Digital Catalog Module in a CRM: Key Advantages of Implementing It

To reap the benefits of modernization, forward-thinking organizations are transforming fundamental business tools, such as product catalogs, into digital formats and digital platforms.

Implementing a digital product catalog offers many benefits, both obvious and nuanced. Business leaders can see the immediate value in digitizing their catalogs, which can lead to increased sales and improved customer engagement.

  • Update, print, and distribute a print catalog without the time and expense.
  • Streamline the process of updating products, pricing, availability, and imagery in real time.
  • Make the specification and sales process easier by eliminating the need to create and distribute samples, swatches, color palettes, and other tools and accessories.Make the specification and sales process easier by eliminating the need to create and distribute samples, swatches, color palettes, and other tools and accessories.
  • For consumers and business units, provide a single source of truth for all product information.
  • Create new sales channels and experiences by leveraging data from a digital product catalog.

Using digital product catalogs for e-commerce can be both timely and effective for achieving your organization’s goals.

What Is a Digital Product Catalog?

Data about the product lines an organization sells can be found in a digital catalog. Information about product features, descriptions, dimensions, compatibility, price, colors, materials, and availability is easily accessible and up-to-date for companies, employees, customers, manufacturers, and distributors.

Data from a digital product catalog can be utilized in many different ways. By using product data, a configurator can make it easier for customers to interact with, personalize and purchase products. By tapping into digital product data, customer relationship management (CRM) software can shorten sales cycles, increase customer satisfaction, and boost ROI on complex products.

Let’s take a look at the features of CRM Runner’s digital catalog module.

Digital catalog module of CRM Runner is designed to help its users to sell more products or services. You can create digital catalogs of your products and present them visually to your clients when you are in front of them.

A full estimate will be created when you click on catalog products, and you can close the deal or send it to the client for approval.

Let’s see what you can do by leveraging the digital product service catalog module of CRM Runner.

  • Create categories and subcategories.
  • Upload images for each product or service.
  • Create package estimates to be created when product/service is submitted.
  • Convert all to estimate/invoice.
  • Take payment on the go.

Want to see how it works? Let’s schedule a talk!


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