Beneficios de usar CRM Runner para Contratistas de Negocios de Servicios a Domicilio

Como dueño de un negocio de servicios a domicilio, tus manos casi siempre estarán ocupadas. Afortunadamente, hay muchas tecnologías disponibles para ayudarte a administrar tu negocio de manera más eficiente.

Deberás considerar el uso de una plataforma de gestión de relaciones con los clientes (CRM) para administrar tus ventas y datos de los clientes, de igual forma al usar el software de servicios a domicilio podrás manejar tus necesidades comerciales del día a día.

CRM Runner simplifica la gestión de oportunidades de ventas, como nuevos prospectos, estimaciones abiertas y negocios repetidos. Almacena información sobre tus clientes y maneja todos los datos, permitiéndote centrarte únicamente en tu negocio en expansión.

Características de CRM Runner para tu

Negocio de Servicios a Domicilio

  1. Despacho: La forma más eficiente de administrar trabajos y operaciones diarias es a través de la programación automatizada.
  2. Seguimiento por GPS: El diseño sistemático de CRM Runner te permite monitorear fácilmente a tus clientes, prospectos, miembros del equipo, distribuidores, y agentes desde una sola plataforma.
  3. Transacciones: CRM Runner ofrece opciones de transacciones integrales y completas que facilitan la realización de negocios.
  4. Experiencia en Servicio al Cliente: Es mucho más importante saber cómo se siente su cliente acerca de tu empresa después de recibir el servicio tuyo.
  5. Acuerdos de Mantenimiento: Crea contratos de mantenimiento con los clientes para el alcance de los servicios especificados y dentro del marco de tiempo específico.
  6. Cotizaciones Electrónicas: CRM Runner facilita la generación de facturas, la administración de ventas, el cobro y seguimiento de los pagos, la contabilidad comercial y los cálculos de impuestos y el uso de una función integral de informes en tiempo real para medir con precisión el progreso comercial.
  7. Facturación Electrónica: Un buen negocio siempre sigue el lema “El cliente es lo primero” y con cotizaciones y facturas diseñadas por CRM Runner, podrás mantener ese estándar por completo.
  8. La función de programación de CRM Runner te permite automatizar aún más su flujo de trabajo y hacer crecer tu negocio. El planificador ayuda a revisar el calendario para realizar un seguimiento de los eventos, reuniones y tareas importantes.
  9. Marketing: CRM Runner te ayuda a manejar tus múltiples campañas y desafíos específicos asociados con la industria. Te permite administrar y optimizar tus campañas para lograr los mejores resultados.
  10. Subida de imágenes y videos: Cuando finaliza un trabajo, el agente de campo puede tomar imágenes y videos del sitio de trabajo. Si se necesita cargar otra documentación, podrás subir cualquier tipo de archivo desde cualquier dispositivo.

Swipe & Go: CRM Runner te proporciona una plataforma para un proceso de pago sin problemas, seguro y documentado con la función Swipe & Go.

Inicia tu periodo de prueba gratuito de 14 días con CRM Runner

Con el sistema CRM adecuado, puedes alinear tus procesos comerciales con las estrategias de los clientes, aumentar ganancias y al mismo tiempo, fidelizar y retener a los clientes a lo largo del tiempo. CRM Runner tiene como objetivo ayudar en las operaciones, objetivos y esfuerzos CRM de tu empresa. Si tienes más preguntas, comunícate con nosotros al 877.590.0040 y conversa con uno de nuestros representantes. ¡También podrás solicitar una demostración!

Aumenta el reconocimiento de tu marca y la participación de clientes con potentes campañas por correo electrónico

Las campañas por correo electrónico son una de las formas más poderosas de aumentar el reconocimiento de nuestra marca y la participación de clientes. Al enviar correos electrónicos personalizados y dirigidos hacia tus clientes y prospectos, puedes mantener una prioridad y construir relaciones que conduzcan a conversiones. Para maximizar el impacto de tus campañas por correo electrónico, asegúrate de segmentar tu lista, usar imágenes cautivadoras y escribir textos atractivos que le hablen a tu audiencia.

El marketing por correo electrónico es una de las formas más efectivas de crear conciencia de marca para tu negocio. Un estudio en el 2021 realizado por especialistas en marketing de EE.UU. encontró que el marketing por correo electrónico tiene un ROI medio del 122%, eso es, más de 4 veces el de las redes sociales, las búsquedas pagas y de los correos directos. Entonces, ahora que sabe lo efectivo que puede ser, aquí le se le mostrará cómo puedes crear conciencia de marca para tu negocio con el marketing por correo electrónico:

  • Utiliza una forma de comunicación y un diseño de marca coherente en tus correos electrónicos.
  • Personaliza tus correos electrónicos tanto como sea posible.
  • Asegúrate de que tus correos electrónicos sean valiosos y muy relevantes para tu audiencia.
  • Promociona tus correos electrónicos a través de las redes sociales y otro tipo de canales.
  • Analiza tus campañas de marketing por correo electrónico para realizar un seguimiento de lo qué funciona y qué no.

Una vez sigas estos consejos, puede crear conciencia de marca de manera efectiva para tu negocio con el marketing por correo electrónico.

Si planeas lanzar una campaña de correos electrónicos masiva, usar un sistema como CRM puede ser muy beneficioso. CRM SYSTEM puede ayudarte a administrar tus contactos, realizar seguimientos de tus campañas por correo electrónico y automatizar muchas de las tareas asociadas con el marketing por correo electrónico. Esto te puede ahorrar mucho tiempo y lograr que tus campañas de correo electrónico masivas sean más efectivas.

CRM RUNNER es uno de esos pocos sistemas CRM intuitivos y completos, creados para aumentar el conocimiento de tu marca a través de POTENTES CAMPAÑAS de CORREO ELECTRÓNICO MASIVAS. Con solo unos pocos clics, puedes crear grupos y lanzar diferentes campañas de correo electrónico entre ellos.

Con CRM Runner, podrás:

Crea grupos según tus preferencias

Crear seguimientos

Enviar impactantes plantillas por correo electrónico para ahorrar tiempo

Subir archivos CSV para la creación de grupos

Añadir imágenes/emoticonos

Tendrás una opción de vista previa antes de enviar

Podrás adjuntar archivos

Agregar pies de página

Verificar el estado de entrega de tu campaña

En resumen:

CREAR NUESTRO RECONOCIMIENTO DE MARCA es esencial para el éxito perenne. Los clientes que confíen en tu marca siempre recurrirán a ti en sus momentos de necesidad. El marketing por correo electrónico es una herramienta poderosa para aumentar el reconocimiento de nuestra marca. La franqueza y la regularidad con la que se pueden aprovechar los correos electrónicos B2B lo convierten en una herramienta poderosa para difundir el conocimiento de nuestra marca. Todo lo que tu necesitas es aprovechar al máximo una herramienta como CRM Runner.

Para obtener más información, haz clic AQUI

How a CRM Software Can Help You Generate Jobs for Sub-contractors?

When you are busy or you have jobs in other cities, or your career requires you to work multiple jobs with multiple clients all at once, it can be a balancing act. Having a CRM software can help!

With a good CRM, you can keep track of your subcontractors and the projects they are working on. This way you will always be aware of their project status and what needs to be done next.

A good CRM can also help you create and assign tasks for your subcontractors. By keeping track of all the subcontractors’ work in one place, it will be easier for you to see where there are bottlenecks and how to delegate tasks better.

In short, a good CRM can help you manage your subcontractors more efficiently and help you avoid surprises down the line.

Managing customer relationships and staying on top of projects will also be easier with the right plan of action that will be streamlined while leveraging a good CRM Software. From assigning jobs to other companies, tracking their progress to handling leads more effectively, everything will be efficient.

Look into the features of CRM Runner, an end-to-end field service and office management platform, which you can use to manage your entire business operations through this single platform. In addition, you can use CRM Runner’s 3rd Party Jobs module to:

  • Create jobs and assign them to other companies
  • Assign as many jobs to as many contractors as you want
  • Track how many jobs each contractor has been assigned and get paid for them

There is no cost on your end to add contractors when using this module of 3rd Party Jobs of CRM Runner. You can try CRM Runner for 14 days for free to see how it works.

An Easy Solution To Use QR Codes to Grow Your Business

QR codes are a type of barcode that can be read by smartphones and other devices. QR codes can be used to store information such as website URLs, contact information, or product information. QR codes can be used to improve business growth by providing a way for customers to quickly and easily access information about your business.

How do QR Codes contribute to business growth?

An innovative marketing strategy could be the factor that sets you apart from your competition. Therefore, the combination of the uniqueness of QR Codes and their versatility for use in marketing campaigns and other general business uses could be exactly what does the trick.

Let’s see why you’d leverage QR Codes for your business:

Boost brand awareness

Branding is essential for sales success. QR codes make branding easy because they are customizable. This is useful both for your business’ marketing campaign, as well as can be added to any type of print material.

Market your products more effectively

QR Codes are a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses grow by boosting engagement on social media, getting more people to attend events, sharing video and audio files, increasing app downloads, and more.

Enhance internal processes

No matter what you want to do with QR Codes – whether it’s adding them to showcase updated office hours, digitizing your business card, or adding them to print materials. The opportunities for how they can support business growth are truly endless.

How Can CRM Runner Help Your Business Grow?

CRM Runner is an end-to-end, intuitive CRM System that presents its users an amazing QR Code custom creation feature and that enables them to send their clients to desired webpages.

What can you do by leveraging the power of CRM Runner?

  • Create QR codes.
  • Choose QR code color to match your branding
  • Check the status of how many customers scanned the QR codes.
  • Add any URL you want the customer to go to.
  • Add a logo to your QR code to make it even nicer.

Sounds interesting? Want to speak to one of our experts at CRM Runner? Let’s set up a meeting TODAY!

Why is CRM Runner is Critical for Sales?

Managing relationships can be viewed through various lenses in every business. When you, the sales manager, refer to CRM for sales, you essentially mean a sales app that is utilized for revenue forecasting, reports, and analytics.

How does CRM Runner aid?

You can navigate the sales workflow with each client more easily with CRM Runner. They are simple to relate to, and you can look for opportunities to help them.

Track clients easily

You can easily track every customer with the help of a CRM software, allowing you to provide them with better service. You can easily locate them and keep tabs on their whereabouts.

Keep the Business Organized

The solution enables you to enter customer sales information in a way that makes it easier for you to keep track of all related information. You can manage the activities online and view them, making it simple for you to make quick decisions on every call.

Make the most of your current clients’ value

Many people concentrate on acquiring new clients. However, a good CRM system can help you make the most of your current workforce. You can easily connect with others now and engage in conversation about their needs. You can also emphasize the value you provide to your customers.

Get More Prospects

You can evaluate your customers and determine their interests with the help of reliable CRM automation solutions. It will help you create targeted advertising and marketing to screen and draw in more prospective customers. Additionally, this helps you keep track of leads and clients.

CRM for Business Management

A strong client relationship can be advantageous to your business. CRM Runner is the only tool that can be used to accomplish this. The solution helps you keep an eye on client activity so you can communicate with them effectively. Additionally, you can monitor sales metrics to improve marketing.

CRM Runner is the best option if you’re looking for software to manage high-velocity sales. Start your free 14-day trial now. Call us right away at 877.590.0040!

Identify possible errors in transactions using CRM RUNNER

So you’ve decided to integrate your payments with your CRM. Because you want to tailor the payment experience to each customer’s expectations, you want your team to make more data-driven decisions, or you want to increase operational efficiency by incorporating payments into your CRM software.

The new dynamic between CRM and your Accounting System is an underappreciated aspect of bringing payments to your CRM platform. When done correctly, it can reduce the amount of reporting required by your finance department, simplify certain processes, and even reduce the configuration complexity of your AS.

CRM Runner helps in Identifying possible errors in transactions.

How does CRM Runner help in Bank Reconciliation?

  • CRM RUNNER assists your company in identifying potential transaction errors.
  • Bank reconciliation is important because it allows your organization to identify discrepancies between accounting and bank records.
  • Get a report that will assist you in identifying potential fraudulent activities and protecting your company from losses.

Ready to dive in? Start a free 14-day trial today.

For more information on how to identify possible errors in transactions through CRM Runner, call us at 877.590.0040.

¿Cómo CRM Runner puede ayudar con su función IVR a una Organización a alcanzar sus Objetivos?

La solución IVR es una solución IVR CRM (Gestión de Relaciones con el Cliente) completamente funcional que se puede utilizar para ofrecer a los clientes, servicios más atractivos. La solución IVR hará uso de la información del usuario que ya está disponible, recopilada y se mantiene en el


El sistema reproducirá mensajes IVR de forma más individualizada en función a los datos del CRM disponibles y la interacción del usuario. Esto mejorará y humanizará la experiencia del usuario. Como resultado, la solución IVR integrada con la


Puede proporcionar mejores servicios al responder a los clientes de una manera más personalizada.

Dale a tu empresa esa sensación de ser una gran empresa.

El enrutamiento de llamadas se puede activar para dirigir a los clientes a su departamento adecuado. El IVR aumenta la confianza de los consumidores con tus servicios.

Activa el IVR, por cada línea telefónica.

Hay varios IVR disponibles por línea.

Existe una opción para la grabación por voz o carga de archivos de voz.

Nuestro sistema telefónico puede hablar mientras escribes con la opción de texto a voz.

CRM Runner esta diseñado para optimizar y automatizar las operaciones diarias de tu empresa con un enfoque en la retención de clientes y operaciones de campo. Empieza ya con tu periodo de prueba gratuito de 14 días. ¡Llama ya al 877.590.0040!

Managing Purchase Orders With CRM Runner Is So Simple!

A Purchase Order is an order placed with your vendors to purchase goods or services. It is a legally binding document that protects both the vendor’s and the buyer’s interests. A Purchase Order (PO) typically includes the PO number, date, and line items (products) with quantities and prices based on the Sales Quote, Billing address, Shipping address, and Terms & Conditions.

You can use the PO to communicate your product and pricing requirements to vendors so that there are no pricing issues in the future. The PO can also be used to cross-check products shipped to your shipping address and invoices sent to you. Furthermore, in the event of nonpayment in court, your vendor can use the PO as a legal document. Now easily manage purchase orders with the best CRM Software.

How CRM Runner can help manage purchase orders?

  • Easily set up inventory transactions with your vendors using a CRM Software!
  • Working with vendors to keep your inventory fully stocked can be time-consuming. This is why CRM Runner enables you to easily create purchase orders for your vendors.
  • CRM Runner allows you to create purchase orders for any item.
  • Will convert invoices to purchase orders automatically.
  • Create purchase orders from scratch and send them to vendors right away.

Ready to dive in? Start a free 14-day trial today.

For more information on how to manage purchase orders through CRM Runner, call us at 877.590.0040.

Safe file Storage management with the best CRM Software

Would you like to learn more about CRM document management? A CRM document management system is a system for managing a company’s documents. This can be very beneficial to the company because they will be able to eliminate all of their paperwork and keep everything in one place. It can also save you time because you won’t have to look for papers.

All of your files are stored in our cloud!

Operating a business generates a large number of files and data, which must be stored. CRM Runner includes 2 GB of storage space, allowing you to streamline all of your operations through our platform.

Organizing Files

This software allows you to organize all of your files much more easily. The program will ensure that you have all of your files, even if they are not from the same location. You also don’t have to spend hours organizing them because the program does it for you.

Storage Area

This CRM software not only organizes your files but also assists you in saving storage space. Most businesses want to avoid wasting valuable space, which is why this software is so useful.

How can CRM Runner’s Cloud help you manage your files?

  • Over 2 GB of storage space for your critical business files.
  • You can easily upload any file.
  • Search results can be filtered by upload date.
  • Each file can be viewed by team member, file name, file size, relation, and date.

When you start using the software, you will notice that it greatly simplifies your life. It will ensure that you have everything you need in one place and will not have to search for papers or storage space. It is an excellent method for organizing your business and making your life easier.

Ready to dive in? Start a free 14-day trial today.

Call us at 877.590.0040 for more information on how to easily manage file storage with CRM Runner.

Follow Up with your customers easily using CRM Runner

Customer expectations in every industry have risen dramatically in recent years. Almost all business sectors, from FMCG to automobiles, travel, and vacations, offer a plethora of options to consumers. This trend has made customer service mandatory for any business.

CRM, or Customer Relationship Management software, can help you retain and acquire new customers. You can use it to organize your sales pipeline. CRM software has risen in popularity in recent years, with studies indicating that it can boost sales by up to 29%. It also allows businesses to forecast more accurately, resulting in a 42% increase in sales.

Consistent customer outreach, simple and free of hassle!

Getting new customers can be difficult. It can be more difficult to maintain and preserve current customer relationships while also attempting to close deals. CRM Runner’s Follow Up feature can assist in alleviating and preventing this issue.

CRM Runner can help you with customer follow-up in the following ways

  • Use our Follow Up feature to keep customer relationships strong and conversion rates high.
  • Create follow-up emails for estimates and invoices that have been sent, as well as customers who have expressed interest and with whom you have established rapport.
  • Title each email, create unique content for each body, and upload files to create unique templates for your follow-ups.
  • Recurring automated email/SMS reminders until a response from the customer is received
  • An automated SMS/email survey is sent after payment.

The importance of CRM in improving customer satisfaction

Marketing and sales teams can benefit greatly from CRM solutions. They not only improve customer satisfaction but also make business operations more efficient.

The marketing team, for example, will have a better understanding of the target audience, and the sales team will have a better understanding of customer requirements. Support staff can easily resolve issues if they are aware of the communication history.

Managers will also gain a better understanding of how the business works and will be able to address bottlenecks faster. CRM platforms are thus critical for efficient business operations as well as customer satisfaction.

If you’re looking for CRM software to run high-velocity sales, CRM Runner is the way to go.

Are you ready to jump in? Begin your 14-day free trial today. Call us at 877.590.0040 today!


Drive your supply chain performance using the best CRM Software

Margins are being squeezed like never before as supply chains become more complicated and the need to reduce prices for buyers increases. CRM software is being used by organizations for supply chain management, which is a controlled and systematic approach to sourcing the goods and services needed to maintain profitability and drive efficiencies.

Lower your risk while improving the performance of your supply chain!!

CRM Runner, one of the best CRM software, comes with a slew of tools for managing supplier and vendor information, performance, and relationships. Suppliers and vendors can be added to the portal via an easy-to-use interface, and you can receive the information you need to evaluate suitability and performance.

CRM Runner can help with vendor and supplier management. How?

  • Providing you with a comprehensive picture of all vendor information, including contacts and communications.
  • You can now search for specific suppliers or check all options on the designated supplier screen.
  • Products can be linked to suppliers, which simplifies returns.
  • For better business operations, you can easily keep track of stock by checking billed, unbilled, and unpaid data.
  • It helps to add new suppliers to the database while keeping contact information for existing ones.
  • Supplier information is easily accessible and modifiable, and suppliers can be mapped to locations.
  • In their own section, new contractors can be easily added, edited, and saved.
  • Managers can quickly find and obtain information about a contractor or group of contractors.
  • CRM Runner enables you to make more informed, faster decisions that increase productivity, influence quality, and drive continuous improvement.

Ready to dive in? Start a free 14-day trial today.

Call us at 877.590.0040 for more information on how to easily manage vendors with CRM Runner.

Enhance your business performance with CRM Runner

Technology is now playing a critical role in enhancing customer service. IVRs are still the workhorse in the call center, with clear and proven value propositions such as cost reduction through automation, reducing hold time, minimizing abandoned calls, confirming proper agent transfer based on customer input selection, and playing a vital role in increasing contact center productivity.

However, we frequently see businesses disregard the potential of this medium, leaving customers at the mercy of a poorly designed flow, driving them to extremes of frustration.

The question is, how can we make our IVRs more natural, more “personalized,” so that businesses can build more efficient customer journeys that allow customers to solve their problems faster or independently?

A fully engaged CRM software with an IVR feature that can be used to provide clients with more personalized and engaging services. The available user data, which is collected and stored in the CRM, will be used by the IVR solution. The system will play more personalized IVR prompts based on the available data in the CRM. As a result, the user journey will be more engaging and personalized. As a result, the IVR solution integrated with the CRM can provide better services by providing customers with more personalized responses.

Any company can use this type of CRM platform with IVR integration. However, the E-Commerce, customer support center, and call center can all influence the maximum benefit of CRM Runner. It will also increase upselling and cross-selling. Similarly, it will convert leads in the IVR, lowering the IVR to agent transfer ratio.

Give your small business a big appearance and feel

You can use call routing to direct your customers to the appropriate department. IVR increases customer trust in your service.

  • Set up IVR for each phone line.
  • There are multiple IVRs available per line.
  • Voice recording and voice file upload are both options.
  • Text to voice is an option; you type, and our phone system speaks.

To understand more about leveraging voice and text automation with your CRM system, contact us today. Please contact us at 877.590.0040 to speak with one of our representatives.


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