Does your CRM Software Go Mobile?

CRM Technology is a powerful tool that aims to help businesses stay on target in their daily operations, finances, customer contact, and marketing efforts.  However, it is able to go much further with a mobile applicationCRM RUNNER not only offers desktop and browser-supported software, but it is also fully accessible on a mobile device.  That means all the information available to the staff in the office is equally ready for the fieldworker on the road.  With the ability to set user permissions, the mobile device can be particularly helpful for contractors and fieldworkers who need specific tools, widgets, and modules at their disposal.  Even GPS capability and push notifications mean a smoother workday for employees as well as a more positive overall experience for your customers.

The mobile application of CRM RUNNER offers all the same tools available on a computer.  These tools in particular are invaluable to the employee using the software on-the-go.

CRM RUNNER provides GPS tracking for employees so business leaders know where their employees and equipment are at any given moment.  This provides more security for your business.  Expenses for mileage will be accurate and service routes will be optimally planned.  Using GPS, businesses can also send text (SMS) updates to employees and customers to keep the day’s work moving smoothly.  Customers can receive notification that their service provider is on their way, and employees can receive end of work day notifications as well.

Document storage is especially useful for the fieldworker equipped with CRM RUNNER.  All of the necessary documents such as schematics, reports, estimates, invoices, and service plans are available to view by accessing them through CRM RUNNER.  Changes can also be made, providing real time updates to the whole team.  Electronic documents can be sent to the customer through the mobile application so he stays privy to updates as they occur.

Employees can collect payments through the mobile application and a receipt can automatically be generated and sent to the customer.  Likewise, a chat feature within the application means that the same fieldworkers can send this work to the home office for completion as well.  The flexibility ensures that work is completed accurately and promptly, providing more accountability.

As the world becomes even more fast-paced, CRM technology needs to keep up.  CRM RUNNER meets that challenge with its mobile application which brings the office out on the road.  More efficiency will lead to happier customers, more referrals, and a stronger business.

If you are new to using this software, then you can use our 14 days free trial or check our Pricing here.

Simplify your Transactions In One Move

When running a business, keeping accurate records of transactions is a crucial part of daily operations.  Be it for inventory, taxes, or bookkeeping, every transaction must be accurately documented.  Whereas many small business owners are still using spreadsheet documents and carbon copy receipt books, savvy business leaders use CRM database software, like CRM RUNNER, to track transactions in a way that is easy, efficient, and professional looking.

Estimates and invoices can be prepared quickly, using a template that showcases your company´s logo and contact information, sending professional and timely documents to customers.  These documents can be sent electronically for a faster turnaround and guaranteed receipt.

Both services and inventory items can be tracked within the software, giving real time metrics on service hours and stock.  As employees build estimates for clients, services and inventory are attached to the project.  Once approved and completed, invoices can be sent quickly so that payment is collected promptly.  Notifications can be sent to customers regarding their payment by email or by SMS.  If a phone call is required regarding an invoice, the customer can be connected via VoIP in a single click.

Another benefit of using CRM RUNNER for business transactions is that the payment can be collected in the database itself.  This means that payment records are attached to the client or contractor and accurately reflected on account for each party.  The software offers full integration with your current finance and payment software which means less clicking through screens to process payments, saving time and energy.

As CRM RUNNER is available as a mobile application, field workers and managers can send and update invoices from any location with a mobile device.  Invoices can also be paid using the mobile application of CRM RUNNER.  Payment can be collected on the road and rectified by other departments at the home base.

Customers will find peace of mind in paying through software after having received a professional invoice.  Likewise, managers and business owners can rest assured that finances are in order.  The CRM software also offers the capability of running reports on transactions, providing information on inventory, sales trends, revenue and more.

Gone are the days of using receipt books and ledgers to manage finances.  You will no longer need to use separate software for credit card and debit card transactions thanks to the integration capabilities of the software. Simply your payment process by using CRM RUNNER today. You can take a 14 days free trial of this software from CRM Runner and even check its pricing too.


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