Copywriting, Proofreading, and the Mystery of CRM

CRM is a mystery to some people, especially for some of the fine people in the copywriting and proofreading industries.

The blogger who writes this information is actually a copywriter and proofreader by trade.  Sorry to break the fourth wall, as the kids say, but today seems like a good day as any other to discuss how CRM Software for Copywriting and Proofreading solve move problems than one might think.  And today, we’re speaking from experience.

As a writer, there are many things to know about doing business today.

  1. Freelance Writing is Tough Work
    Did you know the world record for freelance writing is held by Darren Murph? He holds the record for the most prolific blogger, writing more than 17,212 blogs in the course of seven years.  That is a lot of writing time!  Imagine only getting paid a few bucks a blog along the way?  If you’re good, it can add up quickly.  If you’re average, you might be wasting your time.  You often don’t know the difference until it’s too late.
  2. Technology is the Answer
    Like everything in the twenty-first century, freelance writing and proofreading services can be improved by a technological-based strategy. In this case, it is CRM Software for Copywriting and Proofreading.  For example, say that a writer doesn’t have a lot of clients who are considered regular, but they assign jobs when prompted.  This software can automate pitch emails via distribution lists.  Drafting invoices every couple of weeks can be exhausting, and for the unorganized, a total mess.  CRM Software solves that problem, too.
  3. Typewriters are a Thing of the Past
    It pains this writer to admit that the way of the future is on the internet. The way the world works is changing.  People are using their phones to look at menus in public places because of health concerns.  We’re going to be doing a lot more copywriting for digital reading, whether we like it or not.  For this, we’re going to need a software system that can manage our business with financial reports.  That’s why we need CRM Software for Copywriting and Proofreading.
  4. An Organized Writer is a Happy Writer
    Copywriters come in many shapes and sizes. From your murder-mystery witches to your financial-tech aficionados, we all do things a little differently.  However, if we’re not organized, one thing is for sure – our businesses will unravel at our feet.  Be sure to organize your strategy and billing.  If that’s hard for you, use CRM Software.  It organizes everything with applications, widgets, and tools like calendars, datebooks, notes, project rooms, e-signature for contracts, and more!

If you’re a copywriter or proofreader, we know that it isn’t an easy road.  CRM Software can help light the way.  Write us today to learn how CRM RUNNER can help you on your own path.


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