Un Seguimiento Eficaz de la Atención al Cliente Mediante un Software CRM

El servicio de atención al cliente para un CRM tiene un papel primordial, ya que el servicio de atención al cliente combina los esfuerzos de marketing, ventas, soporte y retención. En particular, los CRM han demostrado ser muy valiosos a la hora de abordar el Servicio de Atención al Cliente.

A continuación, se presentan algunos puntos sobre como se puede lograr un seguimiento eficaz a través del software CRM.

  1. Escala con el negocio de manera eficiente:

Un CRM basado en la nube favorece el crecimiento de la empresa sin tener que reinvertir continuamente en un software o hardware. También evita tener que adivinar exactamente que capacidad o funciones podría necesitar una empresa. La capacidad de actualizar (o degradar) a medida que cambian las circunstancias, al adoptar un CRM disminuye el riesgo al que se enfrenta una empresa.

  1. Compartir datos en tiempo real con todos los miembros del equipo.

En el servicio de atención al cliente, compartir datos podría significar mucho más que un acceso abierto a la información de los clientes. Este acceso en tiempo real podría agilizar la gestión de los problemas de los clientes y reducir el tiempo total dedicado a cada uno de ellos.

Por ejemplo, el


Podría mostrar un historial completo de las interacciones con los clientes, que puede incluir notas de llamadas anteriores en las que un cliente busca una solución para un problema en curso. El representante podría tratar el asunto pendiente rápidamente sin necesidad de que el cliente repita todo el historial, lo que reduce la frustración del cliente y permita a los representantes atender mas clientes en el mismo tiempo. Los CRM tienen una función aun mas importante para los representantes de atención al cliente, que también tienen un papel en las ventas. Un CRM completo podría incluir una lista de los materiales de marketing recibidos por un cliente, lo que podría proporcionar información sobre el interés del consumidor y los conocimientos existentes. Además, un CRM podría mejorar la transferencia de información entre el personal de ventas remoto y los representantes de atención al cliente internos.

Esta transferencia de datos sin fisuras mantiene informados a los representantes al tiempo que mejora la percepción de los clientes potenciales sobre la gestión general de la empresa. Ambas ventajas tienen el potencial de incrementar las ventas y aumentar los ingresos.

  1. Automatización de la entrada de datos para obtener información coherente y precisa.

El valor de compartir datos depende en gran medida de la calidad de los datos obtenidos. Si el contenido esta desorganizado o faltan fechas claves, un conjunto completo de notas de una llamada anterior podría no ser valioso. Un representante de ventas ocupado podría descuidar el registro de una llamada de ventas importante sin la entrada de datos automatizada. por otra parte, un requisito pesado para la entrada manual de datos podría disminuir la moral del personal. Un software CRM integrado para empresas podría automatizar muchos aspectos de la entrada de datos para proporcionar una imagen mas clara y completa de las interacciones con los clientes. La mayor claridad proporcionada a los representantes mas confianza en los datos que tienen delante y alivia la carga del mantenimiento de datos.

La automatización de la introducción de datos beneficia a las interacciones entre representante y cliente más allá de las mejoras inmediatas. Un conjunto estandarizado de puntos de datos es clave para que los gestores de atención al cliente obtengan información procesable de los análisis de CRM. Un CRM podría empujar y tirar de los datos de múltiples áreas de la empresa para agilizar la comunicación dentro de una organización y hacer que las interacciones con los clientes sean mas eficientes para las empresas en las que los servicios de atención al cliente son vitales.

Además, un CRM puede administrar más datos, mejorar la calidad de los datos y tener un mayor acceso a los datos por parte de los miembros del equipo pertinente. Los responsables de atención al cliente que controlan y revisan las métricas del CRM podrían usar estas cifras para implementar soluciones basadas en datos que mejoren el rendimiento del departamento de atención al cliente.

Por último, usar con dedicación un CRM en toda la empresa podría ayudar a ahorrar costos y aumentar los beneficios, ventajas que ayudan a todos los implicados – representantes, gestores y ejecutivos.

How to optimize your sales team performance with CRM Runner?

Do you believe it is difficult to optimize your sales team?

Yes, it can be difficult. Optimizing a sales team’s performance necessitates a strong emphasis on communication, team processes, and the use of technology. To ensure your sales team is performing well, you must have a good understanding of the team workforce as well as technical support.

5 ways CRM Runner can help optimize your sales team performance:

Use of CRM

It generates a visual representation of prospects and allows salespeople to see where their deals and sales efforts stand. CRM software will significantly improve business performance by providing a clear structure and understanding of customers’ needs, tastes, and preferences, as well as current trends. It monitors each individual’s performance and manages all information, as well as reducing the smaller tasks that go along with these activities.

Team management

The ability of an organization’s manager to administer and coordinate with a group of individuals in a team to perform a task effectively and efficiently is referred to as team management. It entails collaboration, communication, planning, organizing, and staffing. Team management is a term that refers to the various functions that bring the team together to carry out activities.

Sales targets

A sales target is a goal that a salesperson or sales team must achieve to determine the outcome and measure revenue in the order of units sold for a specific period. Targets can be set as a monetary value, the number of units to be sold, or the number of services to be provided on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. Setting sales targets witn the help of the best CRM software will help your sales teams stay focused on achieving your goals.

Schedule Regular Calls and Meetings

It is required to maintain regular contact with the sales teams through phone calls or meetings. Regular calls or meetings will keep everyone informed about the operation of an organization, as well as current projects and tasks. This reveals what has been accomplished as well as a brief about setbacks or pending tasks, conveys important details related to individual responsibilities and duties, and instructs other relevant information.

Set up a convenient communication outline

It is critical to plan a proper mode of communication that accommodates all of the sales reps’ needs. Plans can be discussed by creating a convenient communication outline, which must also outline meeting structure and analysis plus determine what needs to be communicated, how it will be communicated, who needs the information, and then decide what format will they be held in. Chat, video conference, phone conference, or a combination of these methods


CRM Runner can assist you in successfully developing your team; it can assist you in forecasting your team’s performance and determining future results, as well as allowing you to run your business more efficiently. Call us at 877.590.0040 today!

How CRM Software Can Improve Your Business Management?

CRM software performs a plethora of versatile job roles. A CRM system can improve the relationships with current customers, discover new customers, and win back former customers. It can facilitate collecting, organizing, and managing customer information – all in a single place.

Simply put, CRM is the catalyst for growth, enabling users to connect with their customers across every major touchpoint: marketing, sales, and service.

Look into the features of CRM Runner, a comprehensive customer relationship management software, that comes with all essential modules to manage a business to its entirety.

You can automate management of sales, marketing and customer relationships. With the implementation of CRM Runner, everything will become automated, from measuring sales performance, creating tasks or assigning them to the staff, automating office and on-field customer management processes at scale, boosting collaboration between teams, tracking on-field sales representatives, or running marketing campaigns for your business.

CRM Runner is an all-in-one platform where you can bring your entire business management and administration jobs and get all those jobs accomplished correctly. Take for example the GPS tracking module. With this module, you can track your sales representatives and on-field technicians in real-time, calculate members’ driving mileage, routes, and get reports. When required you can navigate to your customers, track tasks in hand of your on-field staff, and assign routes. All the more, your on-field employees can clock in and clock out of the job site with the GPS based system.

With the implementation of CRM Runner system, you can reduce the paper usage, remove redundancy and streamline efficiency while working with customer details. Businesses can make their entire employees aware of where their customers are in a relationship with CRM Runner at all times. Even warehousing departments can initiate the action after a sale to converse delivery and installation plans with clients.

Want to See CRM Runner in Action?

Let’s talk!

Role of CRM Software in Vendor Management

As the business world becomes more and more complex and roles evolve to meet changes in needs, the vendors on which you rely are not only vendors but also partners for your long-term success. Connecting and onboarding vendors that meet your specific needs call for a system that allows tracking vendor’s performance, access, and managing risk, and managing their contracts and their relationships. You need customized CRM software to perform all these tasks effectively.

It is important for companies that want to compete in the modern market to take control over the vendor management process. Given the importance of CRM software for vendor management to achieve optimal return on investment (ROI), it is essential to keep track of every dollar spent on products and services, vendor manpower costs, raw materials, essential service, and other resources are such a crucial part of production and profitability.

In the simplest case, any official program to achieve transparency, control over vendor information, supplier relationship management, and risk exposure in your supply chain requires the best CRM software for Vendor Management.

CRM Software: Benefits for Vendor Management

Automated Process:

Artificial intelligence and automation can boost the process powerfully. Many workflows, such as onboarding, invoicing and P2P, contain key but repetitive elements that are prone to human error and costly delays when performed manually. Automation removes the human element from the equation, also in many cases removes the need for manual checks, for inputs, and for other processes like approval, workflow helping in the completion of the job at a very quick pace.

Furthermore, the automation of your vendor onboard processing ensures that you can easily monitor vendor performance and compliance over time with complete vendor data profiles for each vendor and service provider from day one.

Improved Compliance:

The longer the supply chain, the bigger your supplier’s risk of exposure. Even businesses with small supply chains need to monitor and comply, both internally and externally. CRM software for vendor management reduces risks and improves regulatory compliance by centralizing, collecting, documenting, and communicating all vendor information and performance information, in order to support fast and accurate due diligence and audits.

Workflow reminders and automatic license expiration alarms, legal modifications, etc, you can remove the rogue expenditure and charge fraud, and formalize a closed system. Integration of your suppliers with joint compliance issues in your system to improve strategic planning.

Stronger Supplier Management:

Would it not be great to know that every supplier in your supply chain is prepared to meet your price, performance, and compliance expectations or even exceed them? You can create your criteria, from historical delivery results to reputational concerns with a tailor-made cloud-based Vendor Management Program. Providers can be revised, qualified, and transferred much faster to your data environment if everyone has access to all the required information. In addition, your providers can provide you with richer data through the connection of your invoicing system with the supplier managing software of your CRM, making it even easier to achieve optimum procurement performance while taking advantage of early payment discounts and strengthening your reputation as a prompt and professional buyer.


One supply chain that will surely snap under pressure is poorly managed. Invest in a reliable and integrated vendor management system and you are ready to build effective strategic partnerships with your vendors, simplify your workflows and cut costs.


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