for your business to best serve your clientele.

#5: Improve your customer retention with the help of an online CRM system to avoid loss of valuable resources on scrambling to gain new customers.

It costs much more to gain new customers than it does to retain repeating customers. According to the Harvard Business Review, businesses can increase profits 25%-95% through a mere 5% reduction in customer loss. The happier you keep your current client base, the more free advertising you receive through word-of-mouth and social media.

CRM Runner provides a less annoying CRM system. CRM Runner also provides oversight on all your business interactions with customers revealing your at-risk customers and your satisfied clients.

This technology assists with addressing problems faster and nurturing the best leads. When you divide your time wisely with customers most likely to return, your company will receive the dividends of your use of an online CRM system for years.


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