Nanny and Au Pair Placement Service Benefit from CRM Software

CRM systems help businesses like nanny and au pair placement providers maintain client information, which means effective communication comes with ease.  Besides integrated features like inventory, chat, and GPS tracking, today’s CRM software for nanny and au pair placement services offers VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) – also known as internet phone service using wireless internet.  VoIP is a newer technology that ensures better communication with lower costs than traditional telephone services.

Maintaining the lines of communications with consultants and families is made simpler by CRM technology for nanny and au pair placement service providers, which holds lead information and queues outbound calls. The database also offers options to send text messages (SMS), talk, forward calls, and record voice messages. The capacity of CRM solutions to use VoIP systems provides several benefits.

Place more calls:  As people become more aware of your company’s services, the need to talk by phone will also increase.  VoIP means that additional lines are easy to add.  Each line can have its own number and be associated with a different log-in in the CRM software.

Lower cost than phone service compared to traditional telephone plans:  Internet calling is generally more affordable than traditional phone services for a variety of reasons.  For example, VoIP calling takes advantage of the current CRM software instead of requiring additional phone equipment.  The cost “per line” is often lower with VoIP service providers.

Stronger Relationships with Clients:  Finding a nanny or an au pair is no easy feat.  The employee must be the perfect match for the family, and vice-versa.  This can lead to a bit of phone tag as nannies and au pairs are connected with families.  The service provider must be pro-active in finding leads and making suggestions for placement.  VoIP technology makes this a lot easier for the coordinator.  For this reason, CRM Technology, for nanny and au pair placement services, is highly recommended.

With VoIP technology, every employee gets their own phone number, ensuring access to the right person whenever is necessary.  This is an important advantage when it comes to internal communication as much as it is for customers who are building a relationship with specific team members.

As families get in contact with a unique set of needs, the CRM database shows what a customer has stated he desires, leading to a customized experience.  A better relationship will increase the potential match between nanny and family.  Tracking where a family stands in the process allows employees to modify their approach so that families find what they need.  Follow-up is more easily tracked, especially through the use of reports on the calls dialed and received.

Improved customer communication will lead the way to more matched families.


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