At Home Childcare Requires Specialized CRM Software

Running an at-home childcare business was once as easy as telling Mom to pick up the kids by 4:30 pm and collecting payment at the end of each week.  The cash came in, the kids had somebody to play with all day, and everybody was happy.  Over the years though, as a result of countless dangerous situations, government regulations have shaped how at-home childcare works.  From safety to billing and enrollment, the regulations are strict and constantly changing, but ultimately here to protect the kids.  What makes the maintenance of the business, on the paperwork side, easy as 1-2-3, A-B-C is childcare CRM Software.

  1. R. M. What is C-R-M?

CRM stands for customer relationship management!  CRM Software manages the relationships a business maintains with a list of clients.  Businesses of all sizes can take advantage of this software.  For example, when you go to some stores, they are using CRM Software to track not only your purchases but how they stay in contact with you when you’re not in the store.   Have you gone shopping and been asked if you would like to share your email address?  Next thing you know, your phone is blowing up with spam email messages about discounts, promotions, and alerts.  How do they do it?  With CRM Software.

Can your childcare business benefit from CRM Software for Childcare Facilities and Homecare providers?

YES!  100% Absolutely.  Without a doubt. You can use this software to revolutionize your childcare business.  Let’s be serious.  Most people in childcare aren’t doing it for the glamour nor do they do it to spend all their free time finding leads, collecting signatures, making invoices, updating their accounting software, and searching for ways to stay in touch with parents and families.  No, they want to spend time with the kids they love!  You can save time and energy by using childcare CRM SoftwareAll those tasks, the invoices, the leads, the signatures, they become automated using a computer system.

For example, perhaps the weather forecast shows heat for the next day.  It might be fun to have some water time outside.  Water balloons.  Hook up the sprinkler.  Maybe wade in the baby pool.  But the kids need their swimsuits?  When you only have a family or two, it isn’t hard to send a quick text or give them a call.  But if you are a childcare provider who deals with four families (or forty families… or 400 families!), a text message or email might be a lot easier.  All you have to do is log into the CRM Software and send your clients a text (SMS message) or an email, all at once.

When you have to worry about rosters, payments, and a parents’ precious offspring, you have a lot on your plate.  Make the office work easier with CRM Software.  Give CRM RUNNER a free trial to see what we mean.  Contact us now!


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