CRM Solutions for Home Baby Proofing Consultants

Those in the business of preparing homes for a baby-on-the-way know the importance of their work.  At a time when parents are excited to welcome a new life into their world, they are equally worried about preparing their homes in a way that leads to a safe environment for the growing infant.  With so much to think about, families are often looking for a one-stop solution which is where Home Baby Proofing Consultants step in.

CRM software for the home baby proofing consultant makes the entire process of helping a family secure their home much easier.  From finding clients, to providing quotations, to scheduling the work and following-up to collect payment, there is a lot to organize.

In many cases, Home Baby Proofing is not a one-man team.  There is somebody responsible for marketing and sales and somebody else who does the home-baby proofing.  If the company is large enough, there may be entire teams or departments dedicated to different parts of the business.  CRM technology for home baby proofing helps in various parts of the business.

GPS routing and street view tools helps consultants stay on target with schedules so that families receive their services on time.  Clients do not care about construction delays, traffic jams, or how the driver got lost.  GPS tracking in today’s CRM solutions reduces excuses, so that the driver arrives on time.

Staff: GPS capabilities, work orders, plans, and mileage expenses are all tools that help the baby home proofing consultant succeed.  Staff members work better when they have the proper tools to facilitate their job.  CRM technology for home baby proofing provides just that – the necessary tools for the business to help meet the needs of the new family.

Inventory:   Consultants use a variety of equipment and tools to secure homes. From outlet covers to partitions that safely block stairs and other dangerous sections of the home, consultants need to have a lot of equipment on hand.  CRM software has inventory management tools that mean the consultants never go without when heading to a site.  The inventory items are easily assigned to client’s so that they appear on the invoice when the job is complete.

Equipment:  Some equipment needs to be tracked by the business.  CRM technology for home baby proofing has a GPS tool that means this is easy to accomplish.  For example, technicians and consultants can log in to the CRM software from a mobile device.  All of the records, inventory, and necessary tools are available on the go.  When the employee logs in, he appears on a map using GPS technology.  Supervisors can easily confirm an employee is where she is supposed to be, reducing risk and increasing efficiency.

In summary, GPS features among others can make the workday better.  CRM software allows managers to review reports on where, and for how long, employees are.  Product inventory is easily reviewed.  Invoices are sent and paid in a snap.  For today’s home baby proofing consultant, CRM software like CRM RUNNER, puts the focus back on the work that needs to be done.

Nanny and Au Pair Placement Service Benefit from CRM Software

CRM systems help businesses like nanny and au pair placement providers maintain client information, which means effective communication comes with ease.  Besides integrated features like inventory, chat, and GPS tracking, today’s CRM software for nanny and au pair placement services offers VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) – also known as internet phone service using wireless internet.  VoIP is a newer technology that ensures better communication with lower costs than traditional telephone services.

Maintaining the lines of communications with consultants and families is made simpler by CRM technology for nanny and au pair placement service providers, which holds lead information and queues outbound calls. The database also offers options to send text messages (SMS), talk, forward calls, and record voice messages. The capacity of CRM solutions to use VoIP systems provides several benefits.

Place more calls:  As people become more aware of your company’s services, the need to talk by phone will also increase.  VoIP means that additional lines are easy to add.  Each line can have its own number and be associated with a different log-in in the CRM software.

Lower cost than phone service compared to traditional telephone plans:  Internet calling is generally more affordable than traditional phone services for a variety of reasons.  For example, VoIP calling takes advantage of the current CRM software instead of requiring additional phone equipment.  The cost “per line” is often lower with VoIP service providers.

Stronger Relationships with Clients:  Finding a nanny or an au pair is no easy feat.  The employee must be the perfect match for the family, and vice-versa.  This can lead to a bit of phone tag as nannies and au pairs are connected with families.  The service provider must be pro-active in finding leads and making suggestions for placement.  VoIP technology makes this a lot easier for the coordinator.  For this reason, CRM Technology, for nanny and au pair placement services, is highly recommended.

With VoIP technology, every employee gets their own phone number, ensuring access to the right person whenever is necessary.  This is an important advantage when it comes to internal communication as much as it is for customers who are building a relationship with specific team members.

As families get in contact with a unique set of needs, the CRM database shows what a customer has stated he desires, leading to a customized experience.  A better relationship will increase the potential match between nanny and family.  Tracking where a family stands in the process allows employees to modify their approach so that families find what they need.  Follow-up is more easily tracked, especially through the use of reports on the calls dialed and received.

Improved customer communication will lead the way to more matched families.

CRM software for on-demand babysitting services

The world of on-demand babysitting is a challenging one.  Demand is rarely consistent, changes occur often, and baby-sitters may not even know where the family is before heading to their booking.  With so many employees and families to coordinate, online baby-sitting businesses can become difficult to manage.

Communication issues between the family and the sitter, the family and the coordinator, and the coordinator and the sitter can quickly ruin the business relationship.  If a sitter arrives late due to poor communication, the family is going to be upset.  If the sitter does not know where he is going, or does not have the proper family information before arriving, the sitter may be upset, too.

To best support the employees, on-demand babysitting service managers should take advantage of CRM software for on-demand babysitting services. CRM software paves the way for for quicker, easier communication, offering several advantages:

  • Open Communication: By maintaining open communication between the coordinator or manager, the family, and the sitter, everybody has a better experience.  Families can trust the sitter and the company.  The sitter arrives happy and ready-to-go, ensuring that the children under care are high-spirited and well-supervised.
  • Efficiency: Plans change, and they change often. Families may book an on-demand sitter and then suddenly have to cancel.  On the other hand, sometimes families need a last-minute sitter.  Scheduling changes can be difficult to coordinate.  However, with on-demand babysitter CRM software, this is hardly the case.  Calendars and orders can be quickly modified and updated.  Follow-up based on changes can be automated, notifying both the arranged sitter and the family of any changes.
  • Location: In a given geographical area, there are difficulties in arriving to a location if it is in an obscure place or if there is unexpected traffic.  To combat this problem, CRM Software provides GPS services.  Homes and sites can be seen in the database.  A street view shows sitters where they are going.  Mileage and expenses are easily tracked by inputting the routes into the system.
  • Privacy: A chat function within the software lets staff members communicate with one another by means of instant messaging.  This is very helpful for the off-site coordinator who needs to keep in touch with the sitters in the field.  Parents and children will not overhear these exchanges, which leads to a sense of confidentiality and professionalism for the on-demand babysitting service provider.

CRM software for on-demand babysitters and babysitting service providers offers many benefits.  Beyond those outlined, managers will enjoy automated invoicing, hassle-free follow-up, and VoIP phone service, connecting the coordinator to families by phone in the click of a button.  To serve families needs to be a priority.  With that in mind, CRM RUNNER can remove some of the stress of organization so that service providers can focus on the care of the children.

CRM Software for Overnight Doula Services

Running a doula business is especially challenging when it is an overnight one.  Whereas some doulas limit themselves to appointments that take place in the day, as best they can, others specifically make themselves available 24 hours a day.  For these overnight doula service professionals, CRM software will help organize their busy calendars.

Doula professionals with several clients need to keep themselves organized as to avoid any kind of problematic scheduling error such as a double booking.  When dealing with the human body and pregnancy, nothing is certain.  Due dates issued by doctors are not entirely accurate and early or late arrivals can throw off the doula’s schedule.  This is where CRM Software for Overnight Doula Services can be especially valuable.

Organize time by taking advantage of the following tools made available by CRM applications.

  1. Tasks – Beyond being present for the birth of the baby, doula’s schedule appointments with clients for home and doctor visitations. Even scheduling follow-up can be the doula on track with everything there is to get done in the anticipation of a baby.
  2. Appointments – Once appointments are scheduled, the doula can add them to his or her calendar in the CRM software. CRM applications are often accessible on mobile devices, so the calendar goes everywhere the doula does.  Drag-and-drop technology makes the calendar easy to update.  Additionally, client information such as phone numbers and emails are shown in a just one or two clicks.  There are even options to email or call the client directly from the database.
  3. Reminders – Everybody forgets things from time to time. Electronic reminders can keep the modern doula on track.  Even daily, weekly, monthly, or annual tasks can be scheduled to avoid any hiccups.   There are so many important milestones and dates that come with a pregnancy, the doula may find it hard to keep track without some assistance.
  4. Invoices – When it comes to giving birth, parents often find themselves being pulled in a thousand directions at once. Automation of invoices can help the doula send out a gentle reminder when it comes time for payment.  Electronic signature and document storage also help the doula take all the important documents on the road.

CRM software for overnight doulas is a powerful tool.  The ability to schedule and re-schedule appointments, track mother and baby progress, and follow-up with clients means the doula can stay focused on doing what she does best – helping mothers find comfort and advocacy in the often-overwhelming process of childbirth.  Doulas can schedule appointments, visits, and other important milestones in their doula CRM software-based calendars for easy functionality.

Inventory Tracking for Lactation Consultants Using CRM Software

Most lactation consultants understand the value of an up-to-date inventory.  Whereas some prefer to use old-fashioned methods, those in the modern age prefer using CRM Software for Lactation Consultants.

Inventory control is a key part of the lactation consultant industry as professionals and clients alike find themselves frustrated when an item is out of stock.  Lactation consults purchase equipment from guidebooks to breast pumps in bulk.  However, if a visit requires equipment that is not available, it can spell disaster for the mother in need.

Keep accurate inventory to avoid letting clients down.

The notebook method might work for very small businesses run by one person with just a few clients.  Yet, mathematical errors, lack up updating, or the loss of the notebook can lead to many problems down the road.

Some lactation experts use spreadsheets but these lists are not updated in real-time as a database is.  For this reason, CRM Software is recommended for lactation consultants.

CRM technology helps keep an inventory in a database.

  1. The database prints reports that indicate which items are in high demand based on recent sales. Client service will benefit as consultants will be able to confirm a product is in stock before suggesting it to their clients. More importantly, sold inventory is easily attached to a customer profile for an easy way to create and send invoices.  If a client has any concern about her order, the consultant will be able to find order and product to fix the situation with greater speed.
  2. Professionals can also set alerts. High or low inventory can demonstrate a need for a new strategy.  Low inventory means a new order is needed in the near future.  High inventory may show that the unit is not well-utilized or overpriced.  CRM technology gives lactations consultants the power to set parameters that issue notifications for these occurrences so that consultants can act appropriately.
  3. The inventory management module in CRM Software for Lactation Consultants can be easily combined with different parts of your business to increase services. It will benefit managers to take advantage of this tool so that product never goes wasted.

Building successful relationships with new parents is an important part of any birth-related business, and having proper inventory allows consultants to build a professional image.  The CRM applications for lactation consultants also allows professionals to make well-informed business decisions based on past and predicted operations.

For the busy lactation consultant, CRM software can add an element of professionalism to the business.  Beyond inventory management, this technology provides calendar functions, customer tracking, and the capacity to automate invoices.  To learn more, contact CRM RUNNER today.

Birth Photographers Use CRM Software to track a Sales Funnel

In the world of new born photography, competition means photographers need to beat out the next best photographer.  In the industry, this means building a forceful and intentional sales plan to attract clients while they are still planning their birth.  Between hospital visits, gender reveal parties, baptisms, and family visits, parents who are expecting a busy.  To stay in the game, birth photographs CRM Software to stay in touch with potential clients.

Today’s technology allows birth photographers to secure more clients using a sales funnel.  This classic business tool refers to sorting customers to categories as the move through the sales pipeline from interested client to confirmed customer.  Although many experts on the topic can outline the details in several steps, a two-step method simplifies the concept for birth photographers.

  1. Attract Potential Clients

You must entice the parents-to-be to consider your newborn photography company and build a list of possible clients.

  • Use social media, webpages, and newsletters to build a list of potential clients. Photography is a business that relies heavily on social media presence and referrals.  Keep a list of people who may be interested now or later in new born photography.
  • Create a landing page. CRM Software can use the photographer’s details to automatically build a landing page that will successfully track customers visiting a webpage. The CRM software even provides a template that can be used as a landing page. This page attracts customers and then sends interested client information to the database for later follow-up.
  • Once someone subscribes to content or request an appointment or quotation, the CRM Software largely automates the follow-up process.

CRM software for birth photographer will help move the customer along through the sales funnel.

  1. Follow-up with Potential Clients

Potential clients who are just becoming pregnant may not be ready to confirm a birth photographer at the on-set of their pregnancy journey.  However, a newborn photographer can be in contact until the parents-to-be are ready.

  • Maintain contact with current clients and ask if they will allow the business to share photographs of their children online, on social media and on the homepage. People want to see samples of the work, and showing the product offered to satisfied customers provides a sample as well as a testimonial.
  • Offer the upsell on the back end. After the shoot, once photographs have been edited, follow-up continues for the birth photographer.  Perhaps multiple angles, perspectives, and edits have been created.  The photographer should offer different packages at different prices.  Additional prints may be requested a few months after the birth.  They make great keepsakes for family members and baby books.

For any birth photographer, CRM Software can send messages in bulk by e-mail or by text message (SMS).  Additionally, a call-list can be generated for follow-up by phone.  The more contact the client has with a business, the more likely he is to move through the sales funnel to converted customer.

Excellent CRM Software for Doula and Birth Coaching Services

Paper everywhere and schedules posted all over the wall – such is the life of Doula or Birth Coach who need CRM Software.  Today, many doulas and birth coaches feel disorganized while staying in contact with clients.  Using notes, spreadsheets, emails, and endless text messages to communicate with clients leaves the modern-day professional feeling a bit all over the place as notes gets lost in various places until it becomes impossible to recognize.  With so much at stake, there is no falling behind.

CRM Software for Doula and Birth Coaches can help keep everything moving smoothly.  Here are four ways CRM Software for Doulas can help professionals get back on track.

  1. Set clear objectives. Before embarking upon a reorganization journey, it is important to stock of what the modern doula needs. CRM Software can provide assistance in creating invoices, tracking payments, and scheduling appointments.
  2. Determine how clients will interact with CRM software. There are some changes that can come with how doulas interact with their clients after using a CRM application. For example, new clients can be tracked online and then contacted quickly using the CRM database.  Schedules can be maintained in the same software.
  3. Have a plan for prioritization. Make a list of goals for the business.  What is most important?  It may be scheduling clients.  It may be attracting new clients.  It may be automating follow-up or payment collection.  Whatever the need is, customizable CRM software means that can be implemented first.
  4. Complete a weekly check-in. Doulas and birth coaches have constantly changing schedules.  CRM software helps manage these schedules by associating contact information with the contact information of each client available in a single click.  GPS locations are available in the software, so professionals can always be sure they know where they are going before heading to appointments.  Updating and maintaining CRM software is easy and can be done from anywhere thanks to a mobile application that takes the power of the digital office on the go.

CRM Software eliminates the difficulty of task management functions, giving professionals the power to appointments and client acquisition with real-time notifications.  With CRM software, entrepreneurs can keep track of tasks, clients, and vendors.  As efficiency improves, there is less time spent sorting through notes and making phone calls to clients to complete schedules and follow-up.  Calendars and contact can be automated, leaving doulas and birth coaches more time do what they love – helping their clients.

Doulas and birth coaches can take their organization further with the capability to receive real-time notifications by using CRM Software like CRM RUNNER.  As scheduling becomes an easier process, customer satisfaction will of course increase.  Happy clients mean a happy doula!

Life Coaches Need to Use CRM Software to Stay Ahead

Life coaches know how to make people think about their lives in a productive way.  According to, “The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client’s personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.”  In other words, a life coach helps clients make a vision of how their lives should be and then keeps on them accountable for making the vision happen.

From creating a life purpose and defining a personal mission to implementing goals and thinking outside of the box, life coaches advise clients as how to improve their actions on an everyday business.  Life coaches can specialize in a variety of areas and domains such as: confidence, self-worth and self-esteem, relationships, career changes, work-life balance, self-care, finding a purpose, anger management, managing stress or grief, identity, personal branding, recreation and art, accountability, and health.

CRM Software for Life Coaches helps coaches maintain a list of clients interested in their services.  Those who are in need of a life coach will often find it most difficult to take the first step.  They know thy want to change, but clients still may not be sure as to when, where, or how to do so.  It is common for somebody interested in life coaching to visit a landing page, which is easy to design with CRM Software, and input their contact information without a serious commitment to take the next step beyond that.  Instead, they wonder on through life without the guidance they need to accomplish their goals.  The life coach goes, sadly, without a client to help when this happens.

Coaches can use CRM software for life coaches to attract more clients and stay in touch with the ones they have.  For example, whenever a client inserts his information into an interest form on the website, the database can automatically import that information for easy follow-up by email, phone, or even SMS (text) messaging.  This can send a signal to the interested party that the life coach is eager and ready to assist when the client is ready to take that difficult first step.  Some life coaches offer free or very low-cost consultation; using CRM software for life coaches means that there is easy communication once a client has interest and that staying in contact after the initial consultation can be facilitated with a few simple clicks.

Invoicing is another challenge for life coaches.  While focused on helping individuals succeed in their personal matters, making time for book keeping and sending invoices can become challenging.  CRM Software allows life coaches to set up various pricing plans and payment schedules.  These fees can be applied directly a customer to create an invoice quickly.  Invoices and contracts can be sent directly from the database to the client, allowing for electronic signature along the way.  Invoices can be paid in person, online, or using a mobile phone – where an internet browser is available.  The transactions are logged within the system, closing the invoice.  Then, the information is available in easy-to-print reports and in QuickBooks or other financial software thanks to software integration.

Life coaches know how to set goals and stay organized.  If they are finding it difficult to stay as organized in their business practices, CRM Runner can help.  Learn more today by clicking here.

Personal Stylists Need to Attract Clients with CRM Software

When it comes to personal style, it is important to trust an expert.  Wardrobe styling today is a healthy, growing industry it seems.  This is largely in part due to the increase of social media and additional cameras in the public eye.  From Hollywood to small towns across America, more and more people care about what they look like from head to toe, and that means they care about their clothes as well.

Women often worry about having a style that makes them feel good about who they are.  For many women, this includes how they dress.  Men, too, like to show off a good-looking outfit, increasing their confidence.  People everywhere take care of themselves and invest in their looks, especially their clothes.  For this reason, those who work in the fashion and styling industries need to maintain great relationships with their clients.

In the market of fashion, different professionals provide various services.  Some fashion pros work at magazines, curating photos and articles that explain the latest trends.  Others work in design, bringing looks to life from sketchpads to runways.  Others, do styling.  These professionals, stylists, can work on photoshoots putting together looks or in department stores, helping everyday people choose the best look for their body type and color palette.  Stylists come at different price points depending on fame and experience, so anybody can hire one today.

Stylists know better than anybody that they need to maintain an excellent relationship with prospects, current customers, and past clients.  Style is seasonal and cyclical, so anybody who truly cares about fashion remembers that looks need to be changed out often if one is to keep up with the trends.  For the aspiring stylist, or the well-established one, this is where great CRM software for stylists comes in.

CRM software helps entrepreneurs and businesses of any size maintain close contact with leads and customers.  CRM software for stylists specifically helps the fashion professional keep in touch with minimal effort.  Past client lists can be saved in a database so that text messages (SMS) and emails can be sent with updates and invitations to book a new appointment.  If your agency creates look books, fashion forecasts, or other marketing and promotional materials, you can easily send the documents to past and current clients in just a few clicks.

Another important tool offered in CMR software for fashion stylists is the schedule maker.  Drag and drop technology makes booking, canceling, and rescheduling appointments a snap.  If the scheduler wants to review client information, double clicking on the appointment opens the profile with the contact information and customer notes available at a glance.

CRM software will change the stylist’s way of doing business.  As the stylist becomes more efficient, they will have more time to do what they best: style outfits.  If you are a stylist looking to increase marketing efforts and stay organized, contact CRM Runner today.

Keeping Your Home Cleaning Service Organized with CRM Software

Maids, housekeepers, home cleaning – many different names describe one important job, keeping homes neat and tidy for families.  Those who know this industry know that it may not always be glamorous, but it does hold professionalism in the highest regard.  Home Cleaning Service businesses need to stay organized, especially when it comes to schedules and logistics.  CRM Software can make cleaning up the office organization a snap.

CRM Software for Home Cleaning Services can accomplish many tasks related to scheduling.  For example, all customers can be listed in the CRM database.  Once customers are listed in the database, a profile exists with all of the contact information, open invoices, past orders, notes, a button to call the client, and even the birthday listing.  This is a major help to those in the home cleaning service who know that a touch of familiarity goes a long way when it comes to client satisfaction.  Customers generally like to have good relationships with the people they employ to clean their home as it creates a sense of trust.

CRM maintains calendar functions and task delegation, meaning that assignments are easily delivered to staff members or team managers.  The schedule can be reviewed in daily, weekly, or monthly formats.  Items can be rearranged using drag and drop technology, so making changes poses no challenge.  If the meeting is associated with a client, the client can be linked to it.  From that screen, the user can speak to the client by phone, email the client, or send the client a text (SMS) message.  This tool comes in handy when scheduling appointments, confirming appointments, or letting a client know that a cleaning team is on their way.

One of the challenges of taking on a new client or hiring new staff is using unfamiliar directions to find the homes that need cleaning.  CRM Software with GPS Tools shows maps without even clicking out of the software.  The street view tool gives the driver a clue as to where he is going before they head out.  This saves time and money.  If staff members have access to the mobile application, which is easy to do thanks to user permission settings, they can review GPS on the road.  Managers can also see the location of the user.  An additional feature of the mobile application is that it does accept payment, so the cleaning team can accept payment on the spot, if need be.

It is no wonder that CRM Software for Home Cleaning Services is becoming a popular request at CRM RUNNER.  If you own a home cleaning services business and you are shopping for CRM Software, try CRM RUNNER with a 14-day  free trial today.

Personal Chefs Keep their Business Sizzling with Powerful CRM Software

Personal Chefs have a lot on their plate when it comes to managing their business.  Apart from creating culinary experiences that dazzle their clients, they have to maintain excellent relationships with customers, vendors, suppliers, and their employees.  One tool makes this much easier:  CRM Software for Personal Chefs.

Many people do not think about the business administration work that goes on behind the scenes for a Personal Chef.  What comes to mind instead is the chef in the kitchen, whipping up some of his best plates.  However, personal chefs need to find clients, arrange schedules, order supplies and ingredients, send invoices, and manage finances.  CRM databases can streamline these tasks by offering a central location for all of these tasks.  The best CRM software for Personal Chefs will be able to be used on the go as chefs are rarely in the same place for a long time.

How can Personal Chefs take advantage of CRM software?

Chefs can find new clients using their CRM’s applications tools.  For example, CRM software imports interested parties’ information from a landing page.  The software generates a list which can be used to follow-up with customers who visited a website.  These customers may be “shopping around” for personal chefs, and professional, prompt, and courteous follow-up could be what encourages the consumer to choose one personal chef business over another.  With this in mind, it is imperative that personal chefs reach out to leads quickly and courteously.  CRM technology allows chefs to reach out to customers in a variety of ways – by phone, by email, or even by text (SMS) message.  This will bring a higher rate of conversion and a better bottom line.

The chef can use the CRM software to manage all of his business relationships.   Vendors, suppliers, and employees can be maintained in the software.  Vendor and supplier management is particularly important to the chef.  Tracking costs and inventory can also be done within the software.  When chefs order pots, pans, potatoes and poultry, all of those expenses need to be tracked; this can be done using CRM applications.  Imagine the ease of access knowing that a professional network is totally accessible in one place.

Not all personal chef businesses are a one-person show.  Instead, these businesses often work with a variety of employees to make “the magic happen.”  CRM technology allows managers and owners to set user permissions so that employees using the software can access only what they need.  A sales person can view the sales funnel tool and an administrative assistance can access invoices.  This provides a level of security because not all information is accessible to everybody.

Personal chefs using CRM software have a competitive advantage in their industry.  Automation saves time and money, meaning chefs can do what they do best – prepare delicious meals for clients!  If you are ready to make the switch to organization and automation, let’s have a conversation about how CRM RUNNER can streamline your business.

Nutritional Consultants Should Take Advantage of CRM Software

Nutrition consultants know about creating a diet to improve the physiology and wellbeing of a human being.  They teach clients about better eating habits for better health.  They also consider individual habits and biology to ensure a meal plan will work for their clients.  People employ nutritional consultants for a variety of reasons ranging from weight loss and weight gain to medical needs and wanting to increase their energy levels.

Nutrition consultants find themselves working in a variety of locations: hospitals, schools, and public health departments.  However, some have ventured into the entrepreneur world as well, owning and operating their own business.  For this type of nutritional consultant in particular, CRM Software can be especially valuable.

CRM Software for Nutritional Consultants can help facilitate the following tasks:

Tracking current health histories and eating habits of clients:  The successful consultant will have a large number of clients to track.  CRM technology allows the consultant to create client profiles in a database that is accessible via computer and mobile device.  In the CRM software, the consultant can take and maintain notes relating to the health, success, and mishaps of clients.  This is useful as diet plans can be reviewed and revised over time.

Educating clients about specific diet plans:  Once clients are in the CRM system, consultants can reach out to them directly and in bulk.  This makes information sharing easier.  If the consultant wants to send all current clients an article about a specific diet trend, all the consultant has to do is enter the email editor application and choose a distribution list.

Staying in touch with potential clients:  Often, nutritional consultants are invited to attend school and community events to promote healthy eating.  At these events, interested parties share contact information, hoping for a newsletter or to make an appointment with the consultant in the near future.  CRM technology allows consultants to enter these new leads into the CRM database.  Once they are entered, consultants can assign a team member to follow-up.  If the software is linked to a phone line via VoIP integration, leads can be contacted by phone in one click.  Email and text (SMS) messages can also be sent to leads in bulk.

Organize schedules:  Busy nutritional consultants need to stay on top of their packed schedules.  Between appointments, site visits, and events, there is a lot to manage.  CRM software often includes calendar tools.  An at-a-glance overview of a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule keeps consultants organized.  Double clicking on a meeting should reveal the client details.  If there are changes to be made to the schedule, blocks can be easily updated using drag-and-drop capabilities.

The career of a nutritional consultant is a rewarding, but busy.  To stay organized, nutritional consultants should highly consider utilizing CRM SoftwareCRM RUNNER works very well for the needs of nutritional consultants because it is customizable.  To give it a trial run, contact us today.


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