Track Your Sales Activities Like Never Before

Are you facing trouble while managing your sale team? If yes, then you have come to the right place. Here, you will get to know the ultimate solution that can help you to solve your problem with ease.

It can be quite daunting for a growing business or organization to communicate and track multiple sales executives across the city or country. But, CRM Runner comes with GPS Tracking CRM Software or real-time tracking feature which empowers businesses with location tracking of their sales team. Just imagine that you can view reports of the current location of your sales team, isn’t thrilled? By simply integrating GPS tracking feature into the CRM software, you can easily track the real-time location of your sales team and their current driving routes. Ultimately, it provides you with a complete picture of every event of your sale teams occurring in multiple locations on different projects.

So, while choosing CRM software for your business, don’t forget to see whether it comes with GPS tracking feature or not. There are many benefits of GPS tracking CRM tool, and here are a few benefits that it can help you to track sales activities in a better and effective manner.

  • Manage Multiple Sales Teams

With the help of GPS tracking CRM tool, like CRM Runner, you can manage your daily plans or schedules with a route-map. An automated report will be generated at the end of the day. The CRM software will provide you the information of every member of your team, such as location, and time spent at customer place, intermediate stops, transit time, and much more. In fact, the CRM software provides you with a comprehensive view of your every customer activity which let you constantly engage with your team. Ultimately, it will create a better understanding and workflow.

  • Sales Progress

With Customized Dashboard CRM Software, you can always stay up-to-date about sale progress and activities of the day. The days are gone when you have to wait for a few days to get sale progress reports. Now, modern CRM software comes with a powerful way to keep you always updated about your sales progress. Ultimately, it helps you to take immediate action to improve your sales strategies.

Apart from the above benefits, there are also many other advantages that modern CRM software provides businesses, which include:

  1. Consolidate entire data in one location:

Amazingly, CRM software centralizes your client information so that every employee of your company can access the information whenever they need from a centralized platform.

  • Contact Information: View and look for a customer phone number, email address, websites, and social accounts with ease.
  • Communication history: You can track communication you have done with your customers via email, online chats, phone calls, etc.
  1. Sell More and Faster

CRM software helps sales people to sell more, and faster. It is all because CRM software aids to develop a standardized sales procedure, which provides your team with a step-by-step guide to close deals and manage everything effectively. A standardized sale process can help you in many different ways, which include:

  • Enhance your sale methods

Sale process provides the information you actually need to analyze the root cause of the delayed deals and take action to address the issues. In this way, you can ensure that your sale team concentrates its efforts on the events that lead to higher revenue.

  • Predict sales

CRM software automatically generates reports of every sale activity and your sale team performance. In this way, you will get to know or predict accurately how many sales your team can truly close from leads you have given to them.

  1. Improve Relationship with Customers

As CRM software provides access to information on your customer interest and buying patterns, your sale reports can provide you the right opportunity and in fact, at the right time. In this way, you can personalize sale experience for your customers by focusing on their needs and requirements.

  1. Never Lose a Chance

With CRM software, you can set reminders or alerts for your sale team to generate leads at the correct time so that targeted customers are never missed. Your Customized Dashboard CRM Software will help you to know all upcoming sales activities so that you never lose the opportunity to generate sales.

In addition to it, modern CRM software can be accessed anywhere and anytime, as it provides mobility support. It means that you and your team can access CRM platform even from a mobile phone. So, with mobile CRM, and smartphone alerts, your sale team will never miss anything important, no matter where your team is currently whether on a plane, in a meeting, or at client place.

  1. Get to know what’s truly working and Invest in it

Rather guessing, you can track or analyze why deals are lost or won. It means that by analyzing your CRM’s customer information patterns, and sales reports, managers can know which strategies are effective to lead better results, and which ones need to be enhanced.

CRM Runner: Ultimate and Effective to Keep an Eye on Your Sales Activities

Now, wondering which CRM software offers all the benefits that are mentioned above? Then, the answer is CRM Runner. It is app-based as well as cloud-based CRM solution designed for businesses to have a chance to accomplish what they truly want. This CRM solution comes with GPS Tracking CRM Software feature. You can have a complete overview of your sale team or staff and customers with a real-time tracking tool. This feature even allows you to view images of client-site, and get precise locations of your staff.

Plus, the CRM software comes with a customized dashboard that provides you a whole overview of your business day-to-day operations. The GPS tracking feature of the dashboard lets you track sales. It has many other features that can help you to improve your business in various aspects. Don’t waste your time, and get a free trial from CRM Runner today!!


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