Sales Database for Small Businesses

Keep Your Sales Staff Prepared with a Sales Database for Small Businesses

Sales staff that don’t have the tools they need when they need them are less successful at closing deals and maintaining relationships.  It can be hard to know who needs a call back and what they want to buy when their information is at the office.  Sales people who have access to client information and good sales tools will be more prepared to close the deal.

Sales Database for Small Businesses

How does a sales database for small business work?

A sales database for small business keeps information about how the business is doing, what the customers want and where the employees are all in one place.  All communications with clients are logged and accessible by team members across the business.  Schedules, reports and manager expectations are updated frequently and also readily available.  By making information available to sales staff, customer representatives and managers – businesses seem more professional and trustworthy.

When a sales database for small business is added to daily operations much of the behind the scenes legwork of running a business and following up with a customer is automated.  Those types of tasks are handled by the sales database itself.  With the saved time and improved accessibility many businesses are able to scale and grow.


Does using a CRM for salespeople increase their productivity?

There are many schools of thought about what helps sales people increase their productivity.  Some point to mindset training or mentoring and others point to more practical solutions.  A CRM for salespeople can help team members feel more considered.  Sales staff often feel out of touch with what happens at the office and that can show through when they talk to clients.  When the representatives are updated by a CRM, they feel more in touch with their co-workers and that confidence shows through in their pitch.

Using a CRM for salespeople is more than just about helping them manage leads and access information about leads, it is also about accountability.  Unmotivated sales staff often knock off early or skip a few rounds because they rarely get found out.  With a CRM that tracks employees using their GPS location, they have incentive to be more accountable and consistent. Not every system is designed as a CRM for managing sales, but those that are tend to focus on 3 major ways to manage sales.

3 ways to use a CRM for managing sales in an effective way

Lead Follow up

A CRM for managing sales needs to include an easy to understand system for lead follow-up and prospects.  Some programs will integrate with lead generating systems and even record social media activity of potential and current clients.

Customer behavior patterns

When customers purchase, what advertisements they respond to and what products they prefer are all important information to have when marketing and closing deals.  Sales people that use a CRM for managing sales claim that having access to that information can make it easier to land the customer.

Hold sales staff accountable

Sales staff that aren’t held accountable for their numbers and exactly how many times they touch a prospect are less successful than those who have daily contact with their manager.  A CRM for managing sales has accountability built in, as all managers have access to every communication the sales person made by just reviewing their activity.

Why a CRM for salespeople works

A CRM for sales people works because it gives them access to tools and information needed to make the sale.  In some systems, sales people have access to inventory and scheduling to better service their customers.  A CRM for salespeople also allows them to access this information on the go from anywhere.  Implementing a tool that makes their lives easier ensures salespeople feel valued and heard.

In addition to giving them access to tools they need, a CRM for sales people also frees up some of their time.  When they are less focused on chasing down information and remembering what their coworker told them a prospect said, sales people can focus on finding new clients.  Using a CRM for sales people helps alleviate communication barriers between them, their customers, the office staff and management.

Are sales databases for small businesses worth the cost?

Sales databases for small businesses vary in price but cost should be less of concern than what value it adds to the business.  Managers are more informed, customers feel more appreciated and employees are held more accountable when a CRM is in use.  Those three things make the right CRM for salespeople worth the investment.  To learn more about how a CRM can help improve productivity and profits, click here.

Easiest CRM for Small Businesses

The Easiest CRM for Small Businesses Helps Manage Work Flow and Client Communications

Solutions for common problems that business owners and solopreneurs face are not always obvious.  Finding time to handle paperwork, marketing and servicing clients are the major challenges that most owners report.  The solution for these problems is implementing the use of one of the easiest CRM system for small businesses.

Easiest CRM for Small Businesses

The easiest CRM for small businesses integrates into day to day operations seamlessly

While many business owners think about features and cost when evaluating a new CRM, that isn’t the biggest factor to consider.  The easiest CRM for small businesses works with the way a business already functions.  Features that allow team members to go about their day in a similar way to before makes it easier for team members to want to use the CRM system.

When looking for the easiest CRM for small businesses, owners should engage in a free trial before making a final decision.  What looks ideal on the surface may not work well for how employees complete tasks.  CRM systems that streamline processes and take care of repetitive tasks will help managers feel more informed and keep employees more accountable.


CRM Runner - Manage your Business


 What features are in the easiest CRM for small businesses?

User friendly features are an important part of the easiest CRM for small businesses.  Some systems offer more than a business needs and some don’t offer enough features or customization to entice employees  to use it.  Once the system has been seen as an inconvenience by team members it will be hard to see the value and educate them on the why behind it’s use.  The following features are thought to make it less difficult to run and manage a small business.

Client communication tracking

A software that tracks client communications all in one place is beneficial to small businesses that are growing.  Real time updates keep employees, managers and customers in the know with one action.  When customers feel like everyone they talk to knows about is a concerned with their problems, they turn into lifelong purchasers.

 Employee monitoring tools

Monitoring employees and their performance from anywhere through an app is the number one time saver for managers.  Understanding where employees are and exactly what they accomplished is vital to knowing who to replace and who to promote.

 Scheduling and timekeeping

The easiest CRM for small businesses also includes timekeeping and scheduling functionality.  Most small businesses utilize several different programs to accomplish these tasks.  Keeping it all together gives a better overall picture of the business, it’s employees and the clients that it serves.

The differences in a CRM for one person business and the easiest CRM for small businesses

There are few differences in the easiest CRM for small businesses and a CRM for a one person business.  Aside from not needing to track employees, most features needed in a CRM for a one person business are also needed to effectively manage a small business.  Solopreneurs that have thought about growing may want to experiment with employee tracking features and reporting before making a hire.

The main difference in the small business and the one person show is that information must be readily available in a CRM for a one person business.  This same thing is also what makes using a CRM for a one person business just as important as it is for a small business with employees and more than one location.  A CRM, like CRMRunner, that is available from anywhere is ideal for when one person is running the show.

 A CRM for one person business should be cloud based

A CRM for a one person business has to be available from anywhere.  When one person is running the entire business the ability to answer a customer’s question and find out if the product they need is in stock – all while in route to the next sales meeting is essential.  Logging on from anywhere with internet to have access to a customer list, lead information and sales trends can help a one person business get an edge over their competition.

Automating processes that run in the background helps a solopreneur get everything done and scale for growth.  When a CRM is working for a business, it’s like having another set of hands and an assistant that keeps up with everything.  CRM users say that can make all the different for an owner/operator that lacks time and energy.

Business Biggest CRM Software

Does Your Business Need the Biggest CRM Software?

Not all businesses need the biggest CRM software on the market.  While a CRM system will bring added value to any business, choosing the right type and not the biggest CRM software is the best choice.  Equipped with features that aide in customer satisfaction, most client relationship management software programs are designed to help streamline processes and improve workflow.

Some of the biggest CRM software programs on the market focus on communications and sales but leave a lot to be desired when it comes to integrations and customize-able reporting.  Often business owners that are looking to grow are left putting in extra hours to make sure that all aspects of the business are taken care of.  With a CRM system designed to work with their business, owners will see better results than if they opt to choose the biggest CRM software based on size alone.

Biggest CRM Software

What is CRM software?

CRM stands for customer relationship management.  This type of software is designed to keep and track communications with clients in one central location.  A far cry from keeping client information in a spreadsheet, CRM systems help streamline the way customers receive information.  Basic CRM systems often focus solely on client communication while some of the biggest CRM software programs contain features that help maintain all aspects of a business.


How can using an online CRM software improve your business?

Business owners who choose to implement the use of an online CRM software report increased effectiveness from employees.  Most notably, the automation of repetitive tasks frees up time for managers and owners to focus on customer retention and new client acquisition. With the right CRM software, business owners will be able to create reports that can be easily completed and instantly reviewed.

Web based CRM software makes it easy for every employee to be up-to-date on their schedule, what the customer expects and what the manager needs – at the click of a button. An online CRM software that includes web based CRM applications is essential to allowing managers to check in on every job; no matter where they are in their day.  Dashboards and GPS tracking built inside online CRM software can help business owners accurately evaluate sales, progress and employees – in seconds.

An online CRM system that keeps everyone in the know can help improve customer satisfaction and increase profits.  Time spent tracking down employees for updates and on administrative tasks is more appropriately spent obtaining new customers with the use of an online CRM software.  When time and job progress are tracked right inside the application, updated in real time and available from anywhere there is an internet connection, the ways in which an online CRM software cam improve a business are limitless.

What are the best CRM features for your business?

 When choosing an online client relationship management system, it’s important to evaluate the CRM features and the CRM tools list to see if it is a good fit for the way the business is currently operating.  Implementation of an online CRM system is more effective if using it integrates seamlessly into the way the employees currently work.

Many CRM features are universal and can benefit many different types of businesses.  Often using different programs for different parts of business becomes a time consuming effort.  It can be hard to see how much time and money is wasted on the management of information without having access to a CRM tools list and an application with beneficial CRM features.

The most effective CRM features for businesses

 Tracking client communication is an essential and basic function for a CRM system.  The best CRM systems in 2019 have features that integrate and track client communication automatically from several platforms.  Text message, chat boxes and automatic tracking of emails are CRM features that can be helpful for client satisfaction.

Up-to-date reporting is a beneficial CRM feature for all businesses.  When a system includes this feature it usually allows managers to have a more accurate picture of what is getting accomplished without being on-site with every technician or member of the sales team.

GPS location of employees and inventory is a CRM tool that can aide service based industries in locating where technicians are working and how long they have been there.  With this CRM feature, even hard to pin down sales staff can be held accountable.

Job site updates aren’t available with all CRM systems.  Most often used for service calls and field staff jobs, this CRM feature can help a manager effectively know what is going on at multiple sites.  This enables managers to be more effective at managing multiple projects.

Integrated time keeping and invoicing is a beneficial CRM feature for all business sizes.  Time sheets and payments can be integrated directly into Quickbooks with some CRM systems.  This unique feature allows employees to clock in and out and accept payments inside the same application.

A CRM feature that is often overlooked is customize-able reporting and dashboards.  When managers are able to customize what reports look like they can make them exactly like reports that employees are used to filling out on paper.  Managers can also customize what their dashboard tells them about their business with this effective CRM feature.

Find CRM software examples

A CRM software provider that knows they have an effective CRM will be able to provide customer testimonials and CRM software examples.  Video tutorials and screenshots can be very valuable when helping employees acclimate to using the new CRM system.  An online system without CRM software examples available may be harder to implement.  Managers may need to help employees learn to use the system if appropriate training and CRM software examples aren’t accessible.

Look for CRM software companies that offer a free trial. 

A CRM software provider should stand behind their product by offering a trial.  After a free trial, ask employees for their feedback before purchasing from a CRM software company.  Finding the right online CRM system is about ensuring that it works into the way a business currently operates.  A CRM software provider like CRM Runner will help a business owner choose the right package for how they do business.  To learn more about CRM Runner, sign up for a free trial here.

CRM Strategy Helps a Company Grow

Using a CRM Strategy Helps a Company Grow

A CRM system is a strategy for growth – not just an app to keep your employees on task. If you have a CRM strategy in place, you’ve prepared to set up your team for success and, therefore, increase customer satisfaction. Here’s how it works:

CRM Strategy

Learn the basics of a CRM system

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system strengthens the interconnected processes between management, staff, and customers. The goal of any business is to financially thrive by providing their customers with a needed service or product. Managing your inventory means you are less likely to run out of a popular product and avoids the frustration of customers who can either wait for you to obtain more of the product or go to one of your competitors.

Even something as simple as scheduling is easier in a CRM system. Your CRM administrator can make the staff schedule from anywhere with a cloud-based CRM application. All essential personnel will have access to the schedule; should there be questions, a communication feature connects staff to the scheduler.

Different CRM systems focus on various different aspects of what makes most companies function. When these functions are automated, processes are in place to keep operations running smoothly. Sales e-mails for particular actions are sent immediately, notifications for technician arrival are sent to waiting customers, etc. Reports are run for inventory, work progress, and other essential real-time company information to make it easier for managers to reduce administrative tasks and direct time and attention to customer relationship research.  With that extra time, owners and managers are able to focus their energy toward developing new deals and packages to offer your ideal customers what they want resulting in consistent, long-term business.

A CRM platform monitors a customer’s experience with your company.

A CRM monitors a customer’s actions and in actions which is vital data to achieving repeat business. If a promotional e-mail went unopened, but, a social media ad was followed and a product purchased, this customer’s purchasing history is recorded in order to refine targeted ads for products and services.

Additionally, all interactions with the customer, from phone consults to notes from work visits and e-mail requests, are maintained in a CRM database. Aside from the fact this enables service technicians or customer service professionals a history of discussion to avoid repeating information the customer has already given, it demonstrates a pattern of behavior making it easier to anticipate a customer’s needs. Most people pick their brands because a company has bothered somehow to empower them and make them feel valuable. A CRM system makes providing this feeling easily accessible.

A CRM system that is cloud-based can be used after hours.

Business owners rarely have the luxury of working 9-5. Owners and managers take on numerous tasks while trying to live their lives. If a work task needs to be completed, but, another task overtook the time during the day it could have been completed, a cloud-based CRM system would allow for after hours work to be accomplished.

Cloud-based CRM systems operate online rather than relying on a physical, company server. This means you can design your own schedule according to how it best fits into your life with access to all your essential work information and documentation available at the tap of a screen or the click of a mouse. A CRM after hours is available on desktop or app for handheld devices.

CRM administrators can easily keep track of employees, inventory, and progress on projects.

A strong CRM system may come with a GPS function which will save your CRM administrator a significant amount of time. It will be clear when company equipment and vehicles have left headquarters and the ETA for any given worker in the field is quickly estimated in real-time. A CRM administrator has access to reports on inventory and can easily recommend to management which products are bringing in profits and which are wasting shelf space. Seeing where corners can be cut more easily saves money in the long run – a CRM strategy can go a long way towards helping a company grow.

Choosing a CRM strategy helps a company grow from year to year.

With improved internal processes and the potential for increased customer satisfaction, a CRM strategy could very well help a small business grow. An effective implementation of a new cloud-based CRM could mean the difference in a profitable year and throwing in the towel.  Automated tasks free up time to make customers feel like they matter.  If a business has a product that makes customers feel important, they are more likely to succeed.

A CRM system needs to be a good fit for a business.  Often un-needed features cause high pricing and confusion for field staff.  If the interface isn’t user friendly and common tasks aren’t easily accessible for employees, it’s likely to go unused.  Choosing a CRM system to fit the needs of your business may require several demonstrations, CRM software trials and feedback meetings with employees.

CRM Runner offers a 30-day trial to help companies experience what happens when an easy-to-use CRM system is put in place. Start learning how your customers behave and how you can better retain your loyal base: Check out the features and start a free trial with by signing up here.

Best CRM in 2019

Which CRM system is the best CRM in 2019?

As a responsible business owner, you’ve likely seen numerous advertisements for CRM systems and seen blogs here and there expressing how important it is to have the best CRM system to grow your business in 2019. There are a lot of options out there and not every CRM fits every business. Here’s a simple set of procedures to help you select the right CRM platform to help your company expand in the new year.

CRM Runner Best CRM in 2019

What is a CRM?

You’ve probably gathered that CRM is a management software, but, it’s much more than that. CRM stands for “customer relationship management” and the philosophy built into the software promotes improving your relationship with your customers in order to maintain a loyal client base.

How does a software do all of that? CRM systems are designed to help automate certain administrative tasks in order to free up more time for managers to truly dig into the research of what their customers are seeking in their products and services. Better still – the research is conducted for you through automated reporting within the CRM database. Track your company’s performance and customer purchasing behaviors in order to make informed decisions about where your company needs to cut costs and what kinds of deals your customers would be most attracted to utilizing.

Businesses need the help of the best client relationship management system in 2019 to stay competitive.

Among the top reasons customers would leave one company for a competitor is feeling taken for granted. Customer service and satisfaction is a vital element to any company’s longevity and success. If another business in your industry can demonstrate to a customer they care more about their business than you do, you will inevitably lose this customer.

CRM systems help to manage your relationship with your clients in order to avoid losing potential return customers to someone else. The data captured by a CRM will arrive in clear reports to your desktop or handheld device so long as you’ve chosen the best cloud-based CRM systems of 2019. No matter where you are, you have access to every communication, previous work or purchases, staff feedback, daily work progress, real-time communication options, and so on. CRM tools such as these are invaluable to generating more revenue in the new year. Happy clients report back to friends and family and act as your living, breathing, commercials – bragging about how attentive you are to your client’s needs.

Each industry may have different needs from their online CRM system.

Not all CRM systems are created equal just as not all businesses, even within the same industry, need the same features to function at optimal efficiency. It’s important to consider how your business already runs operations and where you believe your team needs extra back up so you can look over the features of a CRM system with confidence. It will stand out to you whether or not you need tons of reports on leads generation versus a few reports on inventory and employee performance.

If you have workers in the field, you will likely want to find a CRM system which has a GPS tracking feature. Know in real-time where your employees are and you will be able to answer a customer’s inquiry on their technician’s ETA with record speed, thus getting ahead of your competition in the customer service department.

Which are the features the best contact management software programs have?

The best CRM systems for 2019 should include communication tracking, accessibility, and integration.

Avoid customers having to repeat information they have already given to another member of your team with a CRM tool which tracks communication. Whoever picks up the conversation next will have access to everything which has already been discussed.

When you find a quality, cloud-based CRM system, you should be able to have round-the-clock accessibility. Small businesses owners and operators wear many hats and not everything they need to do can squeeze into a normal business day. The best CRM systems of 2019 will offer access through any device with an internet connection from the desktop to your mobile phone.

You’ve already done a lot of work to get your business up and running, so, the daunting task of moving everything over by hand is costly for resources, man hours, etc. A CRM tool which allows for simple integration of the information you already have into the software will make the transition easier for your entire team.

Which features are included in the best CRM systems for small businesses in 2019?

Features you will want to look for when shopping for the best CRM system for your small business are automated invoicing processes, automated administrative tasks, and, the bread and butter of your business, customer reporting.

Invoicing can be automated through a sophisticated CRM database system. Automated invoices can be dispensed for specific actions made by customers eliminating the need to start over again every time with a fresh template. The best CRM systems will also allow you to receive payment from anywhere you are with easy transaction options.

Other administrative tasks can also be automated across the board in order to free up managerial time towards customer service and business development efforts. A scheduler tool and various customizable reports will make decisions simple and quicker than having to draw up the reports and gather the information yourself.

As stated before, customer reporting will offer your company vital data to maintain loyal, return buyers and target your best new customers with deals and packages which have performed well for your company. Times change as well as expectations – customer reporting will keep you ahead of the trends in purchasing behaviors over time.

What do the best CRM systems for startups include?

If you’re brand new to the business world, well, firstly, WELCOME, and, secondly, you’re going to want a CRM tool which offers automated lead and client generation to essentially get your whole team on board with your ideal customer community. Important insights for inventory and employees will show you where you need to cut costs – maybe there’s a product you thought would be a big hit which doesn’t actually sell. Inventory reports from the best CRM systems of 2019 will help you efficiently stock products without collecting dust on wasted resources. Lastly, as newcomer to the small business world, having access to your essential work documents 24 hours a day is a lifesaver. You can still go home or get your haircut without dropping a single ball.

A CRM manager for business is an easy way to increase efficiency.

Try the best CRM system for small businesses in 2019 for a 30-day free trial with CRM Runner. You will have access to all the features discussed here and more to help streamline your day-to-day operations and start learning about what your customers really want from your industry. Learn more about the features and start a free trial with CRM Runner sign up here.


Field Service Management Software

5 Features Field Service Management Software Solutions Must Have

Businesses that operate with most employees and inventory out in the field have different needs when it comes to management software. Field service management software solutions have been hard to come by for a company who needs to track everything without access to it.

Field service businesses rely heavily on self reporting to track their employees. This is often where many excess costs and resources go.  When employees aren’t at the office or nearby any other employees, morale is more likely to slip and managers will never know.

Tracking parts of the business is the most effective way to manage it from a distance.  CRM systems designed as field service management software solutions are masters at tracking everything from employees to customer communications.

Field Service Management Software

Purpose of CRM for field staff

The purpose of a CRM for a business with field staff should be more than just tracking client communications and automating sales emails.  A CRM that was made to help a business with managing field staff and service calls needs to serve multiple purposes.

With an online CRM system field staff can access their schedules, updated client requests and communication from management at the click of a button.  Filling out reports at the end of a repair or installation is another one of the purposes a CRM for field staff serves.

An effective field service management software functions like a CRM.

Without the tracking features that are offered by the best CRM systems online, field service management software falls short of what the industry needs.  Managers of field staff have a long list of things to track. Worrying about progress on a project or the location of an employee takes up a large amount of time for managers that aren’t using a field service management software that acts like a CRM.

While each service based business is different, a company that is largely comprised of field based service needs to be able to track employees, customer interactions and invoicing all at once.  The best CRM systems of 2019 include features that are designed with field service and job sites in mind.

5 features a field service CRM should have

Field service CRM software should easily integrate into the daily routine of technicians and installers.  Often they are already too busy to fill out paperwork and remember to check in so the right CRM system keeps that in mind.  Making the focus of a field service CRM the employees who use it results in an increase in both profits and customer satisfaction.

1: Field service scheduling software that tracks employees, inventory and fleet.

When most of your team is driving to service calls and job sites making sure that everyone knows where they are going and what they are doing is a time consuming job.  Often it takes the help of all the of the office staff to keep up with who is supposed to be where.  A CRM with a field service scheduling software built in helps automate the communication and updates about scheduling and job expectations.  The best CRM systems have GPS and inventory tracking software built in as well.  This way everyone has access to who is where, in what fleet vehicle and what they have on board to complete a service call.  With this kind of tracking a quick glance and the push of the button takes the place of finding paperwork and making phone calls.

2: Mobile field service software must be accessible from anywhere

Without a CRM that has mobile field service software integrated, staff that works in the field will almost never be connected to the system at the office.  When the software that tracks work orders, progress, and customer requests is accessible from a mobile app, field staff have more knowledge and feel more confident doing their jobs.

Without mobile field service software, technicians and field staff are out of the loop and often that shows in the way they engage with customers.  Lack of communication isn’t a worry with a CRM system that tracks information and makes it accessible from any device that can get online.

3: Field service management software should track customer interactions

Customers are the bread and butter of the business.  Keeping their trust turns them into word of mouth referrals and long term buyers.  Service technicians that arrive late without notifying customers and field staff that seem to be unaware what the customer told the person on the phone are the most common reasons customers say they lose confidence in a company.

When the field service management software solves those problems automatically both technicians and managers see a decrease in time spent trying to figure out what they are doing and for which customer.  Tracking customer communication puts everyone in the business on the same page and that kind of awareness makes customers feel important and valued.

4: Field service reporting software should allow for customizable reports

When staff is out in the field knowing how they spent their day and what kind of quality they are producing is a challenge for managers.  A CRM with a customizable field service reporting software is essential to managing progress and quality with field staff.  Creating reports that update managers on what they need to know helps hold employees accountable.

Managers can keep track of which projects are on track and which staff members are achieving success.  With reports designed specifically for the managers eye, finding out what is going on with the business is barely more than a glance at the screen.  Accurate reporting from a field service reporting software helps managers make accurate decisions about staffing and deadlines.

5: Field service accounting software integration and easy to create cost estimates

A CRM system that allows field staff to accurately and quickly provide estimates help customers feel more at ease that your company will do the job right.  Invoicing and payments are a challenge without a field service accounting software that integrates with payment processors.  Collecting payments is easier for field staff it all happens in one place.

Businesses providing services in the field should consider an online CRM software that meets their needs.  Tracking employees, inventory, fleet and customer interaction are among some of the many features that CRM Runner has to offer for field based businesses.  To learn more about how the features of CRM Runner are a field service management software solution, click here to sign up for a free trial.

7 Ways an Online CRM for Small Businesses Help Manage Day to Day Operations

If you’re new to CRM, it may sound like just a fancy chat system to talk to your customers. While CRM might appear, on the surface, like a private social media platform for your business, what an easy to use customer relationship management system is designed to do is help the day-to-day operations move more efficiently in order to spend more time creating good relationships with your customers and less time lost in the piling minutiae of administrative or other time-sucking tasks.

Here are 7 ways an online CRM for small businesses help the make day-to-day work much easier.

#1: CRM systems for small businesses help organize everything into one easily accessible place.

If you have workers in the field who need to know where they’re supposed to be and when they’re supposed to be there, a CRM system is a one stop app which pulls up the necessary details instantly. For example, a CRM system will have a scheduler so there are no questions about where one is meant to work or report for the day and at what time. All the essential information is stored in the database, such as numbers and addresses, in order for the employee to avoid losing an address written on a sticky note and having to call the office to figure out the work site location.

#2: An online CRM system keeps employees and managers in-the-know of all customer interactions.

Managers and staff members can pull up the latest communication with a customer to know exactly where the company, as a whole, left off in a conversation about a service question or other concern. Rather than bounce the customer around to three different staff members to figure who said what last, essential personnel can save everyone time with finding all e-mails, texts, phone messages, call notes, etc. in one easy to use CRM app. This ability to speak as a company improves the customer’s trust in your business caring about his or her needs.

#3: Staying on top of inventory is made easier than ever with an online CRM system.

Inventory includes the products sold to customers as well as tools utilized for transportation and installation. A smart CRM system will track when company vehicles and equipment leave the warehouse and when they return. It’s much easier to see what the company’s best-selling products happen to be and which products are taking up valuable company space.

#4: Managing day to day operations with a CRM for field staff saves valuable time and resources.

Know where your employees are at the click of a button when using a GPS tracking system on an online CRM system. Not only does this feature make it easier to offer waiting customers a more accurate ETA, it reports directly to business management the whereabouts of each employee without having to shadow a technician to see how he or she manages time.

#5: CRMs for small businesses helps organize everything into automatic reports to save time where it most benefits the company.

Gone are the days of time-consuming data entry. With a smart CRM system, business managers are able to scan the work progress completed each day, sales made, etc. One also has the advantage of a time tracker app that demonstrates which employees are efficient with which tasks, how long different tasks took each employee to complete, and so on. This vital information makes it easier for business managers to know their top performers and who may require redistribution or dismissal.

#6: Managing the day to day operations of invoicing and receiving payments is automated for distribution and receipts anywhere you go.

Invoicing is much easier with a CRM system that comes with professional templates available within a CRM system. Payments can be received anywhere – online, on-the-go, wherever a staff member has access to the CRM app.

Removing barriers that keeps customers from paying on time, up front or at the job site is valuable for small businesses looking to decrease costs and increase profit.  Easy payment processing and invoice can make a big difference in the bottom line for a business.

#7: A CRM system for small businesses helps organize everything regarding leads for future business opportunities.

Rather than endure tedious meetings or search through tons of notes, a CRM system tracks all information, interaction, and potential of new leads. Nurture warm leads with precise timing to land more sales with an app which tracks everything you need to know about what matters most to this new customer and his or her willingness to buy.

See how CRM Runner will help increase the efficiencies of your small business’ day to day operations with a 30-day free trial.

CRM Runner offers communication functions between staff, management, and customers, permissions settings, inventory reports and tracking, GPS employee status monitoring, leads reports, scheduler, work progress reports and work orders, contractor information, QuickBooks integration, and much more in an all-inclusive app for mobile and/or desktop. These features all work together to make the daily grind less of a chore.

Sign up for the 30-day free trial here or call a sales representative to learn how CRM Runner can help your company grow using a CRM database management system at (877) 590-0040.

CRM System Helps Construction and Electrician Businesses

A CRM system works overtime to solve project management issues for construction and electrician crews in Miami

Project managers for construction and electrician businesses are faced with the unique and taxing responsibility of managing teams in the field. It is rarely convenient and never cost effective for a project manager to abandon administrative and business development tasks to shadow every job site and every employee. Communication is vital to maintaining quality control over the particular issues faced by the construction and electrician industry.

Construction and electrician crews need the right tools to properly represent the company and adequately serve the customers’ needs. A CRM system can go a long way to serving construction and electrician businesses in Miami to better serve the community and increase potential revenue.

CRM Runner Online System

A CRM system helps construction and electrician businesses in Miami address one of the top complications of the industry – changes in scope.

Customers are rarely equipped with the knowledge and experience of professional construction and electrician businesses.  This can lead them to make requests to change the scope of an established project at any stage of construction. While this is a consistent obstacle all construction and electrician companies face, what may set one company apart from the competition is the ability to effectively communicate with all parties involved.

CRM Runner features an all-inclusive communication system accessible on a handheld device or a desktop computer so project managers can reach out to their customers anywhere, any time. Effectively explain to customers what is involved with making the adjustments for which they are asking and keep the entire team in the loop with what the customer wants and what the company has agreed to change.

The CRM Runner online system for electricians and construction crews includes a GPS system and time tracking reports in order for project managers to have constant oversight of work progress.

Know where employees, equipment, inventory, and tools are at all times with the GPS feature of the CRM Runner system. This knowledge helps project managers maintain an accurate stock supply through the reports of what is used on what jobs. The CRM system for Miami managers offers visibility of when company property leaves and returns to headquarters or the company warehouse.

Determine top performers in various different types of jobs with the GPS and time tracking feature. CRM Runner maintains data on the time it takes each employee to complete an assignment. Provide accurate feedback to a waiting customer or project lead if an employee is running behind schedule for any reason or needs to be replaced with another employee.

An online CRM system for construction and electrician crews in Miami makes it easy to set expectations with crews whether on-the-go or in the office.

CRM Runner includes an easy scheduler to make it clear where you expect your teams to be and when. Project managers and employees have access to this information at all times through the CRM Runner phone app. When changes need to be implemented, your team is instantly alerted to the new expectations and can communicate their questions or concerns in real-time.

When juggling multiple projects at once, managing the details of each individual project is vital to providing better customer service and staying ahead of the competition. CRM Runner helps project managers keep all the relevant information of each individual project in designated files to keep accurate contact information, site data, team assignments, deadlines, material necessities, and incident reports in one place.

Improve customer service to overcome stakeholder indifference and retain loyal clientele for your construction or electrician business in Miami with a CRM system.

Stakeholder indifference can kill a major project and cause delays or rework. Rather than struggle to encourage participation, effortlessly scan the reports and details of every project to provide orderly and incentivized status updates to stakeholders. The time not wasted on the minutiae of making sure teams have contact information, site data, etc., frees up project managers to spend the time they need to form contingency plans and strategies to overcome this potential risk to work projects.

Rather than use up time needed to overcome the management aspect of customer expectations, equip construction and electrician crews with the most up-to-date information and expectations to avoid further delays. Spend management time on the items outside of the company’s control and improve customer relations while teams in the field continue to be productive.

To learn more about CRM Runner and how your business will grow through mangers spending more time on customer relations and less time on work site issues, sign up for a 30-day free trial here.

Online CRM System Can Help Your Business

5 Ways an Online CRM System Can Help Your Business Increase Profits

The market for services which require staff in the field is swelling in both demand and options for companies providing installation, delivery, repair, and other home and office services. To stay ahead of the competition, service-based businesses look for ways to increase efficiencies and improve customer service.

Keep your lead on competitors with an online CRM system in order to build better customer relationships, maintain a more sustainable inventory, boost staff productivity, provide optimum customer service, and retain a loyal customer base.

Online CRM System

#1: CRM Runner helps small businesses increase revenue through improved customer relationships.

An online CRM system will reduce the time it requires to develop a strong business relationship with your customers. CRM Runner maintains records of every significant detail regarding each individual customer.

At the tap of a button on a handheld device or a click on the desktop app, managers have at their disposal every item purchased and all communications from texts to e-mails through the CRM system. Whenever an individual client calls on the company for advice or follow-up service, an online CRM system eliminates the need to shuffle through paperwork, ask questions of service technicians who may be in the field working, and other hindrances to immediately responding to their inquiry. These relationships are the bread and butter of a small business wanting to expand. Improving communications frees up time to dedicate to business development and managerial efforts.

#2: The online CRM Runner system allows for small businesses to maintain a more sustainable inventory of equipment and supplies.

An online CRM system tracks your entire inventory from tools, equipment, products, and even service vehicles. This monitoring system gives managers oversight of demand on certain products in order to efficiently separate unnecessary or unwanted items from the products your customers need most. Managers are able to track how much product leaves the shelves and the durability of testing or repair equipment in order to maintain on-hand what is most likely needed to avoid a halt in operations.

This tracking system is likewise connected to employees who use company property. Managers are able to detect their most efficient and reliable employees through a click on the CRM Runner app. They can view how long each staff member takes to complete certain jobs, how much equipment or supplies are used for each job, etc. Identifying where you need to cut costs saves the company revenue to distribute to business development necessities.

#3: Boost your employees’ productivity with the best online CRM system technology to avoid archaic processes slowing down work progress.

Small businesses that are able to help their employees best represent the company through cutting the minutiae tasks preventing them from doing their work. The manual brainwork of seeking out customer contact information, reviewing each customer’s history, potentially speaking to customers to get caught up on what they need, etc.; these are all tasks which are automated with the use of a sophisticated online CRM system.

With an online CRM system, your field service representatives can spend their time cultivating lasting customer relationships with clients who will ask for them to return whenever they have an issue. Technicians are empowered to do the best job possible for more clients in a day with the right technology.

#4: An online CRM system improves customer service allowing for reasonable pricing to increase revenue.

Research conducted by Defaqto indicates over half of consumers are willing to pay more money for a quality experience. With all the efficiencies built into the use of the online CRM Runner system, you are able to demonstrate your superior care for your customers’ needs and provide them with personalized attention. This allows for more flexibility to increase your prices where it makes the most sense for your business to best serve your clientele.

#5: Improve your customer retention with the help of an online CRM system to avoid loss of valuable resources on scrambling to gain new customers.

It costs much more to gain new customers than it does to retain repeating customers. According to the Harvard Business Review, businesses can increase profits 25%-95% through a mere 5% reduction in customer loss. The happier you keep your current client base, the more free advertising you receive through word-of-mouth and social media.

CRM Runner provides a less annoying CRM system. CRM Runner also provides oversight on all your business interactions with customers revealing your at-risk customers and your satisfied clients.

This technology assists with addressing problems faster and nurturing the best leads. When you divide your time wisely with customers most likely to return, your company will receive the dividends of your use of an online CRM system for years.

3 Challenges Business Face When Managing Field Staff Without a CRM System.

Running a business is hard enough, but adding in the element of tracking field technicians often doubles the time it takes to manage day to day operations.

Field technicians are the most effective way to operate many service based businesses.  Electricians, construction crews and installation technicians are essential to providing excellent customer service.  However, when business is spread out across town or across the country, maintaining the most efficient processes presents a different set of challenges.

Business owners who now utilize CRM Runner, an online CRM, to manage their field staff listed many challenges they faced prior to using the system.  Across the board, each business owner listed 3 main road blocks to having their business run smoothly and efficiently.

Business Challenges Managing Staff


3 challenges most business owners face when managing field staff are resolved by using the best CRM

Business owners are looking to eliminate the extra work while maintaining everything they need to run their business all in one place.  Most often they state their time is spent tracking down the missing parts to the business and having all of the business tracked in one place would cut the time they spent chasing paper to nearly half.

Tracking inventory held by field technicians is a major concern for business owners.

Field technicians need basic parts to complete their job.  Since they are on the go, often these parts get pulled off the warehouse shelf and put into the back of the company truck without documentation.  To avoid extra trips back to the supply house, they may also take more than what the job requires.  This means company time is often spent tracking down a missing part or a purchased item that was never used.

CRM Runner’s field management software tracks inventory effortlessly.  Inventory can be tracked across several locations; including warehouse management and trucks driven by field staff.  This online CRM shows exactly where inventory is – even if it’s on the jobsite.  With real time reporting, managers and business owners can see where progress is made or halted with a quick glance.

Managing deadlines and progress at a job site with field staff presents a big challenge for businesses.

With job sites in multiple areas of town and staff spread thin to keep costs down, businesses can’t afford to not keep all of the projects moving forward.  Most owners report being unable to know exactly what was completed and when the crew left without visiting for themselves.  Making personal visits to each job site to ensure they stay on track is not only costly, but also isn’t a scalable model.

CRM Runner allows for up-to-date reporting on job sites with custom designed templates.  Using GPS tracking ensures you know where your technicians are while real time reporting keeps progress moving forward.  With end of day reporting, technicians can upload photos allowing managers and owners to have eyes on the project without actually driving to it. Time tracking included with the reports eliminates the worry of when the crew was onsite and when they left.

Controlling field staff communications with clients has led to problems for business owners.

Clients main complaint is often that they feel like they aren’t communicated with appropriately.  This is often the case because field staff are there in person with the customer and may get questions they don’t know the answers to about the project.  Field staff also are presented with changes the client requested prior to being notified by the office.  Clients are likely to have a better experience if they feel like they are informed, which is often not possible without costly software or additional dispatching and paperwork.

With CRM Runner’s software, communication is built in. Keeping all communication in one place allows the technician to receive real time updates to requests from the home office and the client.  Technicians and other staff can let the client know where they are, when they will be there and how the project is progressing all at the touch of a button.   Using CRM Runner makes communication with field staff and clients seamless.

Manage your business in a better way with an online CRM field management software.

Business owners face enough challenges finding reliable employees and bringing in clients.  When time is spent chasing down paperwork, checking on jobsites and managing inventory with a hands on approach there is not a lot of room left to manage day to day operations.  CRM Runner saves business owners time and money while also effectively managing processes and field staff.

Learn more about CRM Runner and how it can change the way your business operates with a 30 day free trial.  Sign up here.


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